I'm with her

She's a fighter

>Arkansas education reform of 1983
>CHIP providing healthcare to 8 million children
>Provide full health benefits to the National Guard
>Lay out the plan for sanctions on Iran that led to the P5+1 negotiations and the eventual Iran deal
>Help restore America's soft power prestige overseas after the Bush years
>Implemented the Quadrennial Diplpmacy and Development Review which reviews the State department ever four years to allow for institutional reforms
>Pushed for the raid on bin Laden (while Trump was concerned with some birth certificate)
>Was instrumental at resolving some hang-ups during the negotiations for the Zurich Protocols (normalizing ties between Turkey and Armenia, that's called breaking down walls instead of building them)


Other urls found in this thread:


>She's a fighter.
So you don't have to be.

Fuck you Ahmed.

>allahu snackbar.
Fuck off.

I'm fighting here for her

#imwithher because she will keep the niggers poor. This will keep the niggers in their place. Trump would only help to raise them out of poverty. Fuck Trump!


not this shit again.

You should probably go ahead and gas yourself.

>Trump would only help to raise them out of poverty.

How is he going to do that? Is he going to ban guns and invest in education?

don't forget about going against super predators like her husband and opposing gay marriage #ImWithHer #QueenOfPol

more like pushed for the P2 Masonic lodge so she could fucking launder Vatican drug money with Berlusconi

>a German wants Merkel 2.0
Color me surprised

>Hillary's campaign started the birther movement in '08
>Stored documents of the highest top secret classification on an unsecured private server in her basement
>The Clintons passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, putting thousands of minorities in prison for decades for drug possession.
>As a lawyer, she successfully defended a child molester by arguing the 11 year old girl victim was a slut and asked for it. Then laughed and said she lost faith in polygraphs after the rapist passed.
>Laughed about being responsible for overthrowing and murdering Gaddafi
>Robert Byrd, a KKK exalted cyclops, was her "friend and mentor"
>Saul Alinsky, another mentor, and the man Hillary wrote her thesis about, dedicated his book Rules for Radicals to Lucifer
>Takes tens of millions of dollars from the country responsible for 9/11 and brutal oppression of women and gays
>Fired from the Watergate investigation for poor ethics

>>Provide full health benefits to the National Guard
That's complete bullshit.

nb4 more shilling

She is literally every reason not to vote for a politician all rolled into one person. But wait, there's more:

-She was a lawyer who defended a rapist and laughed at the plight of the 12 year old rape victim
-She was fired from the Watergate investigation for lying and being unethical
-She lied about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary
-She lied throughout her Whitewater scandal
-She lied about taking "sniper fire" when visiting the Balkans during 90s
-She lied about Benghazi
-She lied throughout her email scandal and continues to lie about it
-She lied about being broke after leaving the White House
-She described blacks as being "super-predators"
-She hired a VP of Goldman-Sachs to be her 2016 campaign manager.
-She received millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs for speaking engagements
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from Goldman-Sachs, JP Morgan, Citigroup, and UBS
-Her "charity" received tens of millions of dollars from China, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and the UAE
-She supported the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Turkey
-She voted for the Patriot Act twice
-She was "adamantly against illegal immigration" before she was for it
-She was opposed to gay marriage before she was for it
-She approved the sale of US uranium to Russian nuclear corporations in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her "charity"
-She gave out eight Secretary of State's Awards for Corporate Excellence, and seven were to corporations that donated millions to her "charity"

youtube.com/watch?v=IdYRN8Clddw - Compilation of CNN & MSNBC Cutting Guests Mics to Protect Hillary Clinton

youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness

>Dude in Germany loves Hillary's American imperialism policies, Team America World Police.

>Dude in Germany hates Americans for going on around the world and telling everyone what to do...

>Dude is OP
>OP has severe cognitive dissonance.

That fucking idiot Trump wants to give them jobs. Dumb shit! That'll give those niggers money to spend and they'll get off their plantation. They'll start moving in to nice neighborhoods and driving normal cars and shit.

We gotta get Hillary in and bring these niggers to heel.

You enjoying the company of immigrants? 'Cause I bet there's many more where that came from, if she wins.

>She's a fighter
She's a fucking psychopath who destroys shit. And all that you posted is bullshit.

You're not "with" anyone you absolute retard.

You can't vote.

More like she's a killer. And corrupt taking money for political influence. She's a money taking murderer, that is not presidential.

You know the reason she moved to Arkansas was because she failed the bar exam in D.C. and had to start over somewhere else

Good thing you live in Germany.

You've completely convinced me

I'm a #Clintoris now

>about to have it all come crashing down because of a frog

wow, a nazi supports a nazi

Has she ever done anything bad?

>she took some people le money and gave it to others

Yeah that's the problem

only proxy wars and imigrant crises in Europe, nothing special