There will never be a character you identify with more than Rust

>there will never be a character you identify with more than Rust

Wrong, a Rust who also happens to be ugly and a complete failure.

*blocks your path*

You mow your friends lawn? You fuck your friends wife? You have friends?

I fuck my friend's lawn

why did he shoot at god?

he said he would block my path rey, what he didn't knew is i traveled by the boat and don't even have a driving license.

Because he was the yellow king.


"I mow my friends wife" would've been funnier.

>vinceposting will never fully return

Does losing your daughter really cause you to change your entire worldview? I mean, depression is one thing......

don't flatter yourself

caspere knew this

Anyone got the pasta about the kid acting like rust? Mom wakes him up and he goes to school?

>lying in bed meditating upon the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
>mum walks in and tells me to stop sleeping, I'm late for school
>patiently remind her that I don't sleep, I just dream
>she abruptly opens the curtains and walks out
>light up a cigarette and walk slowly to my R.E. lesson
>slide into my seat at the back of the class
>they are discussing the afterlife
>I loudly announce that they're all racing to a red light
>teacher asks if I can understand how the belief in an afterlife is a solace to some people
>I tell him that fairytales aren't good for anybody
>he asks why I begrudge people the right to their own personal belifes
>"they gotta get together and tell each other stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the goddamned day?"
>"what's that say about their reality?" I ask
>"you haven't answered the question, user"
>"then start asking the right fucking questions"
>tired of his low IQ I take a beer out of my bad and crack it open
>"what are you doing!?" he demands
>"it's Thursday and it's past noon. On Thursdays I start drinking at noon. You don't get to interrupt that"
>he tries to confiscate my beer but I capture him in an arm lock
>he becomes vexed and slaps me around the back of my head
>I look him straight in the eye and tell him that prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids
>"if you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself"
>silently walk out of class, pausing briefly at the door to give God the finger

Thats the one :^)



>the way she keeps crossing her legs and trying not to let us see up her skirt

fucking stupid cunt

are you a 40 year old detective with a dead daughter and brain damage? thought so

Humour is subjective maybe but no it wouldn't have been and you're an idiot.

Just a repost of my favourite one, rip in piece

>I saved a man from drowning the other day. Gave him the kiss of life and everything. And you know what he did, Ray? He thanked me. The asshole fucking thanked me



It could, yes.

The ruined Rust's character right at the end.

This is an 18+ site you dumb emo cunt

top kek