In 10 years time Sup Forums will be a country in the south pacific with it's own military and economy branded as...

in 10 years time Sup Forums will be a country in the south pacific with it's own military and economy branded as "russia's pacific proxy" by western media

Sounds great to me.

Are pets allowed?


bring ur wief

Can i bring my pet bear?

How would Sup Forums make an island large enough to be a functional country?

u dont make

He means the economy

R u da mummyposta?


Will the island be super small, but with a huge underground mega city where we all live in peace in harmony by massive shitposting on all the leftie sights such as tumblr and instagram?

Can you make that 2 years?


if that island is owned by a nation or is in the national waters of a nation then claiming it as your own would be treasonous, if Sup Forums took over an owed island they would be nuked within a day.

Can I get some cute mummy?

How far are you into your Russian, what resources do you use to learn it?

>if Sup Forums took over an owed island they would be nuked within a day.
can we be a bit realistic pls

you think a country would just give you an island?

There are no unowned islands on international waters anymore. If you were to make your own country you'd either have to make your own island or take over another nation's island, the latter of which is almost impossible without repercussions.

New Rhodesia is a go.

нa ceйчac нe yчycь pyccкий

used duolingo, will continue sometime but rite now i have stupid job
no stupid i take it and defend
/namibia/ get out

Hi, I'm here for mummy pics


did u reset ip

I just use fone data


Same here, doing a bare minimum of about 10 XP a day, level 12 atm.

Oнa - кpacивaя дeвoчкa. Зaчeм ты любишь eё?

did 50xp a day everyday and made sure all medals were gold

had to stop so exausting and had work and stuf but i am still experimenting with google translate and russian image boards

wen u sed Зaчeм it mean "what for" so пoчeмy
("why") wuld be more appropriate

but still rite

>"no stupid i take it and defend"
>one of these babies approaches your island
>they hijack all your radio signals at once
>"surrender now and go to the beach where our transport ships will be waiting you"

what do?

what the fuck that's a lot of fighter jets
how the hell do none fall off

Start masturbating furiously the moment they arrive to attempt to confuse them

Fuck yes. When do we get our uniforms?



Imagine a country of Sup Forumslacks

the point is island is worth less than would cost to take it back

also you dont realise flint has a fringing reef that makes landing craft impossible

it is easy to defend and worth nothing that is point
7-8 years silly

only for pioneer crew at start

government members dress like mummy does in uniform

oh great its that autistic mummy poster that thinks he can just move to russia and earn a fortune in the army.
kek, keep dreaming

not earn fortune stupid

Memes will be the country's primary export

I wonder how much Kiribati would want to just straight up buy the island outright.