Do you like protestants ? :3

Do you like protestants ? :3

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No, they're fanatic trash incapable of reasoning. At least here it is like that, don't know about other countries in LatAm.

Protestant union vs catholic's who would win in a war in europe.


muslims and jews


isn't russia orthodox though?



WHY ARE YOU BEING SO RUDE???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately yes

because you make this thread everyday

Protestants are cool mate

>literal third world shithole calling the most developed nations in the world trash

Because pr*Testants are trash.

I'm speaking about protestants in my country, brit.


How many millions died because protty cucks wanted female bishops and to marry 2 back trans muslims togeether?

Catholics are the least conservative

nah the reason we turned to protestantism is because henry the 8th's wife couldn't bring him a male so he filed a divorce however the catholic church said no because of some stupid rule. So henry decided the best course of action was to break away from the roman catholic church found the church of england and then get married 6 fucking times. what a fucking hero this man is my idol.

No we're not :(

Do you really think countries like Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden are still mostly protestant?

isn't all of latam c*tholic

the richest countries in the world are atheist