How do you pronounce this?

How do you pronounce this?
Is it Advert? Because I've listened to American pronounce Herb as Erb

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Harvard University is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out of 6,694 undergrads)


Har verd

Jews are more intelligent than wh*Tes

Which is why we need affirmative action too.

You do get affirmative action. Top universities actively discriminate against jews and asians, if they didn't like 90%of Ivy League students would be named Goldberg or Wong.

>point to high jewish enrollment
>"jews are smart!"

>point to high white enrollment
>"this is an obvious example of discrimination against minorities"

vocaroo please.
does the first R emphasized or silenced? and does the other R emphasized or ignored?
What about the second A? Is it Ue, Ayy or Aah?


>point to disproportionate amount of jews in business
>muh Jewish conspiracy

>point to disproportionate amount of whites in business
>we deserve it

>point to whites outperforming blacks
>"see this is a clear statistic example of why whites are the superior race"
>point to jews and asians outperforming whites
>"fucking chinks and kikes get out of our schools"

*How about

No they dont because Jews are considered white even though theyre superior so they take all our spots. They should only have 2% of admissions.

>white representation is maybe 1.25x what it should be
>jews are overrepresented in leading finance, political, cultural and media roles 10 times over. For certain elite wealth circles (ex. hedge funds, political finance/treasury roles, hollywood), Jews are more common than non-jewish whites

I'm even dating a Jewish girl who got into a bulge bracket bank for no explicable reason apart from the fact that her father knew a guy who recently retired from that firm - they both became observant jews later on in their lives.

It's pronounced as ha-ba-do. Not har-vard. U better get it straight


You're conflating my position (ie. no hypocrisy - either decide to recruit based on merit, or recruit proportionately based on population) with a strawmanned equally hypocritical position. I don't hold that view.

I've complain about fuerdai/international students (and boy do they ever deserve it), but not domestic asian applicants.

ill be honest lad i don't really give a shit what you think about anything I was just taking the opportunity to make a dig at any Sup Forums crossboarders who may be in the thread

The Ivy League has enough power to render my country functionally undemocratic. It's hard to gove a damn about demographics when all of its alumni and students are evil. These people should be taxed into poverty and barred from holding office.

A lot of words there to admit that you're just shitposting

They're not. Maybe that's how it works in Canada, but in the US they're considered their own group for admissions purposes. And just like with asians it actually counts against them. Regular whites should stop complaining, it could be a lot worse.

Thank you!

But many great entrepreneurs that benefit the US greatly went to ivy league schools.Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jawed Karim, Jeff Bezos, Son Masayoshi, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Jeff Bezos etc

They're leaches as is the political class train ed by these institutions. Also, the Google guys went to Stanford. While they deserve the same treatment, they're not Ivy grads.

Im sorry I thought Stanford was an ivy league school.

It's mlsre prestigious than most of them, but the Ivy League is a northeast thing.