
West European
Central European
East Asian
South Asian

Can we agree these are the major regions of the world?
Before attacking map understand each country is coloured based on largest group in nation. To help you can colour states/provinces in countries to improve accuracy in the map.
For example, USA has four major groups of people: Hispanics, West Europeans, Central Europeans, and Africans. Hispanic is the largest of the four in the nation therefore USA was coloured green in country map. USA anons could make a state map specifying which states are of each group. The same would be helpful of other nations for their country maps so my future updated map will be much more detailed.

Hispanic - Spain or related to Spain

Latino - Latin American


thanks for correcting that, all feedback will be taken on board, this is a draft.

Also Hispanic is not a race in any way shape or form

There is no "Hispanic"

Read the spanish caste system

Oops, I'm reading this wrong. You should really make it easier to read. Put the color, then the country. Better yet, make it all one line, i.e. "Hungarian = dark green"

Also, the US is in no way Hispanic/Latino. The majority of us are white, typically of Germanic or Slavic heritage.

Croatia and Slovenia Slavs but Serbia and Montenegro Turk? Your map is very poorly colored

America barely has any actual Hispanics of pure spanish descent but there is a lot of brown mestizos types who are products of mass race mixing back when the original hispanics of Spain did a lot of rape

We need a latino user to edit my map with native regions and white regions, i haven't enough knowledge to do this accurately

Yeah, when i update map ill make colour key easier to read

I coloured usa green as it has a significant nonwhite population which deems the nation no way white, a state map would be a more accurate representation

My point is not the Hispanic/Latino confusion, but the fact that MOST OF US ARE WHITE!

continue to tell those lies to youself tyrone

I'm whiter than you, Hans.

Prove it. Show your nipples, with timestamp.

You will not belive this but
Brazil is not hispanic
at all



Also you fucking wish you were part of West Europe lmao you convict

wrong country

Yeah, i meant latino, sorry about my ignorance

My fault. Aus seems more like Oceania tbqhwy

Too lazy to edit yours but here you have it

You should really add a "Latin" group, comprising of Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Romania. Also, the Balkans are fucked: Serbia is definitely Slavic, and I don't think Greece and Bulgaria fall into the "Turkic" category. India and Pakistan should be in their own separate category (maybe "Vedic" or something), and Indonesia is Polynesian, not South East Asian.

>discovered, conquered and civilized by people from Hispania
>I-I'm not hispanic!
yes you are, in the jewmerican meaning (but its not correct)

Hispanic - from Hispania = Iberia = Spain + Portugal

Latin - from latin ancestors/heritage = Spain + Portugal + Italy + France

Latin-American - the true word you should use

its the same as Afro-American. you call niggers justo Afro or Africans in the USA? no, you call them Afro-American. but ofc you got jewed by the anglojews to call Latin-Americans just Latins, to undermine true white european catholic Latins. like always, the anglojews trying to manipulate and divide Europe and the white man.

>West European
You mean "chinese"



if you moved to america, you'd be hispanic

A "White Hispanic" but still a hispanic

Thanks a lot user, ill incorporate this when I update world map.

Australia isn't Polynesian, and there abbo population is tiny

Thanks for feedback I'll take these onboard, except indonesia def isn't polynesian

Not a meme map

Is abbo pop in kiwiland significant?

Hispanic is not a race.
Thanks for playing.

"Hispania" was the Roman name for the Iberian peninsula. Spaniards and Barbosas are Hispanic.

in your country 2+2=5. great. but guess what, 2+2 is still 4.

virtually non-existent.

see Colombian user fixed map of Latin America, also your map is for ants


A perfect portugal.

A perfect world.

already said that on: and everybody else are Latin-Americans. not latins, not hispanics.

Europe doesn't use the word hispanic

America does

All Spanish ancestry, white or brown, is hispanic

You are a white in Europe

You would be a white hispanic in america

end of story

Romanians have nothing to do with the 'latin heritage'. They are genetically and culturally far away from them. Only thing they have, labeled as latin, the language.