So why was Mr. Burns a SS officer? I just don't get it

So why was Mr. Burns a SS officer? I just don't get it.

cause he's evil and nazis are evil lol

are you fucking serious

Everyone who is anyone is a member of the Sneed Society


Mr. Burns is Chuck, he gave his Feed & Seed store to Sneed.


actually nazis are nice people its liberals who are the real racists desu

Sneed Services

fact. it was democrats who were the confederates and owned slaves, republicans actualy like black people and want them to marry their daughters. obama is a nigger,

Sneed Seed
(Before he added the Feed)

Wasn't Mr Burns already in WW2? In the American army? The Flying Hellfish, I think it was. With Grandpa and Ox.

Holy shit guys.

C. Montgomery Burns

Chuck Montgomery Burns

Chuck sold the feed store to Sneed and bought a Nuclear Power Plant.

conservatives were the democrats. conservatives were always too ethically lazy to stand up for any civil rights throughout all of history. fuck off. you're the real nigger with your bullshit morals.

i know im just memeing breh waitin for the gf to get off work

WTF? I love Burns now!

heh heh, sneed

Secret Sneed

And Sneed is Mr. Snrub's first name.

That's from the garbage pre-digital seasons.

I could swear there was a newer episode where he was in the Civil War.

Who would win in a fight, Sneed or Sneed?