Preacher Live Thread "Possibly Inbred Messiah Edition"

Nice shadow work there

Who are these people again?


it appears to be Jesus Christ and his baby mama

Holy kek, based Dude Weed

I can't believe they went that far

if the character I think they are going to show is premiering tonight this is nothing

Jesus got laid

Retard Jesus is coming friend

Humperdy do?

even dennis getting laid reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

whats her problem?

PTSD (possibly magic, maybe just normal kind) from almost getting killed by the Saint of Killers

also Grail people might just be fucking with her head

fucking christ those flapjacks look delicious

What I want to know is why the time is off so much in whatever part of the world this clock represents.
The hours I get, but the minutes? How the fuck can it be 7 minutes after the hour in the rest of the world, and in this city it's 27 minutes after the hour.

>Dinosaurs failed God
why did that make me laugh

>its a tulip has ptsd for no raisin episode

>Herr Starr summoned the Pope and the Arch Duke of Canterbury just to prove a point that no one knows shit about god

Time for retard Jesus.

I laughed harder at him being almost on the right track about god's motivations


What happenned? (Parent changed channel after Jesus sex scene and now we're watching GI Jane.)

not much except the Pope let slip about the descendant of the messiah existing

also proto grail killed jesus' baby mama almost immediately after she gave birth

Featherstone has some nice tits

>tfw yuropoor
>tfw no torrent until hours after the episode finishes

You are not missing out much tbqh

Don't be stupid Tulip
Well, don't be stupid any more

Hoover's about to get the shit kicked out of him

Any Arseface/Hitler in this episode?


Here we Fucking go

>he said the thing

the fucking madmen


seth leafstein does it again

Holy shit the madmen
Holy shit it was God in the gimp suit all along

oh shit, it didn't work on him

I really didn't think they would go there.

Holy shit that would be amazing

I think it did, but he's a retard so he can't give an answer anyway

>god is a furry

....that actually makes sense

Can we Fucking stop with Tulip, she's so fucking bad

God or Zeus?

God God

Well, not Christian or well versed in the Bible so you are gonna have to explain why it makes sense

because God is and always will be a massive fucking troll, and him epically rusing people is in character

Ah, I thought you meant God likes sticking his dick in animals like Zeus

There are half-hour timezones.

I liked in the comic that God was literally the old testament version of him. No changes at all. Just a fucking psycho in need of attenttion.

Apologize to Seth Rogen

I cannot believe preacher is adapted faithfully and comic readers are still not satisfied

I wouldn't exactly call it faithful. If anything, this week's episode just makes the changes more annoying since AMC just showed that they're totally willing to let the show cover the more controversial parts of the comic and Seth is just changing things for fun.

Wait, people watch this?