Is this actually bad for you or is it a meme? What bread should I eat?

Is this actually bad for you or is it a meme? What bread should I eat?

>What bread should I eat?
Real bread.

make it you lazy fuck its easy. also then you aren't eating the processed bread jew.

pic related

youre just eating the genetically modified yeast jew

I work in a bread factory.

Honestly, it isn't really that bad if you get a whole grain bread. Bonus points if they add fiber with things like oats or flax.

Plain white bread isn't usually empty calories, as the flour is often enriched providing some key nutrients, and the gluten (soy is often added, too) make for a decent protein source.

Look for bread that uses honey, or real sugar to feed the yeast. This is pretty common these days, but some cheap. bread may use high fructose corn syrup.

Side note: freezing your bread increases the fiber content by converting some carbohydrates into resistant starch, which is a valuable prebiotic. Freezing, and then toasting, provides much more of this dietary fiber source than eating fresh bread.

baked bread is best fresh bread.
sliced bread is best toast.



What's wrong with white bread if its fresh?

It's not bad for you, it's just pure carbohydrates with all the nutrients stripped out and then a few added back in. You shouldn't be stuffing your face full of it at every meal and there are more nutrient rich types of bread (dark breads are typically much better) you could eat, but white bread is not going to be the death of you.

I make my bread only with 14-chromosome wheat plants that grows in the wild brought from the middle east, step up senpai.

I get my yeast from the air, leaf.

Rye bread you fucking cuck

Jews don't use yeast...

White bread is fine. Brown bread is degenerate though.

Blood sugar spike nigga, get some wheat.

I have Chron's disease, and plain white bread is one of the few things that I can eat without experiencing debilitating gut pain.

All the niggers who shit on white bread and jerk off to whole wheat bread are just parroting nutritional memes.

Marbled Jewish rye. The only thing I ain't mad at the Jews for.

Rye bread über alles

Gee, judging by pic related, id stay away from pumpernickle. And rye bread. Bagels too.

And tortillas, naan, flatbread and matzoh, just to be safe.

>Good thing you asked about the political implications of FUCKING BREAD, you piece of shit

look up helminthic therapy, I heard it does wonders for most crohn patients

sour dough

>eating peasant bread

Black, Once I went black, I couldn't go back.

Whole wheat with only flour, water, yeast, salt, sugar.

Niggers eat white bread because it's the cheapest thing on the shelf.