Literally the perfect human habitat. If we could only get rid of the bumfuck coal miners and rednecks...

Literally the perfect human habitat. If we could only get rid of the bumfuck coal miners and rednecks, life would be ideal.

desu the lower peninsula is a shit

Why are Wisconsinites culturally conservative yet politically liberal?

They're not? They're basically a red state at this point.

agreed. but the gta needs a bit of a taliban purge

>red state
>dem senators

Red state congress, voted red for the last presidential. Michigan's the same.

How did the Midwest go from this...

To this?


the great lakes region is great, but mostly due to reasons that aren't tied specifically to the geography/habitat, and more to socioeconomic conditions

they're not a red state because of one presidential election, especially not when they voted the other way for the previous 30 years


Fuck you. I'm starting to get why all the Yoopers are butthurt about tourists. Can't wait to escape the shithole that is metro-detroit. Let the niggers pay the taxes the Dems want to levy to fund the "comeback". Don't mind the fucked schools, public services or shit tier public transportation and jacked car insurance.

Been to the eastern end of lake Ontario. Beautiful place with lighthouses and beautiful rock formations in the northeast, a /comfy/ city in the southeast, and a very long beach with beautiful sand dunes on the east.

The power of reality TV.

>coal miners in the great lakes
clearly you know something i dont

The Democratic party abandoned labor in the 1970s and moved to the right economically while moving to the left culturally to win over affluent coastal liberal professionals, alienating voters like the ones describes.


>le great lakes are great meme
literally can't see my fucking car because it is completely shrouded in a foot of snow

snow projected for all next week too

Wisconsin historically had relatively socialistic leanings (cf. Robert LaFolette) but

I wouldn’t exactly say working class voters are socially conservative, more so then they just don’t care about identity politics.

The present Democrat party has rejected working class voters altogether, they don't know you and they don't want to know you.

remove metro

>a foot of snow
how tiny is ur car

I'm in ann arbor and I hear more Arabic than English

>literally can't see my fucking car because it is completely shrouded in a foot of snow


>complaining about a foot of snow in the first place
just get out the snowblower ffs, no need to make a big deal out of it

>americans still mine coal because they are backward subhumans who can't have power without their disgusting nuclear power plants
How does it feel to be Eastern Bloc tier?

Its almost as if there are different groups of people everywhere......

Construction of new nuclear reactors was banned by Jimmy Carter because of one silly leak from one plant that resulted in no fatalities.

I agree
the lakelands and entire St Lawrence valley is perfect for European man
like Eden
if only we could clean away Detroit, Toronto, and Chicago

>nuclear power
Dumb ass.

>sexpat in Vietnam
Your opinion doesn't matter.

Detroit I think is on the rise, but there really needs to be a major state project to clean away all the old growth and cut the city down to a more manageable size

r u going to make a hapa
