Hung up on territorial losses from a treaty 100 years ago which nobody else cares about anymore

>hung up on territorial losses from a treaty 100 years ago which nobody else cares about anymore
>constantly rude, every other post they make is some flamebait towards another user or some barely coherent rant about Jews
>all their posters on Sup Forums are on average probably stupider than Americans on Sup Forums
>asshurt about pretty much every nation surrounding them
>history of authoritarian tendencies
Even as somebody who is a fan of the culture and history of countries in this region such as Poland, Croatia, or the Czech Republic, I have to say that Hungarians come across as extremely nasty people. Are two thirds of their posters just bydlo or something? I want to like them but every time I interact with any on here I feel like I'm talking to some slaphead Nazi soccer hooligan with autism.

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Other urls found in this thread:átra Borozó/@47.5022639,19.039037,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9b88b2f07d1cfcb1!8m2!3d47.5022639!4d19.039037

your average butthurt eastern european shithole that could disappear tomorrow and nothing of value will be lost..
like poland, czechia, slovakia, balkans, etc.


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and the Netherlands


their language is so horrific that they're naturally jealous of all the Slavs with our beautiful languages so they nurture delusions of taking our clay (the official language of the Kingdom of Hungary was Latin and no one living in it was ever forced to learn the barking Turk language that is today known as Hungarian; it was probably brought in by sheepshagging Cumans anyway)
>like poland, czechia, slovakia, balkans, etc.

dodged a bullet there

ki bántott, cica?

why anons say mean things about hungury?

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they need to get their clay back

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>the official language of the Kingdom of Hungary was Latin
Like in other medieval kingdoms, dumbass

why do people hate hungarians so much? they were pretty based in the 14th and 15th century, certainly more based than the neighboring sl*vs

>stupider than Americans
lad that’s like saying darker than black

I actually feel for them. Not all of the land was Hungarian but Christ they got fucked over.

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well, in this case there was the added benefit of protecting people's ears from the unholy brainmelting mindfuck that is Hungarian

I don't hate them, I just find them unpleasant
People that hate them hate them because of politics, and I don't give a shit about that

Based Slovenian crypto-jew

do you feel for us aswell?

Mi a faszt mondtál az imént rólam, te kicsiny ribanc? Tudatom veled, hogy osztályelsőként végeztem el a TEK-et, számtalan bevetésen vettem részt szl*vok ellen, és legalább háromszáz konfirmált ölésem van. Kiképeztek gorilla hadviselésre, és én vagyok a legjobb mesterlövész a seregben.

They just don't take this meme website seriously and shitpost more, which is a sign of being well educated.

hahahahahahaha good one Dieter

>vagyok a legjobb

you can give my vagyok a legjobb anytime you want, you naughty boy ;)


Hahahaha! Good one!

Guess it's wrong what they say about the German sense of humour, you guys are alright.

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haha stupid amerishart fuck you BOW TO YOUR JEWISH MASTERS FUCKING RED SLAVE OF BABYLON kill yourself and delete your romanian tier thread

>ÉN vagyok a legjobb
I AM the best
you stupido tótus

ohh look the turkoslav trianon serb again. Hungarian has only loanwords from turks you know the people who you're closer to genetically than the hungarians. Cumans were a nomadic turkic group who were let into the kingdom by an idiotic king

>barely coherent rant about Jews
wtf do I have Hungarian ancestry or something?

The region that Slovenia got out of Trianon is the poorest in the country and has been for 90 years. Is it a coincidence that the people there dress like Hungarians and talk with a Hungarian accent? You tell me!

Don`t you fucking dare bully Hungary, you motherfucker.

wtf I love Hungarians now

Is this the designated Palvinposting thread?

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Weird to see a Korean talking shit about European territorial disputes and treaties.

who the fuck cares about your generic balkanturk shithole anyways? Your only poorer than hungary because you were the austrians' slaves for a longer time than them.

You're probably from prekmurje and ashamed of your hun ancestry

Your only richer than hungary*

I don't know what a bydlo is but if it means "bitter contentious cunt" then yeah pretty much

>oh look at my little thread, ohh so clever, ill bully the most innocent and defenseless anons on Sup Forums
well done

in ww2 prekmurje was taken back by 2 drunk honvéd on a bycicle armed with knives. Really made me think

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try harder you swarthy gypsoid

Hungary has always been shit. They sold out their country to an Italian merchant within 50 years of coming in from the steppe. The Arpads are a fucking myth. It was just a succession of horsefuckers who wore that vaunted crown, some of whom were probably Jewish and/or Pecheneg. Oh, and the Corvins? Vlachs. They only made war on the Turks because they were after their sheep-flocks. Even the French Angevins who brought a bit of order to the nomadic hellhole weren't able to change the essence of Hungary, which is a Turkish sheep pasture, as it became clear soon after Mohacs. Thank god for the Austrians, who after defeating the masters of the land, the gypsies or kruci, settled that forsaken steppe with colonies of everyone from Slovaks to Armenians, Swabians, Ukrainians, Serbs, you name it. But alas these colonists assimilated into the bowlegged, kalpak-wearing masses who had huddled near Burgenland, only to come crawling back into kruci country, claiming for themselves first the nice houses the Austrians had built for them and soon after the entire Pannonian basin. And this, my friends, is the nature of the Hun.

lol de mérges a szűz

all of that which isn't true at all is more history than your made up enclave of the identity and nationless slavic blob had and will ever have

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what was that?

just get rid of the whole countryside, Budapest is the only relevant city anyways

próbál úgy tenni mintha lenne országa

I broke from combat and made a false flight, then turned around on my horse and countered with the parthian shot.

ez csak a buta geci félregépelt valamit
pont, hogy azt a gennyes kelést kéne kivágni az ország szívéből amit b*dapestnek hívnak
ez proxy?

a pesti ember az evolúció csúcsa, dehiszen

I bet your granny your got HUN'D

are dog soups uma delicia?

*evolúciós zsákutca

mér vagy ostoba gecy


hozol nekem koreai menyecskét?

so they're not?

sajnállak, inkább lennék szlovén mint te

>parthian shot

that's our move! stop the cultural appropriation!

Te most hol vagy? Korábban Jeollabukdo-ban éltem.

>szarjuk le azt hogy Budapest nélkül kurva nagy szarban lenne az ország gazdaságilag és részben kultúrailag

Go back to the sheeps with the proxy, Petru

és finom volt a kutyaleves?

nem mondhatom hogy prók szít használok mert akkor bántani fognak a janik ; _ ;

Petra > Enji > random insta hoes > Barb

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szóltam is a janinak :^)



Nem tudnám. A koreai étel több paprikát használ, mint bármely más konyha, amit találkoztam.

a hungol szöveget nem értik butuska

Abandonolni kéne ezt a bánatos fonalat

de azt megértik hogy proxy

az mondjuk igaz, hogy az átlag postázónál gecibbek szoktunk lenni, de ez magas tesztoszteron és alfahím dominancia miatt van

Any good places to hangout in Budapest?
Anything less touristy as Szimpla Kert would be very much appreciated.

direkt írtam olyan retardáltul

a f*Hér szláv fijúk a nagy MAGYAR faszra lettek teremtve

>autista vágyálmok

the kopaszi gát is pretty good quality but the restaurants are pretty expensive

kek, szittya ősmagyar vér
Feneketlen tó near Móricz Zsigmond körtér, around that place it's also nice, Margaret island too.

Mátra Borozó if you want the authentic commie pensioneer feel
seriously the place is magicátra Borozó/@47.5022639,19.039037,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x9b88b2f07d1cfcb1!8m2!3d47.5022639!4d19.039037

I don't recall him mentioning that he wants to hang around drunk teenagers though

Then go to Jupiter

Why are they so obsessed with apples?

>not wanting teenage puss

or just generally avoid the buda downtown, since that's where all the teenage punks and hipsters hang out and get drunk

aren't they good for you?

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apples are good for your health and they look nice, user

az mii?

Well, that maybe partly true, but you have to choose between like tourists, chinese tourists, average drunks, gypsies, hobos, drunk teens or places that dont have these that are either really expensive or really far
Az ötödik bolygó a Naptól számítva

>tourists, chinese tourists, average drunks, gypsies, hobos, drunk teens
that's B*dapest alright
you forgot the nigs and the arabs though

>gypsy is still mad that no one wants to visit his bronze age shitpile

Thanks I will definitely check that places out.

Great! This looks exactly like what I was thinking of.

drink fröccs (wine + soda water) and eat lard on bread if you're feeling adventurous

Lard on bread is fucking delicious (zsíroskenyér), dont have to be really adventurous for that, also with paprika on top though

I like apples and usually eat one every day, but I don't see how they'd represent a country general.

we're proud of our turkish heritage

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Mátra Borozó is a respectable establishment
lard on bread always has powdered paprika, hot green paprika and purple onions on top


based on the amount of Gypsies Budapest must be going through its copper age

majd ezzel csinálom a holnapi fonalat, ha sikerül megelőznöm a többi ánont

Instant anonpukkasztás

meg a kurva anyád te kis buzi

kurva anyádat