So..a group of virgins that sit around shitposting all day was acknowledged by a presidential candidate today

So..a group of virgins that sit around shitposting all day was acknowledged by a presidential candidate today.

Really makes you think.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm just here for dank memes, news and fun

and yes I'm a 20 yo virgin so what?

Repant teh ends ar nie


just got home and missed the whole thing, was there any mention of pepe?


>our biggest threat is a small demographic of nobodies

sad, really

came here for the memes, meme magic converted me, now i praise kek and recite egyptian chants while posting rare pepes to Sup Forums and occasionally Facebook and twitter.

for those who aren't interested in living in a downward spiral of hedonism ending in the destruction of western society many females just aren't that attractive

What a time to be alive.

You've completely convinced me, friend

I'm now a #Clintoris

Explain, what did she say? She acknowledged Sup Forums? Oh she fucked up

lol faggot

I forget what the phrase was. "Dark corners of the internet" or something like that.

Link to speech or even better just cuts of the parts about the chinz

Hillary convinced me that I should support her as President because of her consideration for races different to her own. I'm with her.

Yeah seriously will you dorks post the YouTube already

Baby boy wuz naughty. No more good boy points

>dark corners of the Internet
>I dumped 2milliin in an effort to control Sup Forums and lost

If she ever mentions 4 chan by name it will be her undoing. no one has ever won a fight against Sup Forums.

It's fucking nothing. The KKK gets memed by politicians every day when it hasn't even existed for a 100 years in any meaningful way;

20 million, sorry typo

Hold our flag high.

Worry not dude. I was a virgin until 28; almost Wizard status. If only I had waited the extra 2 years.... what unholy hell I could unleash upon the world.

>250 usd was deposited into your paypal account

>Democrats claim to be peaceful
>Democrats claim to be compassionate
>Democrats claim to be against war
>Democrats claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic maniac killer - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi) - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran

Someone in the 15 person audience yelled out a Pepe battlecry.

>literally playing a hand in the future of the free world from my parents basement


Virgin? I get my dick sucked daily. I'm just here to discuss the preservation of Western civilization as this is the only place to do so.

>250 usd was deposited into your paypal account

>hillary has fucked more guys than I ever will

I don't get why exactly we're that big of a threat. The most significant thing we did was flood polls for the primary debates.

The alt right is just internet trolls

That video was likely made by a 10 year old kid.

>this video represents ALL conservatives.
>free speech is bad
>we need to attack Sup Forums because they have unrestricted free speech

Seems like a moonman knock-off to me made by a (((sperg))).

Was made by CTR most likely, note the low number of views.

What kind of proxies do you guys get at CTR?

repressed sexual energy is the strongest source of magical power.

We are unstoppable.

Fucking Sup Forums only people who are rich or political leaders should have the rights of what is aloud to be talked about. Feels bad man

Did you ever think that the world continues to get weirder because you only exist in the ever shrinking pool of realities in which you haven't died yet.

HRC is trying to make Putin, Farage, Trump, and Alex Jones into the leader of a sinister white supremacist international cabal.

I heard "4 Chan" mentioned specifically on some evening NPR radio blab "news" (((SHILL))) program.. and it wasn't in glowing terms either..

She will get all the stupid soccer moms who fear for their stupid son's mental health to vote for her to "save the children" why do we allow women to vote at all? How stupid can we be?

Do you have a link to a video user or the name of said shill radio "news"

What did she actually say? She didn't name us did she

>group of virgins

Canada and US,
do you really think that anything connected to shitlarry will be more computer savvy than that.




There's no reason to be worried, this is probably the most retarded campaign fuckup of HRC's thus far.

The term "white supremacist" and "internet neonazi" and such was perfectly serviceable for her purposes.

Would a Hillary win be better for HUEland? I'm a Trump supporter, but it seens he's getting BTFO left and right. Maybe if Hillary keeps fucking the US in the ass so we can rip you guys off it wouldn't be that bad. We're already kicking out the commies this week.

I was driving so I did not get it.. sorry.. either PBS or NPR between say 7 and 8 EST

Her speech is satire

No idea.

I wish they were.
>sad frog.jpg

She didn't call us by name, no. But she alluded to us. She mentioned that Trump's star of david imag originated from a "white supremacist" website.

let me guess

>she was only pretending to be retarded

were there any remotely kek-worthy moments or was it as boring as the rest of the bullshit she rambles on about?

>Based Hillary naming the Jew.
I am #Filth4GILF now.

>he actually believes the polls

Here's how the polls are done and it's why Hillary is always winning in them. They decide they'll use a group of lets say 10k people and ahead of time it will be 40% dems, 30% repubs, and 30% independents. They then start cold calling people and once they hit that milestone they hang up on Repubs and mark Dems down as independents.

Also as far as Hue industry goes if Trump wins he'll be good for you because no NAFTA means you might not get undercut by mexico on everything






>I'm just here for dank memes, news and fun
>and yes I'm a 20 yo virgin so what?

sounds likely given what i've seen

Ask Haiti

We bombed an ISIS training camp once.

I forgot all about that.

That was a hell of a day.

No, it was hilarious.
>dark corners of the internet
>on last week's episode of the David Duke show
Kek. You missed a lot.

Stupid bitch forgot anti Canadian.

I liked the part where she said exactly what Trump said she would. You'd think they would change the speech a bit.


How much makeup is she wearing?

Not enough.

I saw another video of the same thing with over 60,000 views.

How can our dark corner of the internet be so small and significant, yet so powerful as to force potential US Presidents to acknowledge it? I always thought that our strong influence was a meme, but now I'm not so sure. How many people do the ideas of Sup Forums reach?

Why are they trying to link "alt-right" to white supremacists? Don't democrats already call most Republicans a bunch of "racist bigots" with "white privilege"? What's the difference this time?

Alt-right is suppose to mean Republicans that deviate away from the "usual" conservative that dominated the party for 40+ years. Alt-right meant people of various backgrounds (including many non-whites) who focused more on national issues like economics and immigration, which really, are the real issues. They don't care about usual conservative wedge issues like religion, anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage. It included people who involved themselves in """liberal""" lifestyles like anime, or being atheist/agnostic, yet see a country that needs fixing through rise in nationalism.

But I guess to democrats, anything that's even remotely beneficial for America is just considered "racist" and "white privilege". What a crock of shit.

They're VISP!
>Very Important Shit Posters!

We took down Atheism...

Think about it. It took Jews 30 YEARS of grooming it in America and we fedora tipped it away in an Internet instant.

I literally just had highly-consensual vaginal intercourse with my white biologically-female wife.


Did you wear the latex jew?

wtf is /sg/

Of course I fucking didn't. I've never worn a condom in my life.

The best thing going the last 18 months that is not Donald John Trump.


I just wanked to a fresh fatalpulse doujin using my oral onahole.

I want Hillary to acknowledge that.


Holy shit please tell me that infographic isn't real.

the funny thing was that he was in one of the threads for the speech and posted a pic to prove it saying something to the extent of "watch this guys"

>I don't get why exactly we're that big of a threat.

Ideas are currency. We might joke about politician-funded campaigns to create memes but they're very serious about it because they've seen the effect that a few well crafted and popular memes can have - and Sup Forums has always been the experts in that area.

Sup Forums's memes have been incredibly effective at spreading our political ideology - I don't think you realize just how many people visit here and spread images and ideas to other sites and to friends and family.


Let's toast to this day.

the numbers do not favor you.

lets not.

Keep the poor poor Hillary, we are with you. Nothing more than what white people want is a Democrat keeping people on welfare and down so they stay out of our offices and neighborhoods. Keep up the good democratic fight to keep people poor.


Yup every

Not really I haven't thought in years and I'll be dawned if some Democrat is going to make me.

User is of Sup Forums is being flagged.

The google captcha, your google account, all social media, your identity.

The federal government hates every single one of us

Good, let them. Shitposting isn't a crime.

>presidential candidate


Never stop dreaming, OP.

Is that Ed O'Neill? Because that looks like him from when he was working on Married With Children, but I can't quite place it.