Please rank the 6 seasons of L O S T

Please rank the 6 seasons of L O S T

1 > 3 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 6



There should be no other answers


2 is monumentally fucking boring. Never understand the praise it gets. The hatch episodes are amazing but the tail section/michael plotline is utter trash

1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 6 > 3

Season 5 the season of faraday > all
worse season 6 only ´coz of that horrible finale

Does anyone have those line charts for the seasons of different shows?

2>1>5>3>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>i just finnished watching the whole series again and Season 4 stands out as being weak. The Constant is the best episode in the whole show though and thats S4

No one with any sense will place the final season anywhere other than in last place though. There is so much wrong with it that it detracts from the whole show by its very presense.


1 was probably the greatest season of any show in history

5 was an abomination. it was like post golden age simpsons compared to season 6 simpsons

>there are people on this board who don't put the time jumping garbage filler season last


>4 that high


Watched through the show SEVERAL times:

1 > 3 > 2 >>> 5 > 4 > 6

Honestly, the first three seasons work so well with one another. Two definitely has it's down episodes, but works great in conjunction with the other two seasons.

The last half of the show is a mix of some great hits, wide misses, and a lot of average episodes. None of the seasons are "terrible", but 6 just had a few episodes that really messed with the mythology. The finale was fine.

great tier: 1, 2
good tier: 3, 4
shit tier: 5, 6


5 was the worst. In hindsight 3 was kinda boring, especially the Ben having a tumour subplot that kinda led nowhere

Which season had the episode with Desmond meeting Faraday? I want to say it's season 5 and that alone would make s5 worthwhile.

5 was pure garbage dude. The timeskipping was the worst thing they ever did with the show, it told me they had absolutely no idea or direction for it and were making it up as they went along

I liked that episode though. I feel like lost is better categorized by it's characters than its seasons. Desmond episodes were 100% golden. Kate episodes were torturous to finish.

Which is the one where we figure out that the pregnant girl was actually a criminal drug addict or something? Whichever one that was was the worst by far.

switch 3 and 4, but yep

4 8 15 16 23 42 obviously