How bad will this show be?

How bad will this show be?

>the confederates won
/tvpol/ will love it.

Screencap this shit nigga.

>pretending to be a nigger on the internet

I like alt history but this just doesnt make any sense, slavery was able to make it into modern times? Even though the practice was well on its way out by 1865?

Aaron McGruder's series 'Black America' sounds like a far more interesting premise. Black Americans establishing their own independent successful nation in the south.

What would their main imports be?

Nigger or not, hes right.

Doesn't matter though, show will shit.


African slaves for the cotton plantations

There will be a plucky, sympathetic abolitionist run over by a carriage. Calling it now.

UN&Red Cross aid

white women

White tears

>I like alt history but this just doesnt make any sense, slavery was able to make it into modern times? Even though the practice was well on its way out by 1865?

Alternate History is no longer about history.

It's about rich New York Jews making millions of dollars by writing a script that shits on low-income Southern whites.

>More than 150 years after the Civil War
>slavery still existing

Oh, so it's a Fantasy series?

Confederacy would never stop slavery on their own. They were one of the most evil regimes in human history, on par with nazis.

Where are you from?

Daily reminder that the Civil war was not won with love and humanitarianism. It was won because a military genius burned down Georgia with no remorse.

We have become too concerned with what is "right" and not what is necessary

I hope this show exposes D&D as the hacks they are.

Yep. You know who's on the 'right side of history'? The one who decides to burn down Atlanta.

>White Southerners are Evil Racists and you should hate them because of these sock-puppet caricatures we made: The Show

Because this is exactly what media needs right now.

And if he didn't do it then his side would've been the wrong side of history

>Black Americans establishing their own independent successful nation in the south.

>Establishing their own successful nation

Killing countless American women and children and burning down an entire city was not even remotely "necessary".

How the fuck are you Americans not tired of all of these movies about race? Are there any shows about black americans just existing or does it all have to revolve around them being black?

It won the war, didn't it?

>How the fuck are you Americans not tired of all of these movies about race?

They are. Liberals are the ones that aren't. And Liberals are hardly American.

They are
They don't make any money and the majority of people hate them

Mate they're both impossible. But the idea of a victorious Union after 4 years of war to maintain the United States suddenly deciding to turn over an independent nation to Blacks in the 19th Century is just as batshit retarded.

It is if your aim is to make the public hate people based on the colour of their skin instead of their character. It'll also make some black people want more reparations, which in turn will destroy the black community even further. (This will produce a slave or lesser class that will ALWAYS vote for you.)

People fall for this shit too because education is a complete joke these days. (I hate this, people are born with the greatest thing on this planet and never develop it properly, your brain.)

Classic divide and conquer tactics.

Haiti did it. Perhaps a major European power helped African Americans establish their own country to gain a regional ally.

>white woman fucks nigger slave
>take that white man!


This show is going to be complete trash.

Read pic related if you want an actual realistic Alternate History scenario of Confederate victory in the Civil War written by an actual historical scholar.

>European power helped African Americans establish their own country to gain a regional ally.
Britain and France both considered siding with the Confederates to hurt the USA. France didn't want to without Britain, and Britain didn't want to because in the end it felt the risk to Canada was greater than the chance of success. Now if the two leading world powers decided not to back the rebels who stood a vague chance of wining at the start of the civil war, why would they fight a fully armed union with a well trained army at the end?

I wouldnt be surprised if that is a major thing in this show. Then the clickbait revisionist history articles will start popping up about how this was actually widespread in the south.

after the independance war america has been an ingratefull cunt to france washington was a brit cocksucker
france had every right to side with the south

Think about this
Do you know how close we are (too soon to say 'were') to a fourth reich?
Real close, closer than any exaggerated remark that you may have heard

>racist alt-righter who's father was in the KKK is now president
>speeches laced with thinly veiled white supremacy
>defends nazis
>is a fascist
>forms presidential cabinet full of alt-right leaning and fullblown altright figureheads
>has plans for ethnic cleansing of sorts
>police had been geared up in preparation for mass public discord in recent years
>large portion of the white public now OPENLY embraces nazism and white nationalistic sentiments
>Bonus: conspiracy theorist believe walmarts could be used as concentration camps -stocked up with plastic coffins

What stopped or is stopping the ball from rolling:
>congress blocking almost all of Trumps initiatives (not taking any chances)
>the military; their actions toward him and his command are no more than perfunctory. The generals don't trust him
>the public; they would make the transition into a civil war

I mean this is the closest it will ever get to a white supremacists wet dream but the pieces aren't falling in place, not all. If Trump had total loyalty from the military, a few more states/congressmen
I believe he would pull the trigger

Now you're starting to understand what the old timers are talking about when they see the similarities. They've seen it before, this is their second go around

look at liberia, haiti or detroit
or just africa

Liberia was bad because the freed slaves used the horrific method of slavery they learned in the USA. Also US intervention in their war hurt them. Ditto Haiti. As for Detroit, a movie just came out explaining its histoty and how it got to be so fucked up.

The master baiter strikes again


so it's always the white devil fault if africans fuck up ?

how convenient tyron

>france had every right to side with the south
Shame you guys were dicking around in Mexico then.

I wish this was true

>implying slavery would have lasted more than 50 years in the confederacy.

They had the same percentage of people who were for and against it and turned out payed workers do a better job.

20000 Confederates fled to Brazil and they abolished slavery in 1888.


You neo-nazis don't think a civil war is possible? It's not the lowly plebs that would make the decision, it's the actions of those in power. Imagine one state saying "Fuck you, you're not my president. I'm not listening to you"
Some bumfuck backwards hillbilly state says "Yes you are" . Another chimes in and says they have billy-boys back. States take sides and a line is drawn, we (as in you and me) are now pulled into a conflict

>Federal forces try to pull a ruse and blow a hole in something

Sound familiar

Lol I got a warning for my post about a possible civil war scenario.
It said it had nothing to do with the topic, which is about a civil war show

Fucking stupid mods lol

>Aaron McGruder's series 'Black America' sounds like a far more interesting premise. Black Americans establishing their own independent successful nation in the south.