Prequels have better technology

>prequels have better technology

>actors have visibly aged and look much older despite it being a prequel

there has never been a good prequel. this is fact,

Name me one movies that does this

star wars

>prequel is set chronologically later than original


>prequels are thematically different and introduce plot holes

Godfather Pt II, kinda


Bravo, George.

>too many sequels

To be fair, technology is hardly consistent in the space realm.

>they actually tried to pass these off as teenagers

>reboot with the original characters gender-swapped

Compare the 50s to today and tell me the 50s didn't have better aesthetics.

star wars

wtf the whole room is cgi?

The fuck

With Star Wars it always seemed like they were at a technological plateau, so my headcanon is that the quality of technology is just based on what you're willing to spend.

Deus Ex

The Hobbit

>fantasy world where military technology hasn't improved in literally hundreds of years


I know Captain America: The First Avneger isn't a prequel but it takes place like 60 years before the other films and they have space age technology (a fucking flying car, a one-man submarine thing, a super fast long hitler car, superhuman maker, laser weapons, etc..)

>prequels don't show Fassbender's dick

this tbqh

prequels are literally the jews of movies

example of this?

The Good the Bad and the Ugly, bro
>starts the movie as a much more nihilistic, amoral character
>learns to value human life over the course of the plot, becoming the hero of the previous two movies by the end
>finds the poncho/other gear too