Average french family

Average french family.

It's from a french ad

>average french family
>no mixed kids with nigger father and white mother
nice try Jamal

dad looks as canadian pm

Kid boy is mixed, mother cheated her husband with her lover. He does not have blue eyes while his parents have blue eyes.

average mom and son from american reality

Nice loli.

Where is the son ?

behind her

>all white
Doubt it


>mom has blue eyes
>dad has blue eyes
>son has brown eyes

Can't have brown eyes if both parents are blue eyes. The opposite is possible though.

It's common to cheat in France, that's why paternity tests are banned, for the well being of the children

That's how genes work, brainlet. They are recessive and can appear sporadically.

It's time to make room for the new french.

Paternity tests aren't banned, it's a 4ch meme.

Shut the fuck up

Too white to be french

If the bongs hadn't fought against their German brothers this would never have happened. It's just sad. The Germans were right in targeting the jews. What vile creatures the jews are.

Jews are the final boss in this world for humanity.

are there no natives with brown eyes in france?


I mean mom fucked with a white guy with brown eyes. It's mixed.

Two people with blue eyes cant have children with non-blue eyes because of genetics