What is the most powerful weapon against liberals?

What is the most powerful weapon against liberals?




this senpai. we'll win the war with our superior meme weaponry.

Muh dick

A gun

Seriously this... HC basically hat a rally calling us out. She knows our memes are working.



woah came to post it

That which they support.

If they talk about how niggers are oppressed and are good people in need of help, send them to a nigger neighborhood.

If they claim muzzies are following a religion of peace and should be accepted and treated as equals? Send them to Syria(or Europe).

Nothing. We (the left) are winning the culture wars.

Deal with it.

That said, the only issues I agree with the Trumpards on is the whole Muslim thing. If there were a button I could press that would make them all disintegrate in an instant, my finger would probably break from how hard I'd press it.

But, the rest? Nah. The Grampa Cons are dying off, and most of you guys--the Kiddie Cons--will liberalize after you get an education and gain a better idea of how the world works. The rest of you will be selling me Twinkies at the gas station.

Lightning is my waifu and forever will be we will live forever together in white France and drink wine, eat baguettes, and go HON HON HON as the sun falls below the horizon.



Black conservatives

Functioning brain cells


I am very aroused.

I was a liberal when I was younger.
Then I learned the truth, soon enough you will too.

This is correct.

You are all retards. Facts and logic haven't stopped them so far. Most voters are idiots. If you want to penetrate the thick skulls of your average voter you need to package your truths in pithy slogans and funny pictures.

other liberals

Facts and reality.

The AR15

Zyklon B

A job

bluepill overdose


>What is the most powerful weapon against liberals?

You want to make a conservative mad, you lie to him.

You want to make a liberal mad, you tell him the truth.

—Theodore Roosevelt

actually killing the evil shits, i mean the best way to deal with this is by forcefully overruling their collective retardation with tyranny of the majority.



>actually killing the evil shits
That part is coming. It Trump doesn't get elected, I think there will be blood spilled. The pendulum has swung left way too far.


>Most voters are idiots. If you want to penetrate the thick skulls of your average voter you need to package your truths in pithy slogans and funny pictures.


Courage. They started to win the culture war the second everyone decided to go along with political correctness and censor themselves to appease degenerates.


Rope and rape