My daughter killed herself because instead of spending time with her I spent my time making superhero movies that...

My daughter killed herself because instead of spending time with her I spent my time making superhero movies that everyone hated. Should I end it all, movie friends?

His daughter killed herself because you showed her a rough cut of Justice League. You aren't fooling anyone, Zack.

Guys I promise this one won't be so bad. Joss told me this one will redeem my career.

Watchmen redeemed your career but now youre fucking it up again

>Watchmen redeemed your career

But it was the first one that wasn't well liked and it's been all downhill ever since

Do you think I should make a prequel to it starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan? I'll ask the guys at Warner.

>Being this malicious and vile
You have earned one ticket to hell. Enjoy the ride.

I'm not encouraging anyone to commit suicide, but if zack snyder happens to end up dead tomorrow i will donate 100 dollars to his favorite charity. I presume its some lbgtq bullshit.

Her daughter killed herself because she was a MCUck though. Not the first case, I'm sure

And you just earned one ticket back to reddît, you fucking pussy

>losing a child is fun, let's make an edgy thread for my Sup Forums friends
Keep that shit for other boards.

When did Sup Forums become so sensitive?

None of this is funny you fucking nigger
Are you mad because some DCfriends made threads that hurt your feelings?

Kek I feel bad for laughing

I can't wait till summer is over & all underage faggots crawl back to their caves.

It's their god Snyder so they can't joke about anything related to him

>Should I end it all, movie friends?
Why? You comic universe is crushing marlel despite the smear campaign, keep doing your thing Zack. Sorry about your daughter

His daughter was cute and sweet and could have been my gf if we had gotten the chance to know each other and you guys are monsters for mocking her death.

Losing a daughter is my #1 nightmare. Anyone that disagrees doesn't have a daughter. Your opinions on the subject don't matter and your jokes aren't funny. If you're celebrating someone's little girl's death because he made a movie you don't like, go to your doctor right now and ask for voluntary commitment to the nearest closed asylum so you can be fixed.

Patton Oswalt wasn't funny
Sammy/Matthew McConnaughey wasn't funny, and this isn't funny either.
You should place a gun in your mouth and blow your brains out, everyone will be laughing by then.

Top fucking kek. Fucking neckbeards

>goes around telling people to kill themselves
>joking about someone who is already dead is somehow edgier

>MCUcks are so triggered about a Gal Gadot movie BTFOing Marvel's BvS than resort to 2007 Sup Forums edge
Will oscarlets ever learn, Sup Forums?

Because you aren't dead yet. Stop samefagging you pussy bitch

Deborah Snyder, a Warner Brothers producer, keeps giving her husband work at the same studio despite constant poor reviews. People at WB were tired of Snyder's blunders and BvS was the last straw, but they couldn't fire him, so they sent an assassin to whack one of his kids to send him the message of "fuck off stop ruining our franchise". Little they knew they killed the least favorite, adopted daughter. Now that Snyder pretended to finish grieving, he is back on the director's chair.

>kids stop using their cellphones when summer is over
are you dumb?

t. r*ddit

I'd wanna die anyway if my father browsed Sup Forums

He had a daughter and she really killed herself?

haha this is my favorite image

word, i know it's just 13 year old le edgy 4channers, but losing a child is basically the worst thing that can happen

Her death is the whole reason Whedon is directing Justice League now. Zack stepped down to be with his family.

surely hook nosed kikes had nothing to do with her death

Hang in there Zack. We'll have your back.

Yes, yes-- what a terrible thing, a father's daughter... oh my... I must say, what an appalling thought! Fortunately it did not happen to me and fortunately I am not a superstitious faggot and fortunately I do not pretend compassion for people I don't know. Do you cry for the Africans too, faggots? Therefore this girl's suicide is nothing but a source of amusement. I hope you have a daughter and she slits her wrists with the edges on my post. Kys, fags.

Return to funnyjunk

Nice, kid. Just for that I am drawing a pentagram, lighting a candle vigil and cursing your daughter to an early death. There's only 80% effectiveness but with any luck it should hit the mark. Enjoy staring down at her pallid, dead face knowing it's your fault she's dead because you wanted to act cool on the Internet.

Those korean plastic surgeons did some good work on his wife.

Hapas, not even once.

no way Snyder wanted out of Justice League or if his hand was forced that he wanted luberal Whedon at the helm

lmao fpbp

Zach is back in control


If they used it after summer, they wouldn't be here because of all their summer courses. That one kinda flew over you, didn't it?

why does he have an azn daughter, his wife is a """white""" jew

based CUNT

lel indians on damage control



No, Zack. You've continually turned out the best superhero and comic book films known to the genre.