Why could germany become a member of first world while poland couldnt?

why could germany become a member of first world while poland couldnt?

what is difference?

poland people are as diligent and intelligent as germans

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Poland's only mistake was being next to Russia.


Why isn't North Korea as developed as South Korea.
They are just as smart and diligent.

How the fuck would you know?
And lmao no, no they are not.
They are thieves, liars, drunkards in a bad way and they don't take bodily hygiene all too seriously.

Go to sleep Malte.

we chose free market, they chose communism

being between Russia, Germany, Sweden and Ottoman Empire isn't very strategic position, you know

Poland was a battlefield even in the wars we practically didn't even participate in like this

imagine if your country wasn't sandwiched by China and Japan, it would have been much better and your people wouln't be mentally ill like today. the same goes for poland.

>what is difference?
the superpower that "liberated" Poland and Germany.

Why isn't North Korea as developed as South Korea.
Because "western" neighbor continue having enemity and sunction against NK.

Poland is surrounded by friendly countries. Just like Deutschland, CzechSlovakia, and so on.Poland have no enemy.

poland has high gdp growth each year and will be soon as developed as germany

You think NK would be better developed without Sanctions?
Western level developed?

>Poland people are as diligent and intelligent as germans
Holy kek

Yeah, I think Poland is going to be great power in central Europe.

If there were any support, also South Korea and Poland couldn't develop as good as nowadays level.

Well I think different.
Communist Dictatorship is the reason.

Yes, we civilized French people

why didn't you civilize us?

We were busy with civilizing that frogeaters, sorry

I'm very very afraid to say this to Deutsch, dictatorship can develop the country.
so socialism/communism can.
(I'm not saying that's better.)
Because 1933-1945 Deutsch were top level couny in the world.
(I'm politicaly neutral, but fact is fact.)

>Communist Dictatorship is the reason(to attack and humiliate them,enslave them economically)
↑This is the fact I think.

>poland people are as diligent and intelligent as germans

But it was a facsist dictatorship.
Not Dictatorship is the issue. Communism is.

then why didnt you teach them to fight like a man?

Hitler also actually cared about Germany. If it wasn't for his insane "Lebensraum in the east", he would have been an excellent leader. Kim is just a fat retard.

NSDAP was socialist party.So North Korea is.
"Lebensraum in the east"

Polska still angry about this?

rich coming from a kebab shop owner mr Ahmed

Being on the "free caly" slot between Germany and Russia.

Why are Germanics so lazy?

>Polska still angry about this?
Some people who saw how Germans builded that ""Lebensraum in the east"" are still alive and always remind us about cruel nature of Germans

Poland's only mistake was trying to fuck with Russia.

Had you gotten the nobles in check, things might have turned out much better.

yeah not wanting to become commie in 1920 was our mistake
sorry Sasha, pls come instal commie regime in my country

If Poles were as genocidal as Swedes and Germans, things would be much better.

>Polska still angry about this?
They have no reason to. They grabbed our land, so they wanted war.

>They grabbed our land, so they wanted war.

Nice trips.
How so?

>They grabbed our land, so they wanted war.
yeah sorry that that land was Polish since the begining

For example: genocide everyone in East Prussia, populate it with Polacks/Slavs and Liths.

Genocide Ostsiedlung Germans when they chimp out: populate land with Slavs and Balts.

>NSDAP was socialist party
Now you can consider killing yourself.

They called themselves so.

>just because Nazis called themselves national socalist party it doesn't mean they were!!!!!!!

"national socialist"
That's a little different.

Ok,I was wrong. I appologize.

No, you're not wrong.

Danzig ist Polnisch, my smelly VolksDeutsche friend

If danzig belong to Polska, now what about Königsberg?

Except that they didn't remove private porperty and enterprises just as they didn't nationalize everything.

So no, not socialist in the Eastern Blok way but socialist as in society National Society tribalism.

Attached: Danzig ist Deutsch!.png (289x611, 32K)


Attached: 1495379013929.png (500x500, 12K)

>while you were splitting up pierogis equally, I studied the auto engine. And now you have the audacity to come to me for help?

o ha ha ha ha ha
just like east germany also chose communism?

Poland is first world you gook moron.,

>first world while poland couldnt?
Wtf are you even talking about?

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