Why does (((Google))) rotate the American Flag?

Why does (((Google))) rotate the American Flag?

The Wikipedia Article it pulls the image from has the flag oriented normally, but the image shows it flipped vertically.

Other urls found in this thread:


You already know we live in an occupied country, or you wouldn't ask.

So it fits properly on-screen.

They don't do this for any other flag

I imagine it comes down to the resolution of the image and/or the formatting of the text to the left.

if you were to hang it from a ceiling the union should always be in the upper leftmost corner

Because that's how you hang the flag if you're doing it vertically


honestly flag identification should be tested on the SAT

Haha bro, it's just a flag orientation. Mice speculation though, but I can see Sup Forums freaking out over things like this.

>Haha fucking caught the kike, never using google again
>What did they mean by this?
>Wtf I hate Google now
>Trump BTFO


there's no disrespect or or hidden agenda in this flag's orientation

They go on the upper right since flipping 90 degrees would result in that.

There are rules for hanging the flag.

One of them is that the field of blue always hangs in the top right. Something about country first.

The left, smart guy

Unless worn on military uniform stars go left

well it looks like the left but the "way the flag faces" is to the flag's right

you view it as if it were to the left

When hanging the physical flag in a vertical direction, the stars should face either the north or the east.


Sorry, I went to public school

Why are (((Americans))) so sensitive about their dish rag?

good thing colleges don't care about SAT scores anymore

We rake up your flag every fall

That is a proper version of the flag, you dummy. It could either be hung vertically, union first, or horizontally like the way you're used to

Because it'd isn't a fucking leaf like your shit rag.

flags don't make good dishrags, retard. also, who the fuck still uses rags for dishes in CURRENT YEAR

What did you get on your SAT smarty-pants?

Except on the army uniform. I believe that's because they're being used as an Israeli private army and aren't actually fighting for anything to do with America :^)

Because it has tons of history. And so did yours until you changed it into a glorified Supermarket logo.

It doesn't, your screen was just flipped/rotated


stars face east dumbshit