ITT: shows that shaken your core beliefs

ITT: shows that shaken your core beliefs

>I used to think Caesar was a hero that, despite using populist methods, was the best option to save Rome from its deep corruption. However, after watching Rome, maybe the conservative senators were in the right after all. I don't know,

Republican Rome was never cut out for running an empire. Nobody in the provinces got to vote anyways and their lives were made worse off by the senators competing against each other.

for me it had almost the opposite effect. I never knew super much about ceasar, but the show really made me like him and i couldn't understand why they hated him so much. I tried, but maybe i didn't pay attention close enough.
Can someone explain?

Non, mon ami français

y tho

Parce que t'es un fils de putain

what just because i like ceasar? You are just butthurt because he conquered all you baguettes.


The Republic was headed for collapse whatever happened. Especially thanks to the Senates cronyism fueling unemployment among the plebs.

Hey, that's not a nice thing to say, friendo.

Mange mon coq!

He had been on an unrequited genocidal rampage around Gaul prior to the show's timeline.

Not only does that make little sense in French but what you wish to say is pretty mean.

Augustus did nothing wrong and neither did Brutus

there is literally nothing wrong with killing barbarians

Found a Hardcore History listener


But Rome was blatantly pro-Caesar show, Caesar and Octavian were literally flawless (and their flaws were made into virtues), unlike their adversaries: Pompey was overly ambitious and arrogant tyrant, Brutus was ungrateful traitor, Mark Anthony was nothing but a dumb animal and Cato's character was literally butchered; I think even lost Caesar's Anti-Cato was probably softer on him than that show.

Rome really doesn't give context to why the senate opposed Caesar. There's literally one scene in the first episode and that's it.

That being said, Rome was incredibly well done. I just wish we had battle scenes. The way they skipped over pharsalus was criminal.

>ITT: shows that shaken your core beliefs
And you wonder why girls won't date you.

Caesar is not part of my core beliefs

The Gauls did that to Rome too you know.

Fuck off with your terrible meme podcast. That's pretty common information even at history channel levels of knowledge.

Seriously fuck that podcast, he has the cadence and speech writing of the average preacher, stretching simple messages over hours using repetition and constantly EMPHASIZING and PROJECT at WEIRD times. Plus he charges for podcasts but it's ok if he fucks up, because despite getting paid for talking about history he's not a historian somehow.

History of Rome Pod Cast Master Race.

Caesar had already dropped hints at being king and wanted to be, he'd made plans for invasion of Parthia and then Germania and once he returned from conquering there, the people would be so high off his victories that he would be successful at crowning himself king, so the senate decided to stop him before he did

To be fair we are not exactly going off primary sources here, a lot of this history is fill in the blanks based on books translated hundreds of times written by propagandists after the fact. Who know's who intended what.

He was too powerful.

Too many people (senators, magisters and especially troops) were personally attached to him. The entire political history of ancient rome and greece can be summarized by attempts to avoid one man holding too much power for unlimited time (thats why there were always two consuls during the republic and why the process of election was such a mess when each year everyone changes position)