ITT: underrated LOTR characters

ITT: underrated LOTR characters

This guy was badass and he rekt Aragorn's shit

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he was a big guy indeed

originally that was going to be Sauron but they changed it last minute and CGI'd a troll over him.

I liked how Bolg fought Legolas to a standstill.

Thank fuck. that would have been retarded.

What this nigga said. The b-reel footage of it is on the Special Editions and it's probably somewhere on youtube too

He was actually winning and then he walked away for no reason except plot

>t. bookfags

nothing wrong with having the hero and the villain have a showdown.

it's not like their isn't precedent for it in tolkien's work.

and if you must autistically disagree, they should have done SOMETHING with sauron.

Show his body in his tower as he dies. Or show his shadow stretch across the land like the book. Or have Aragorn duel the Mouth of Sauron, just... ANYTHING other than a random troll.

They tried to show his eye hypnotizing Aragorn with leftover footage, but it didn't really work. Obviously they were on a tight schedule or something

and a troll suddenly being a master sword fighter isn't retarded?

the best compromise would be a sword duel with the mouth of sauron, but I think the sauron change was too late in production for that sort of thing

kill yourself

It was supposed to have been Sauron

This looks CGI'd worse than the troll put over the top to replace Sauron

well it's probably unfinished

>t. nerd

go back to playin dungeons and doofuses

it's an edit of unused footage

So this is the level we are talking about the butchering of talkins work?

>I like this "character" bc he is total badass and kicked aragons ass
>so awesome guys why is he in no video game guys?

Kys. Lotr 2 and 3 where terrible movies. As an adaptation or judged on its own, they are just shit, thx

herro bait-san

I love that troll. Is also a great scene that puts back Aragorn to a human level. He is a great hero but still Mordor is bigger. The Ring must go, or else.
And I love the fact that even if he is going to lose the battle the troll got the satisfaction of beating the shit out the King of Gondor.

the eye trying to tempt aragorn was perfect and gave us

>....for Frodo

how can it be perfect when it's literally a despearate attempt to salvage scrapped footage

you say "tempt", in order to tempt someone you need a thing to tempt with, just saying someone's name in a creepy whispery voice isn't really temptation

hello bookfag
well actually in the video game aragorn fights the mouth of sauron. nice trivia for you.

The troll was never even shown dying, he ran away as soon as he saw what shit was going down with the ring destroyed

pretty smart guy

>hello bookfag
nah, I like most of the changes made in the movies because I recognize that they add to the story in the new medium.
But THIS specific fight would have destroyed the movie and Sauron how they built him up.
This specific one was rabbit-sled tier.

No Sauron, no sun covered.
Are trolls from Gorgoroth immune to the sun effect?