If you're "anti-drug", you're anti-civilization...

If you're "anti-drug", you're anti-civilization. Every single drug that's abused is a medicine that can be used by doctors and researchers. Everything that's considered a "drug" needs to be regulated. The only reason they're kept illegal, is because certain interested parties (big pharma, prisons, police unions, etc. etc.) profit from them being illegal.

If you're "anti-drug", you're nothing but an indoctrinated little sheep, a literal victim of people who don't want you to know any better. Good job you mindless drone.

You are an idiot. I don't use a single thing in that picture.

>tfw you don't take any of the pictured
I am superior to you. Bow down, you sub-human scum.

>cigaretes caffine and alcohol
>on the same level as substances so addictive you'll suck cock to get more to keep your body from shutting down

But you're a European so you're a massive cuck


I drink coffee and beer. Sure, I'll live 5-10 years less than you, but while I'm spending the prime of my life having fun, you'll live to 95 in an elderly home.

I'm sure you'll say it was worth it.

>implying coffee is bad for you

It's not.

>coffee and beer
>the liquid jew

Oh boy


With you for the most part. You should make a distinction between recreational drugs and medicine tho, they are different beasts altogether. Both need some regulation

dealers and pushers should be gassed

>I drink coffee and beer. I'm spending the prime of my life having fun

jesus christ, you have to drink coffee and beer to be able to have fun? Denmark must suck balls


You don't need any of this stuff to have fun, only stuck up faggots need booze to loosen up.

The only reason you have to suck cock is because they're illegal. Most illegal drugs would be cheaper per hit than the average drink at starbucks if private industry were allowed to make/distro them.

Alcohol has been the friend of civilization for thousands of years

do you really want a crack cocaine lobby you fucking retard

Ibuprofen is not a drug, so your point is invalid because you are a retard to upload that pic.

Just tryna feed muh keeids. How else I'm supposed to get paid? Welfare ain't coverin these jordans and chains

Why would there be a lobby if it was completely unregulated?

I only drink coffee once a day in the morning from that pic, and im not even addicted to caffeine, I feel fine without it, I sometimes miss weeks without it and feel no difference

drug addicts and alcoholics are at the bottom of civilization right next to prostitutes and thugs
if you, as a man, are dependant from a substance for your normal functioning then you are weak

Ibuprofen is a drug

Actually they would cost about the same because MUH HEALTH TAXES

You're retarded. I don't drink coffee, or alcohol, have cut out sugar from my diet, don't do drugs or smoke, and spend my days meditating on metaphysics. Check these digits.



B-but he was obviously refering to the mind altering ones :3


The earliest archaeological evidence of wine production yet found has been at sites in Georgia (c.6000 BC)

legal drugs would never be unregulated, that shit would be a huge cash cow and the government would step in to get their hands in on it

Everyone would have an incentive to keep a chunk of the population iced out on soma while they rake in cash

and lets not forget monsanto recently made their own strain of pot, so you wouldn't even get "muh home grown" drugs

but you're a libertarian so you don't care about the well being of others, your response to societal decay is "its fine as long as it doesn't require any of my money"

good thing you and all your ilk are worthless cucks that will be exterminated by a jackboot

Well in my libertarian fantasy, there would be no tax on it either.

Typical Drumpf supporter. Guess what, ARYANS are so genetically fit, they don't NEED drugs to live.

That's why I'm voting for Hillary in November, her friends that donated to her foundation made sure the prices of life-saving epipens were high enough that poor shitskins couldn't buy them. Now that's an epic win for whites!

It is. So is literally everything we eat, drink, breathe, and touch. OP is just an idiot who doesn't know that when people talk about how they don't do drugs or don't want drugs to be legal, they are referring to the already-illegal ones and other similar ones.


I wonder who's behind this post.

>these soft drugs are legal
>some harder drugs are legal with prescriptions from health care professionals

Stop being a degenerate.

Valium is used to treat severe seizures that could be fatal. And used in the treatment of Sarin Gas victims


>prescriptions from health care professionals

You mean accredited drug dealers ? You know that anyone can get a prescription for shit like ritalin, valium or prozac right ?

>if you don't do drugs you are anti-civilization

Valium is mostly given by psychiatrists to treat your sad life.

Yea thats true, but its still essential medicine for types of seizures and poisons

>Be me, smoke weed, not cigarettes, don't drink, currently going to college, eat healthy, work out, etc.

>Mother can only drink coke or sprite never water, is prescribed 6 xanax a fucking day, morphine, antidepressants, etc. smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, buys a fucking half-galleon of ice cream every other fucking day despite diabetes.

But yet i'm the law breaking, addicted sheeple, degenerate junkie drug addict. Can't make this shit up.

that's not true at all. in vegas, people suck dick to feed their gambling addict.

drunks will too.

> Strawman the illegal drugs discussion

> Compare it to medicine and cafeine

dude totally the same as caffine lmao

Most drugs don't make you suck dick. Being a fag makes you suck dick.

i don't really want to weigh in on whether or not heroin/crack/meth should be legal b/c it's a complicated issue

but psychedelics such as LSD and psylocibin mushrooms should be legal. they're fun and pretty harmless (inb4 your cousin's friend's older brother jumped out a window on acid)

We all consume citric acid just fine so why is the government putting warning labels on hydrochloric acid? Wake up sheeple

i eat prozac, i can't feel diddely dick. Nothing like alcohol.