Joe Rogan Experience #1000

Joe Rogan Experience #1000

Joe Rogan Experience took a nosedive after Redban was kicked off. He was good at shutting Joe up when Joe would start getting too pretentious.

faggot mod. Did your bbc not come over last night?

blazing is so overrated

them watching shit we can't see is really great content

>Joe would start getting too pretentious.

Really?? Joe would get pretentious????? almost unbelievable.....

>blazing is so overrated

WTF?HUH?? SOOOO many ppl do it.....

i do drugs you know the weed

3 hours

Somebody post Joe Rogans disgusting eggs

agree, miss that horrible manchild.

but joe rogan

fuck this this suck. just shit we cant see

pretty much. some of the comfiest podcasts are with just joe and redban kicking the shit

is it true Diaz killed a guy ?



my sisters dark skin

What did you just say you silly bitch? You know people can get addicted to cheeseburgers?

>joey diaz and tom segura

what a waste


should've had jordan peterson + the flood geologist + bill burr instead of his dumb druggie friends

acid is the real deal weed is for fags

>druggie friends
Segura isn't a druggie. But, he does have an odd fascination with poop and farts.

recommend me another episode to watch after this one?

that would just be an awkward podcast. none of those guests have any reason to be in the same room at once.

>geologist explains the science
>jordan explains the mystic
>rogan has his mind blown
>burr gets a fuckton of new material hearing these crazy wackos

>Hancock and Carlson got btfod by based Shermer
no one wants to hear from those two hacks again

any with duncan trussell and redban together

the glasses were a fashion statement weren't they anons

>Joe would start getting too pretentious.

Really?? Joe would get pretentious????? almost unbelievable..... Like you're a liar.....

I invented a joke.
Joe Rogan? More like Joe Nigger.

I gotta be honest. Nigger and faggot make me chuckle most of the time. You made me chuckle.

That's not what I saw

Hancock got too mad, but he still won

>Joe Rogan's fans are underage queers who giggle at basic elementary slurs
Checks out

>Redban was kicked off

Wait what? I haven't kept up with this shit in like half a year.

>nigger and faggot aren't acceptable!
>QUEER however...
Get a grip you stupid faggot. They're even more funny now that people pretend they're more offensive than ever.

>half a year

redban's been gone way longer than that

Who the fuck is Joey Diaz and why is he always on JRE?