Looking for something with similar aesthetics and themes to Burial at Sea

>Looking for something with similar aesthetics and themes to Burial at Sea

I want a nior-equse film with multiverse theory

maybe not the multiverse theory but Dark City, Naked Lunch, 13th Floor

Not really noir, not really multiverses, but I remember watching the X-files just after finishing Bioshock Infinite and its DLC and had a damn good time

No so much multiverse strictly but something with larger "what if" lofty surrealist themes.

Think like Mulholland Drive, "squal is dead" the themes in Ghost in The Shell or Eva for lack of better examples

I heard Mad Men would suit this, is this true

See , X-files has some godly episodes with alternate realities, characters switching bodies and surreal shit like that

Dark City is probably your closest bet.

>Sup Forums scifi shit
lol. I believe youre looking for gimmick shit. I suggest visiting reddit

ITT: anons who dont know the difference between noir and neo-noir

>Dark City
1950s I'm assuming correct?



Lmao, stop using buzz terms Roger Ebert, it's a fucking Noir

You want something with poor writing that ruins an interesting IP with loads of not thought out bullshit?

Have you tried the Star Wars prequels?

correct term is film-noir you plebian.

>lectures him on correct terms
>can't even spell plebeian correctly

You're one hell of a faggot, user

Burial at Sea is the best part of Bioshock storywise IMO

.t didn't play Bioshock 1

i thought about playing bioshock infinite again and totally forgot about this dlc

can i play this without beating the main game?

No I did 1 had the best gameplay

For me it


And I only rank 2 that low becuase it's just "what big daddies do when you're not looking"


The Phantom
Dark City

>can i play this without beating the main game?
Yes, the main game is dogshit.

>The Phantom

U sure user

Just watch it


The Shadow with (((alec baldwin)))