My name is Matt Furie, you may know me from my books which include Boy’s Club, Dungeon Family...

My name is Matt Furie, you may know me from my books which include Boy’s Club, Dungeon Family, and my children’s book The Night Riders. I'm most known for being the creator of Pepe the Frog.

I'm here to take Pepe back. My creation was never meant to be used by white nationalism websites. After seeing my twitter filled with disgusting depictions of my beloved creation I had to speak out.

STOP IT. Stop using my character to promote hate and racist sentiment. You are all in for a rude awakening come november, and by the way, #ImWithHer

Other urls found in this thread:

Pepe is ours now

Fake and Gay.


>not even a timestamp


matt, I created you. Also, iron your shirt u slob

Kek has been around for thousands of years. Fuck off you LARPing faggot

There are no white nationalists. That's a fabrication. We're just creators of OC. Our funny memes being interpreted as "white supremacist propaganda" is what's incorrect. We love Pepe, he's our hero.


It's too late for that, much too late.

this is bigger than you now

Homo and not real

Tell it to the robots you annoying faggot, you ruined this site with your bullshit

Ive wanted top say this to you for years, I'll even settle for a Larper, YOU SIR ARE A MASSIVE COCK CHEWING POOFTER

This is a Vietnamese moped repair forum. What white nationalism?

post that rare merchant you have stowed away in the background

It stopped being yours the day you put it in the public sphere

Timestamp or troll.
Gtfo fruity.

No I am Matt Furie

I'm sorry all the unfunny mouthbreathers here and on reddit turned your cool comic into cancer, Matt.

If I could give stale memes back, I would.

> dem quads

Hi, I'm the real Matt Furie

and I say,

race war now


>complains that his original creation is a meme beyond his control and that's bad
>wears shirt of said meme
try way harder. i'll admit me.jpg is a nice touch though

Where can I get a shirt like that?


Super Satan had spoken. Pepe is ours now.

>666 6


Damn son is anyone else actually blown away by these numbers
Kek is real

I will bite
>Kek is an old God, you were merely an instrument to bring it back for us. now please die cozy
>Kek had speak!
we are memeing a new reality

if you like those also follow me on threadless @beefmouth

Sup Forums Pepe > Furie Pepe

Oooooooooooooooooooo snap.

Checkelicheck check check.

ps, OP is a fag.

Welp. Pepe ours now



Its too late. Kek has awoken and Pepe is his chosen avatar.

Praise Kek.


You're a faggot. The frog is ours now, you cuck bitch. 1488. Check 'em.

>You are all in for a rude awakening come november

>and by the way, #ImWithHer



>My creation was never meant to be used by white nationalism websites.
sucks to be you then




Praise Kek!

>You don't feel weird about it being completely removed from its original context in your comics?
>I don't really see it as being something that's negative. It's this almost post-capitalist kind of success. I'm not making any money off of it, but it's become its own thing in internet culture. Now, at least, a lot of people make a conscious effort to go out and try and create that kind of meme success, where you're doing these little one-off characters, little gags, little gifs, and that's definitely your intention. I'm just flattered by it. I don't really care. I think it's cool. In fact, I'm getting kind of inspired by all the weird interpretations of it. I wanna use it to my own advantage and try to come up with comics based on other people's interpretations of it.

This desusenpaitachi

would you wear it, Sup Forums?

Pepe has become the very monster you are trying to take it back from.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

Pol is a dark hole into which you stare. The longer you stay and fight us, the less chance you have of going back. Eventually we will burn an imprint into your mind and soul. You, just like pepe, will stay here forever




OP rekt.

Never got the porn source of this gif

sorry Matt. What can I tell you. This thing is bigger than you or I now.




looks like it's settled then

>don't even try she may be a spy
what did he mean by this?


Blown the fuck out, straight out of the gate

>My Dad is the CEO of Nintendo, you may know him from his games which include Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow and his mobile app Pokemon Go. He's most known for being the creator of Pikachu.

I'm here to take Bulbasaur back. My creation was never meant to be used by white nationalism frogs. After seeing my twitter filled with disgusting depictions of his beloved creation I had to speak out.

STOP IT. Stop using Nintendos character to promote hate and racist sentiment frogs. You are in for a rude awakening come november, and by the way, #ImWithTheCEOofNintendo

You can have the presidency, but the frog belongs to Facebook now.