Oh I just don’t understand because I’m a white pop star. I know the statistics. I know what’s going on in the world

>Oh I just don’t understand because I’m a white pop star. I know the statistics. I know what’s going on in the world.

>When asked about the criticism, Cyrus simply says, “I don’t give a shit. I’m not Disney, where they have, like, an Asian girl, a black girl, and a white girl, to be politically correct, and, like, everyone has bright-colored T-shirts.

Other urls found in this thread:


What's her name again?

>mfw Miley is alt right now

Miley "Greasy Crease" Cyrus

Oh! Wonderful news! I guess you're feelings are the same about this then?

You out there Miley? Once you're sick of the slut bullshit consider lending a hand.

Miley "takes drugs trhough her iris" Cyrus

Does this mean she is going to stop dancing on stage naked with a 2 foot long strap on dildo? It would be nice if she stopped corrupting the minds of young teen girls.

time to go in for reprogramming

>knows what the jews are doing
>still shakes her ass and rides dildos on stage in front of thousands


cocaine's a hell of a drug

She does it to spite Muslims of course

Isn't Breitbart Jewish? It's not called Kikebart for nothing, right?
More smoke and mirrors from a desperate Shillary campaign.

Miley "handing out blankets to Indians so they can get a virus" Cirus
Miley "hanging niggers highly" Curus

They're really trying to expand the meaning of anti-semitic aren't they.

wtf i hate twerking now

>alt right ish anti pc sentiment becoming pop counterculture

Lol @ incompetent and short sighted media. Thanks.

>trusting whatever an ex wife says
>in fucking divorce papers

Miley "Eenie Meenie Miney Moose Hang a Nigger with a Noose" Cyrus

Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter is long dead, buried out in the desert east of LA.

I don't know who this person is, but whatever. Still degenerate as fuck.

Good for her, she's been working in the (((music/entertainment industry))) for too long.

new queen of Sup Forums?

>no proofs

Miley Cyrus 3.0 in 3....2.....1.....

I'm telling, ya. Trendy wymunz are realizing they need to get on this AltRight thing to remain attractive in the marketplace. Soon we'll see AltRight MTV teen shows, because those Jews pay people good money to get involved in subcultures and find ways to market those subcultures to a wider audience of teens.

It's gorilla warfare.

>wtf I hate Breitbart now
Why is this shill spamming every thread with the same image?

Miley "curing the Jewish virus" Cyrus
Miley "painting the floor with all the colors of the rainbow" Cyrus
Miley "Hannah 'Poison their bananas' Montana" Cyrus


Whoo! Just need Vermont and I will have all 50 states!

Before you lot go getting ideas, this is a daddy issues motivated 'rebellion', not a political statement.

Miley "the Montana mountain lioness" Cyrus

Can we get her to do lesbian Nazi cosplay porn with Tila Tequila?

i bet she says he also used to beat her and the kids

and did drugs

>this news is from 2013

Goddamn it Sup Forums

Heroin overdose soon.

Stop giving this annoying bitch attention

She's only ever been following the trend. She's allowed to return to her roots.

It's a typical cultural subversion tactic.

This is what MONARCH programming does to a person. They take the most wholesome Christian girls, build them a tween fanbase and then proceed to turn them full degenerate through mind-rape programming and sexual abuse.

She warned us.


Miley "simplex virus" Cyrus

This is all part of Hilarys plan. Have Miley go alt right to make the alt right look bad

Wasn't the real Miley Cyrus killed back in 2011 in the desert? And the current one is a look alike under the influence of MK-Ultra?

Yes. She's like the Paul McCartney of Disney stars. The person we're seeing is her replacement Wiley Cyrus.

Miley "fucked a homeless man" Cyrus

Glenn Beck murdered a girl in 1992

This MONARCH shit always gives me the creeps.

She was clearly on drugs as far back as 2008 when she was 16.

sorry the only video I could find of her acting odd at the VMA.

They got to Michael Jackson too, among others.

>mfw she has a diaper fetish

what does Sup Forumsacks think of this shit?

plz post more Maradona


wtf i love miley now

No because that's the appeal she's the equivalent of a shock rocker you cock gobbler.

these quotes are all from fucking 2013 btw retards

good job falling for memes you fucking retards

those two pics are of the same person though.
The flexing of the jaw is way different in each, you can see the one in the left picture flexing it down and leftward giving that rounded look to the right cheek. While the protruding butt of the chin is more pronounced in the right, that can again my explained by the flexing of the jaw and angling for the left, you can see a faint oval shape on the chin showing the same sort of protruding butt, however it's just not angled well to see it.
The noses have the same shapes, just again they're at different angles.
The eyes have the same shapes as well, the left simply has more light dark contrast.
Again the right photo is taken much more close up and with terrible lighting whereas the left is taken at a distance with good lighting. I'm not art or film fag, so by lighting I could mean light capture ability of the camera or whatever.
But yeah, debunked m8.

Also, for this, when I'm saying the jaw is flexing leftward, I mean for Pauls left, not the photo viewers left.

Miley is actually pretty based, she is satire of the obnoxious weirdness=sexual liberty batch of pop stars. I'm surprised more people don't know this.

Pretty sure that the moment there is an "alt-right" MTV is the moment we lost.

Got anymore readings on this monarch shit? Even tinfoil stuff is welcome if it's not cringe.

Post yfw when Sup Forums is unironically liberal by 2020

Sounds like she's voting Trump


Didn't she used to hate Trump? Does she still?

Miley "Billy Ray" Cyrus

>miley becomes the anti-taylor swift of pop artists and becomes more based and less degenerate over time.

is she breaking the conditioning
like a wrecking ball

I don't believe this shit. Nobody can be THAT corrupt, right?

>Trump does something for attention
>Le 12th dimensional chess
>Pop star does something for attention
>What a dumb bitch

>MFW Miley was hotter as a country girl