Who was your favourite Pope?

who was your favourite Pope?

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whoever the last one is going to be

I unironically think Francis is a pretty good Pope

niggerlover kike double agent

Francis is a cuck and the Satan himself

Catholics are heretics and p*pe shouldn't exist

He is the representative of God on earth and holds the key to the holy see.
Show some respect, filthy heretic

Is that even a question?

>be Lutheran
>not worship Perkele


Probably a dumbass PiSS voter

but this is the new testament morality, turn the other cheek, don't give a fuck about your life on earth and be forgiving

Perkele is the devil

That's what the Judeo-Christans say.

No that's what Finnish Pagans said before Christians invaded, Ukko Ylijumala is the God in FInnish paganism

Perkele became bad after Christianity.

whatever, c*tholics are the only pagans that exist these days

No its not, perkele known as pekunas is sky god, as all father in baltic ancient mythology. Devil is judeochristian term.

Uhm, you mean anti-pope, sweetie, the last legitimate pope was Gregory XVII (formerely Cardinal Siri)

sorry, my mom doesn't allow me to talk with heretics

t.Leftist cuck soyboy

>follows an openly heretic (Modernist) antipope
>calls other heretics

I would like to burn you on the stake, but it is up to God to punish the wicked
Instead, I will pray for your souls

Do you actually believe this? Im not an atheist btw.

That is catholic dogma, my friend
Everybody who calls himself catholic believes that

It's a tie between Pius V, John Paul II and Leo XIII.

He would represent a corrupt God

>Pope acts saintly and shows humility
>Somehow this is worse than emperor-popes with harems and children who assassinate people and call for wars

Not a christ-fag but fuck's sake.

sucking nigger dick =/= humility and sainthood

>being a racist
you are not a christian.

The one who raped the most kids.

Listen Mohammed if the pope wants to take some rapefugees into his country and have half of nuns murders and raped then that is fine with me.
But does he? No of course he doesn't because the church is do what I say and not do what I do.
The pope has pretty much infinite wealth he could buy some land in Italy and house some of them.

But no, instead he sits on his throne in his city, surrounded by wealth worth billions and tweets that other European countries are bad Christians for not taking in a foreign violet horde when he does not take a single one.

I like Pope Francis but fuck that shit.

>But does he?
he does

>The pope has pretty much infinite wealth he could buy some land in Italy and house some of them.
This isn't true. The Church is not that rich.
My favourite Pope is Leo the Great.

no sweetie
you are catholic and you must follow the new pope whether you like it or not
if just there was another branch of Christianity where you wouldn't have to deal with something like this...

nice banter
too bad you will have to burn in hell for all eternity though

>who was your favourite Pope?
Johannes Paulus Magnus
second best is Johannes XXIII

>p*pists ITT

Actually, we should not follow the Pope or any clergyman if he teaches heresy. Catholicism is not just "follow the Pope", but rather follow the Tradition, Magisterium and Scriptures.

beat me to it

> pr*Testants

>Catholicism is not just "follow the Pope", but rather follow the Tradition, Magisterium and Scriptures.
and who is to decide that?

1. Gregorius Magnus
2. Innocent III
3. Gregory VII

The Church, what she always have teached. Of course, if something is really gray, we should expect for another Pope or Council to fix this, but if a Pope starts saying, for example, that Jesus was not God, then we shouldn't follow him.

don't you have some being poor to go be?

Most of the greatest Popes were modernists
St. Gregory, Alexander III, Innocent III, Leo XIII, John XXIII

> another branch of Christianity
no such thing, Catholic Christianity only Christianity

They didn't contradict their predecessors tho. I'm not saying Francis is doing this, but if he maintains the interpretation of the German Bishops about Amoris Laetitia, another Pope eventually will correct him.

>The Church, what she always have teached.
>what she always have teached.
no wonder there are no good catholic countries, you are all brainwashed

Must be nice to live in your own meme world

>goes to a country where christians are cleansed
>does not help christians
>brings back muslims instead
>people pretend he is a good sheperd who protects his floc from ebul wolf

we have a saying in germany that you should tidy up your own yard before cleaning others shit up

actually the good parts of germany are catholic only the shitholes are lutherian

Liechtenstein alone is better than your country. But isn't about being brainwashed, the thing is, Truth doesn't change because we don't like it. The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of the Truth, so she cannot contradict herself.

>They didn't contradict their predecessors tho
Are you taking the piss? Innocent competely revolutionized the Church, he turned it into an absolute monarchy and declared the Pope as Vicarius Christi

No, Innocent's teachings came from Leo the Great.


>The Church is the Pillar and Foundation of the Truth, so she cannot contradict herself.
case in point

Wasn´t Jesus supposed to be the SON of God, not THE God.
But I´m non-religious from a protestant country, so fuck if I know or care, really.

No, Innocent was an opportunistic political genius that did everything he could to expand the power of the Pope, wether it contradicted his predecessors, or it contradicted his own previous words and decisions it didnt matter

actually there are more catholics than lutherians at hte moment.
also the norht aka the money sink is mainly protestant whereas the south aka dem money givers are catholics

I am now embarassed that Poland is catholic country. Why did Benedict had to abdicate?! He was cool, unlike that pussy now.


> Arguing using HDI data that has a very obscure methodology
No, thank you, I stand with my point. Liechenstein is better than your country. And all this countries isn't even Christians, most of them are atheist anyway.
Jesus is the Word, and the Word is God. he is literally God.

There will be a better and more orthodox Pope in the future. We had worse Popes anyway.

If he didn't contradict his predecessors, he wasn't heretic.

i thought sudacas loved Francis because he is from south america or smth.

>get angry at protestants for not following the pope
>he thinks he is to decide whether the pope is better or worse
catholics, not even once

Not all of us, only the Catholics in Name Only love him (it's the majority, I must say). The more orthodox Catholics don't really like him, although they generally respect him as the Successor of Peter. But if he says something stupid (which happens from time to time), they get mad.

Objectively the most powerful Pope and one of the most powerful men ever, almost every single monarch of Europe bowed to him as their feudal overlord
That's Innocent the Great

Ok, now you lost me.
Jesus was the word and not a dude whose dad was the God??? but the word is god, so Jesus is his own dad?

>being proud of being Bavarian
speak for yourself peasant

It is about following the Tradition of the Church and her Doctrine, something that pr*testants do not know what it means, because they change all the time according to the taste of the "interpreter" of the Bible.

He did, plenty of times

That's the Trinity, friendo. Study the Creed: youtube.com/watch?v=yDortyyp228
I'm not arguing if he was or wasn't powerfull in a political way, I'm just saying if he didn't contradict his predecessors, he wasn't a heretic.

No, he didn't.

By calling himself as "more than human" not only he contradicted every single Pope before him but also the Church's own beliefs

The Baptist has arrived.

>calling a Franconian Bavarian
>beeing proud to be prussian

how is BER doing? or Hamburg financially?
basically the big northern cities are at best Dneprpetrovsk tier

Could you please direct me to the Papal Bull where he writes to be literally "more than a human"?

This is the leader of the Mary worshipers...

Read this

That's not the Papal Bull.

u srs?

I found it. Turns out it wasn't a Bull, but a sermon. First, sermons are not "binding". Second, I am reading here, and this expression, as far as I can see, means that the Pope, as the head of the Church, holds the Spiritual Power (that old separation of The Two Swords Theory of the Middle Ages). This is not heresy.

Search for it youself, he called himself Vicarius Christi on every occasion he could

Those are just the political implications, the heretic thing is that he turned the Pope into Christ's vicar, which it's something that was unthinkable for previous Popes

Based Pole

feels like shit lad, just want him back


Catholics are fucking weirdos

Aside from the fact that he would be more at home in a Reformed church and that some of his statements might be outright heresy

Not necessarily. To Peter Jesus handed over the keys. The Keys means Authority. If the expression "Vicar of Christ" was not used before, it does not mean that the idea did not exist, especially after Leo the Great.

No Pope ever dared to use it because they knew that placing themselves on a level above humans and saying that their words were Christ's own words is the biggest pride sin you can commit and one of the biggest heresy you can spout

That's your interpretation.

>being proud of being Franconian
top kek. this is getting better and better

No, that's literally what it implies and the reason he used it

The Church didn't declare him a heretic. I think you are presuming too much.

he is literally a fucking jesuit

Of course, they didn't want to become the Empire's bitch again. Innocent's ideas were controversial to say the least but damn if they were effective
Too bad it all went down the shitter when poor Boniface went and pissed off Philip le Bel

Boniface did nothing wrong. And not everything is politics. Innocent III wasn't a heretic. He was a sinner, of course, but to say that the Papacy of Rome, as head of the Church, holds the Spiritual Power, is not heresy. The Church is protected by Jesus Himself. Neither the Church, nor the Pope, in declaring theology ex cathedra Petri, can err.

Yes, that is very much a part of Catholic dogma. St patrick uses the analogy of a leaf: Jesus, Holy Spirit and God are all different leaflets that all radiate from a single stalk.

Pius the 12th