Joe Biden "Whites will be a Minority in US by 2017 and that's a good thing "

Uh Why?

Can we ask why our leaders wish to displace us when they are openly calling for our demographic destruction?

When are we going to start asking questions?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are cuck and are pandering to the non whites and bleeding hearts so they keep there jobs. They don't give a fuck they'll be dead soon

Sup Forums is pathetic lately. have to post Asian sluts to get any attention.

Literally Haiti

Joe biden should be taken out and shot

Jews lack the forethinking awareness to contemplate just what happens when all of the USA and Europe has turned brown and jews are the only privileged white people left. They'll be left with the biggest target painted on the Chosen Ones have ever known--they used to be able to BLEND IN! That'll be awful hard when your skin is nowhere near the dark, earthy tones of Tyrone and Paco.

The Russians and Chinese seem too redpilled to be dumb enough to let the ZOG elites into their nations to do to them what they did to the western world.

>hasnt seen the 20 threads about this
>Sup Forums is pathetic they arent talking about this at 3 am

kill yourself


this 7 ding 7 ding 7 ding


In the stories the host gets destroyed and Jews flee to a new host. There's no thinking involved: they just compulsively repeat narratives over and over.

biden is based
mexican masterrace

You know a lot of us Jews are Trump voters and anti immigration. I'm always arguing with my stupid liberal waspy friends about this. Can you please not lump us all in with the Hollywood entertainment industry Jew fags. Thank you.



They also lack our compassion. Ruling over shitskins isn't exactly hard, just push their shit in and don't allow them to get close to your civilian populations.

What a sellout, I hope he dies soon

Aaw you poor racist shithead, you get triggered by brown people and are afraid, poor you.

>muh race
>too dumb to understand what Biden is saying
>muh displacement

Dumb fuck. It's a good thingbbecause racist imbeciles like you got BTFO :^)

The answer is because it's good for the jews.

It's amazing that the most important decisions (i.e. the demographic makeup of the nation) are never open to a vote. In fact, even asking perfectly reasonable questions about those decisions is verboten.

"Um, Joe, why is this a good thing? What evidence do you have that this replacement will result in more wealth, happiness, and freedom? Can you point to an equivalent multiracial society that has maintained progress and tranquility for a long period of time? Why are we committing demographic suicide as a biological family again?"

None of this ever gets asked. You'd think just one ballsy reporter would do it, but alas no. The most important, most vital, most historically significant choices are not choices at all.

We will eventually be forced to kill the people who did this to us. Keep that video handy when the opportunity presents itself.

i would say im going to assassinate him but i dont want secret service to v& me

Trump save us all

same plot is in every white country. thats why you have so much diversity everywhere, always white women and nigger since its so much easier to target women in general,



Less white people. More beheadings.

The trademarks of every great civilization.

Ahh, our diminishing numbers is a good thing! Why would our voting power matter, good good good!

You know, you racist americans should fucking leave the US if you're so against your country's constitution.

he's making a list... he's checking it twice

sorry bud here's your (You)

Didn't some girl in Germany say the literal exact same thing?


usa could be become 30% white and still have the ability to save itself. 5% of the American white male population is larger than the biggest military in the history of warfare. The muds aren't remotely united and the majority will flee the country at the first sign of strife.

Nah. I would rather they shot people

God damn sandy hook was amazing

there's a difference between some half turk university girl and your fucking vice president celebrating the genocide of europeans.. this shit is unprecedented even here in canada saying something like that would be immediate political suicide this didn't even make the news

Either you recognize the inherent parasitic and destructive nature of your culture and get out of it, or you're part of it.

So you feel for the moment mudslimes should be kept out. You will still fight nationalism because nationalism is by necessity "anti-semitic" (even if it's not ethnic nationalism).

The moment you allow us to judge people by their value to the nation we will look at you and see a people who are nepotist to the bone and who feel the holocaust justifies almost any behaviour towards whites.




She literally goes through a cognitive dissonance, where she think and feel it is bad. While at the same time thinking this is just the way it goes now and must not be racist.

I promise this is what she thinks. Got me really sad.



Replay this cuckmasters video over and over. Show it ot everyone you know, family and friends. Redpill them all.

Vote Trump or youll end up like him.


i know this is going to sound like splitting hairs to you but he said "that's not a bad thing" not "and that's a good thing.

So what do they expect will replace the whites that are bred out? Hispanics? Blacks? ROFL by 2050 there won't even be enough native born American engineers to keep the country running and we'll be taking in Chinese and Indian engineers to offset it.

Not bowing down to the NWO is haaaaard :((( sorry whites and by extension the rest of humanity you're gonna have to go but look at the bright side, I didn't get shot like JFK :))

So genocide is ok if it's gradual?

The best revenge white people can have is to go extinct.

I visited my mom and we always talk about politics. I bring up a lot of the issues that whites face nowadays and she just laughed it off and said that it was time whites were displaced as the lead group. I packed up my shit then and there and left and haven't spoken to her in almost 5 months. She also suffers from a lot of psychological issues and has been desperately trying to get me to forgive her because she is 65 has no husband/boyfriend and works 12 hours a day.

I'm just waiting for the call that she killed herself.


They don't say it's good, they say it's ok. And they're right. America is a nation of immigrants, ok? As long as they're legal, they should be allowed here. Europe is our homeland. Unfortunately we've surrendered Europe as well.

Also I wouldn't be suprised if we're already a minorty. From what I've seen a lot of arabs and other non-whites are considered white in the polls.

So do you thumbs up or down this video?

She's your mother you retard, help her and show her some respect. You think life is easy for her or something?

If you want her to understand then explain it to her, She, like the rest Of them has been bombarded with propaganda that makes them think its ok what is happening.

You're a shitty son and your pathetic tumblr tier whiny emo behaviour is disgusting.
Kill yourself

Go figure I'm shitty to my mother who basically wanted me to stay a grocery clerk in a store when I was a teen and my father pushed me forward and went out of his way to help me get into college, graduate, and helped me get in contact with several engineering firms landing me a very well paid stable job. Why on earth would I dislike my mother after that?

It is exactly the same and it means exactly the same.

197.7 million white people
63% of total population.
And this will decline by next year?
Yeah, I kinda doubt that.

> believing the official number of illegals
Prepare for a nightmare you will never wake up from when Hillary is president (same for Trump really).

This, jews live in the now.
They are essentially smart niggers.

This could so easily be reversed If your women would just fuck. Each women has six - boom - white america saved. Should just force them

A report by the U.S. Census Bureau projects a decrease in the ratio of Whites between 2010 and 2050, from 79.5% to 74.0%. At the same time, Non-Hispanic Whites are projected to no longer make up a majority of the population by 2042, but will remain the largest single ethnic group. In 2050 they will compose 46.3% of the population.

Some pasta. This guys wrong.

The question is, if diversity is always good, then will Democrats say it's a good thing when Republicans have a majority in government? Because it's a source of strength right?

What happened to this thread?

So when white people become a minority does that mean I can get gibs me dats and free ride at a university?

now you understand feminism

You are always welcome back to UK. USA lads

Unless you are an undesirable then fuck off we're full


You get nothing.

Why , his poor excuse for a mother is happy that her grandchildren (potentially) will grow up under the thumb of animals.
The user was right to do what he did.

You'll always be a supremacist fucking white male, no matter what.

>good thing

White males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #3 homicide 9.2%
20-24 #3 homicide 7.8%
25-34 #5 homicide 5.7%

Black males leading cause of death 2011
15-19 #1 homicide 50%
20-24 #1 homicide 49.2%
25-34 #1 homicide 34.2%

U.S. firearm death by type and race
White firearm deaths
77% suicide
19% homicide
Black firearm deaths
14% suicide
82% homicide

2014 UCR Expanded Homicide Data
White on White murders 2,488
White on Black murders 187
Black on Black murders 2,205
Black on White murders 446
