So I went back to my old highschool for a band concert of my brother's

So I went back to my old highschool for a band concert of my brother's

And lately they'd had an "international day" where they learn about lots of other countries and cultures and such, as well as decorate the school along that theme

I happened upon this flag ribbon decoration and I realized that this has basically every culturally significant country, according to America

For example, a American may know OF a country like say, Slovakia, and may even be able to point out out on a map, but they will likely have no idea what (if anything) HAPPENS in Slovakia

I thought I'd just share this to give a broader outlook on what Americans think about, to the world

All "culturally relevant" lands report in

Apologies for phoneposting

Chili yes!
We are finally relevant!

hockey fans may have heard about it thanks to Chara
>and may even be able to point out out on a map
doubt that (and nothing embarrassing about that)

What the FUCK america?

they just flipped the french flag sideways so it kinda looks like yours lmao

I'm disappointed to say the least.

Sorry guys

Although I think I saw a Belgian flag in there somewhere and if there's one thing I'm 100% certain of, it's that no one knows who fucking Belgium is and not the Netherlands (some likely think the Belgese are part of NL I'm sure)

Its all Benelux to us


Isn't Benelux their capital?

Yes. Yes it is.

See, it's been a while but I still remember something!


When I was staying in a hostel in Paris I chatted with a girl from Boston who thought that our capital was Rio De Janeiro and our anthem was "Don't cry for me Argentina"

If you can find Denmark on a map, I'd be surprised

>we're culturally relevant to the US


I'm so sorry you had to meet those "irish" people


To be fair most people from any country would only know of countries mentioned in news and media or their ancestry plus a scattering of others
I only have detailed knowledge because I looked at world maps and read wikipedia autistically and came here. I'm sure most here are similar.

Once I was with a group of university students doing a challenge to fill in countries on a map, doing central America and the Caribbean. Someone called out "Portugal!". Someone else goes "nah, that's in South America", to everyone else's agreement

>3 danish flags
>significant countries
