I was wondering

I was wondering...

How do women in a typical household of your country act.

Or, since the times are rough, how SHOULD they act.

Mind you, this is not to be considered a """""""""""""bigot""""""""" statement, just something that should be normal and natural.

>mostly cleans the house
>mostly does the cooking
>knows the basics of cooking (meaning, she should know how to cook)
>mostly irons your clothes
>mostly let's you drive
>takes mental notes of "things to do"
>knows and respects the need of you siting at the head of the table


I make enough to support two people on my income. It is fairly easy to get the other person to not work, and that gives me total control in the home. Every female I have ever dated because of that naturally settles into the submissive housewife role I dictate. If you want to control a woman I would suggest making that a vital part of your strategy.

All house work here is split equally the way it should be on a modern household.

>All house work here is split equally the way it should be on a modern household.
thats why you have sandniggers raping bitches you little faggot

Watch a 1950s sitcom. Basically that.

Sorry friend,


We are equal, but there should be a male figure that is considered to be the head of the house.

It's the only way you can have a healthy, long lasting and a productive life.

Because we split dish washing and vacuuming? That's a bit of a stretch don't you think?
Why? If both are educated, they can provide equally good ideas. To exclude female input just for the sake of traditions is to exclude half of good ideas and is highly irrational

I will bump this once more because i find it to be a fit topic for this board.

You can listen to your female without giving her equal control in the relationship.

I run a small business and I listen to my workers, but I don't give them 50% of the company.

Equality is a turn off for females. 'House Husbands' have been shown to increase the rate of females initiating a divorce substantially.

"Equality" translate to "identicality" nowadays. What should be done is men should be masculine and women should be feminine, and they should be thankful to each other for the other's role. Nowadays men are pushed to be feminine and women are pushed to be masculine and it's fucking gay.

Yeah I guess what you said is good. Girls nurture guys provide.

>If both are educated, they can provide equally good ideas. To exclude female input just for the sake of traditions is to exclude half of good ideas and is highly irrational


My fiancee has a degree in law and is a lawyer, I have a degree in business economics and we have decent kind of income.

But we cherish tradition. No harm in that. And I will teach my kids to act the same.

Women I have dated before did not care about tradition.

>had no idea and had no desire to cook
>only knew how to spend spend spend
>prolly sucking nigger cock now

This is a flawed analogy. Your coworkers are subservient to you, your girlfriend is not. Her opinion is just as valid as yours.
If you hate Islam so much why do you try to imitate it so hard?

>If you hate Islam so much why do you try to imitate it so hard?


Islam has nothing to do with how a typical family should be.

Tradition is just a meaningless buzzword. If we followed traditions without ever modernizing our view of society we would still live in caves and not have a written language.
Technological and societal progress go step in step. Clinging to traditions just hinders our ability to look forward

Why not? It's very traditional with clearly defined gender roles. Sound perfect to you doesn't it?

Women are happier doing all that shit. I'm a much better cook than my girlfriend but she get's pissy if she can't cook me dinner because (even though she won't admit it) that's her job.

Literally all you have to do is surface gestures i.e. doing the dishes every now and again, picking up your clothes etc. That way she can moan to her girlfriends about how lazy you are when really she likes having something she can do better than you; cleaning.

I like you.

My girlfriend is subservient to me, as it should be. I have found most females prefer it this way because they feel safer, as long as they love and trust you to lead.

If you want to make your relationship feel equal than that is fine, but I think that you will not be as happy. There is a reason that female happiness is declining with the rise of feminism and equality.

Many animal species operate with a male leading the family unit, and the female being subservient. I don't see why this model is considered wrong, and I will look up again the studies that show housewives in modern society are actually the happiest group of women today.

Dude you think the man should work.

What kind of family are you running?

The man lays around eating getting stronger while his females go out and hunt. Every once in a while you get u and tear the shit out of everyone to show them whose in charge.Then you lay back down.

Feminists hate him.

Find out how this user said it all.

In my country, all housework is done by the male at the behest of the wife.

The work is typically done in "sissy" attire: often with dildos and buttplugs inserted as the man, clad in wig and female outfit, does chore after chore to absolve himself of privilege.

If a man isn't working as diligently as his mistress (aka wife) would like, a Jewish social worker comes over to resolve the dispute. This usually entails fitting the husband with a gag, a bridle bit, or a restraint of some sort as punishment for insolence.

Cool thread. Learning a lot in this cultural exchange, fellow anons.

Nazi Germany was probably one of the most traditionalist countries of the 20th Century and it was the most technologically advanced. That's because they didn't waste time arguing about stupid bullshit like womens rights, they stuck to a tried and tested method and got on with what really mattered. Progressivism is damaging to progress not tradition. Sounds like a load of bullshit but it's true.

Sorry, but your view if nazi Germany is really flawed and based on complete historical and political ignorance.
You probably also think that Russia today is extremely nationalist and cares for interest of white people.

The honest truth of American women. Yes they should do all those things you said but in reality here its.

>Wont clean
>Doesnt even know how to cook she might microwave you a burrito if you are lucky
>Doesnt even know what an iron is "Spray some wrinkle release on it"
>Wont drive if their lives depended on it
>Things to do mental note to self take selfies, post about my day, call jessica.
>"If you dont buy me the things I want I'll suck that other mans cock who will and move in with him but call me"

Liberated! So fuck them, enjoy them, dont give a damn what they think about you and if they dont like you and want to move on then so be it.

The days of virgin brides and housewives are over here.

>"If you dont buy me the things I want I'll suck that other mans cock who will and move in with him but call me"

Kek, this is fucking true in every part of the world.

They maybe won't say it directly, but it goes without saying.

Fucking society, I tell ya...

Me dad cleans, because nobody else does it well enough for him, and if me, me siblings or me mum does it he just re-does it again later. Mum does laundry and "tidies" though.
Dad cooks, because he likes his food better then mums
Mum cooks on the big events though, holidays and such when it's a full table full of different dishes. Dad cuts the meat though
Dad just uses dry cleaning instead of ironing anything at home
Mum took care of the us kids, except when it was time for punishment or rewards, which dad did.

This guy knows what's up!

Seriously this is all you need to do. For the cherry on the top offer to do the bits like the kitchen/bathroom floor and the toilet - big items with large, simple, easy to clean surfaces. In reality it's 5 mins tops with a mop, but since these things are 'dirty' it'll look like going above and beyond the call of duty for her.

You can avoid all washing up and laundry, much dusting etc this way.

>Or, since the times are rough, how SHOULD they act.

rule 1: shut the fuck up

Too extreme of bait, but here's a (You) for trying.

Majority of women I know are career driven and would rather not clean or even have kids if they can help it.

No women wants to be tied down to a man without a means to escape. Thats why divorce rates are so high. They can take all your stuff you worked for when they get bored and want a change.

I'd much rather marry a women independent of me then one who could possibly take all my shit I worked my ass off for. Not saying it will happen but its a huge gamble in today's age.

If both you and your girl work that doesnt mean you arent in charge. Thats where the bedroom and rule making parts come in.

Since you both make money its 50/50 house work. You mow lawn she vacuums floor. You rake leaves she sweeps floor ect.

> For the cherry on the top offer to do the bits like the kitchen/bathroom floor and the toilet - big items with large, simple, easy to clean surfaces.

I save this for when she's 'stressed' about some bullshit for work, keep it on the down low until she says 'hey babe did you mop the floor?' then I can mumble something about how I did it after work, implying it was difficult because I knew she'd be stressed blah blah and she'll coo about how sweet I am etc. but really I did it all in about 10 minutes whilst firing around to tunes.

I would do all of the chores if I never had to work another day in my life, and we lived in a house.

>How do women in a typical household of your country act.

like stupid bitches

>would do all of the chores if I never had to work another day in my life, and we lived in a house.

But wouldn't just knowing that you are basically a woman lower your test like right away?

I am a woman, so I don't have much test to begin with.


Never thought that a woman posts here. Ignore my reply then.


You should still do chores. Being a good person isn't just "I work a lot, that's it, praise me".

I mean, you can pursue a career of an archeologist and still work around the house.

I already do chores, but I would do all of the household chores extremely well (cooking, cleaning, raising kids, garden, etc) if I stayed at home while a good man was a provider for said home.

Where I live, men think you're an uneducated, gold-digging leech for even suggesting such a thing.

I'd split the chores if we both had to work, and of course do most of them if I worked less. But I'm not going to work every day and doing 100% of the chores at the same time. That just doesn't make sense.


No one ever said that. It's just that modern feminism says that men are bigots no matter what.

There are things men do better, and there are things that women do better.

But, if you also have a decent income and a degree in something useful, by all means, more power to you.

Patriarchy is not your enemy,

It's not just modern feminism: It's most American men. They say it all the time to my girlfriends and I. They just don't seem to want to settle down until they can't attract women anymore. I've never met a guy who was willing to have this sort of arrangement, who was under the age of 50.

I do have a useful degree, because I have to make an income. Fortunately, I've been successful in my career but to be honest it's not as fulfilling as a family would be.

>I've never met a guy who was willing to have this sort of arrangement, who was under the age of 50

This is just kinda odd.
Women always tend to say this. But it's just not true.

I have friends who think that all they need to do is just fuck around.
We are all close to 30 and have a college degree, but yet the ones with that kind of mindset still live with their parents and highlights of their days consist from going out for drinks.

They MAYBE have I car, but that's it.

You just look for those kind of betas and you run into them

We have a saying that a man is the head of the family, but a woman is the one who turns the head's neck.

In other words, the household should be a woman's responsibility.

My wife generally works from home, so I always return to a sparkly clean house and warm lunch, sometimes a dessert if she feels like it. She also takes care of domestic animals, sometimes when she feels like it she goes fishing and surprises me with fresh fish. She can also do repairs around the house, though she prefers not to do it unless she has to because, as she says, this is my job. But she can repair something when she needs it really quickly.

She does this all willingly because she'd be bored otherwise, or at least that's what she says. I imagine that the chores would be much more evenly split if she worked outside of the house, though. I'm lucky in this sense.

Nobody hates Islam because they have functional families dude.
It's because they're delusional pedophiles that destroy knowledge and have retarded habits.

I appreciate you replying to my posts! Thank you.

I know that it seems untrue that women would have this experience, they really do. It's kind of like how women as a whole say over and over again that they just want a kind man to date but they go after the bad boy?

I love men, but men will talk endlessly about how women aren't up to their standards, want friends with benefits with random women until they find the "Right one," watch porn where their mind is trained to expect variety, and do all of these things instead of properly court a girl. The expectation of instant sex in our society is palpable. The general rule for most normal men is if you haven't had sex by the third date, it'll never happen and to get out of the relationship.

Meanwhile, they'll talk about things like this: How women don't want to settle down and have kids, they're all sluts, they can't cook, they're not loyal, etc.

I guarantee that at least 7 out of ten women in their early twenties want to find a man to provide for her and her children, but men don't feel like they've fucked enough random vaginas in their 20's-30's to justify settling down.

>I appreciate you replying to my posts! Thank you.

The things you are saying seem smart, but the green part just makes me remember that I'm on 4chin and you could be a guy trolling me softly.

You could also be a qt, but either way you seem smart, allegedly female american.

The thanks part was for replying to me seriously, while you found out I was a female on here. I know it sort of slipped out of the bag due to your testosterone comment; I usually don't disclose my sex.

>The thanks part was for replying to me seriously

Oh okay then, hope you end up with a normal sized benis.