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This is the America Liberals want

This is Trump's America

i guess you could say the rhino had a pretty big lunch

Go back inside Jim, we'll call you.

This is Sup Forums's America

Ace Ventura is the reason why Trump won.

Alllriighty then!

Reminder this is what magical dragons should look like, the wings are pointless.

Even then there'd still be dipshits like this though.
From comments:
Nathaniel Peter3 months ago
My soul said that a man grabbed that snake's tail and threw it into the air and captured it in the camera to fool us as if it is flying. Nothing can fly unless it has wings or powers of God to levitate.

Examples of magical flying dragons!

Chinese Dragons Fly By MAJICK!
Majick Flying DRAGONS!


I remember watching this scene with my dad as a kid, and laughing so hard I threw up the vanilla milkshake I drank earlier.


all references to MISTAH VENTURA, and his talking ass, will be kept to an appropriate minimum

I legit keep forgetting that Jim is still alive until someone mentions his name, or he does something retarded in social media.
It makes me feel bad every time.

it was a different time

these movies are too good for now a days

if you want feels about jim carrey, watch this:


ooooowweeoo oooowwweeeooooo
honk honk
honkhonkhonkhonk honk honk

Have you thought about his cock today?

I still exclaim "LIKE A GLOVE" when I execute a particularly good parking maneuver.

so do i

same here. this movie had a huge effect on my life
>go "like... a... glove..." when I do a terrible parallel park
>yell NONSENSE POOPYPANTS when people comment on my shitty driving
>knock people out at parties and drape them around my shoulders

whenever I see a sliding glass door i have to re-enact that scene.

I laughed when the family reacted to this