Day 1: R sound in G*rman

Are all R sounds in this language pronounced as though you're choking on something?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off
Americans do not know how to pronounce "R" at all

Says the Russian
Can you pronounce the Anglo R at all?

This is just the sound of those who have problems with the pronunciation of normal R. No skills required for that.

As far as I know non-reduced R in German language may depend on dialect / land. You may face three kinds of R sound (in no particular order) coronal, velar, alveolar.

If any Germans show up, could you tell me if I'm supposed to try and pronounce the "r"s at the end of words (and risk showing my accent) or just keep it silent like Brits do?

Not a german but anyway I'll chime in.
You aren't supposed to pronounce it. It's reduced

Tы пo-pyccки читaть мoжeшь? У мeня былa хopoшaя книжкa c ввoдным фoнeтичecким кypcoм нeмeцкoгo языкa, мoгy пoиcкaть и cкaзaть нaзвaниe/aвтopa

american r sounds is by far the most disgusting. sounds like a dog because it's so nasally and guttural. honestly spastic. that's why the american accent in german is considered by far the most repulsive.

>anglo speech impedience

répa retek mogyoró korán reggel ritkán rikkant a rigó

I could understand what you wrote here, but I doubt I could understand an entire book on phonetics. Still, I appreciate the offer very much.
It's hard to listen to, but it's mostly just funny.

>American R sound like a dog
Give an example

> B. Зaвьялoвa, Л. Ильинa Пpaктичecкий кypc нeмeцкoгo языкa (для нaчинaющих)

available for free on LibGen

It depends. Franconians like me really roll the rs
Maybe this helps
Ruder, Marder, Bayer

Exceptions are words ending with rr
dürr, Narr, Meer, leer, klar

-er endings are pronounced like -a in some dialects

no wonder Germans make good cars they make engine noises everyday

>It depends. Franconians like me really roll the rs
If you put your tongue just above the front teeth to the ridge there (the alveolar ridge), then it's called "alveolar R" or "alveolar tap"

In dialect its pretty confusing
Could mean Braten. The e is dropped, the r rolled and the t turns to d, the r is rolled
It could also mena "beraten". The two e are dropped and the the t turns to d, the r is rolled
-> Bradn
There is a slight difference in the pronounciation where b is just a tick different, but not even Germans could hear it. Dont blame yourself
That I didnt know

I wonder how similar is the german r to ours
We barely pronounce it, most of the time we just "squeeze" our throat

I've never been able to figure out the French r. It's Mongolian throatsinging tier.
Even the German r is easier.

Try reading the book I've suggested, there is like 30-50 pages of phonetics and it covers almost everything

>It's Mongolian throatsinging tier.
Kek, maybe
It's true that's it's weird

Ok, I'll give it a shot.

I don't hear any difference between the German R and ours.

American's can't read what's written. You literally just need to read the letters one by one, but you can't. You fail miserably. And then you make a thread like this, mocking the rest of the world for having the R sound. You know what? Fuck you and your dog sound R.

I you can't roll the r than you're not white.