When was the last time you managed to watch a movie from beginning to end, without pausing it?

When was the last time you managed to watch a movie from beginning to end, without pausing it?

I can only sit through a movie without pausing when I watch it with my bf.

watched Dunkirk on Sunday. I didn't want to pause it but I wish there were subtitles. For Christ's sake I couldn't understand half the dialogue.

Dumped my last girlfriend cause she couldn't just sit and enjoy a movie. Wish I kept my first one, she was down for watching arthouse n shit without fidgeting.

>watching camrips

Plebbier than pausing a movie. Plebbier than pulling yout your phone.

Same here. Dumped my girlfriend after we watched the great Master and Commander. Kept asking too many questions during the movie.

Last night, I was watching Friends with my wife's son

Did she ask you about the weevils?

When I watched Baby Driver at the theatre two weeks ago.

>info dump
>suddenly I have to pause the movie and repeat the scene until I get what the character is saying
The last time I went to the the theater, I guess.

I can't even watch porn anymore without pausing every two minutes and opening Sup Forums, dick in hand.

Yesterday. Band of Robbers on Netflix. I had to pee but I waited until it was over. 6 or 7/10 movie btw

last time i went to the cinema

90% of people who claim to have ADHD are just immature and, like children, can't stand still and do one thing before running out of their attention span

Fuck off, faggot.

This guy knows. ADHD is a meme.

why do you bully me :(

T. Phd in neuropsychology

Watch everything in at least 1.25x chucklefucks

I have a bad habit of pausing a movie half way through and not finishing it for a few days or so.

I have a really, REALLY bad masturbation problem so I usually pause to fap to most movies.
I marathoned Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight last week though with my dad so I couldn't pause

yes it's horrible mumbling most of the time

Watch flicks at 1.5x speed so you can tell normies you've seen them, while not wasting much of your time.
Watch movies at 1.25x speed so you can put a check in your movie-list.
Watch films at 1.1x to maximize your output while not missing anything.
See cinema at 1x speed, as the auteur intended.
Gaze into kino at 0.75x speed in order not to miss all the subtitles and symbolism.

I saw it in theaters you baiting cumstain

Being a simpleton with a short attention span =! being someone with a genuine disorder

I find i get less bored with movies when i watch them at 1.66x speed.

Watched Synecdoche, New York a few months ago and I was so engrossed I legitimately didn't notice how long it was.

sheltered Americunt detected

I marathoned Spider-Man 2 at 1x speed yesterday. I did pause, but only to take a piss, not for Sup Forums shitposting, so it doesn't count.

amphetamines do THAT to your brain!? I need to go smoke meth

I pause when I feel like it

>Watch flicks at 1.5x speed so you can tell normies you've seen them
Note that you have to display every frame (a few occasional skips are acceptable if you blink less to compensate) or it doesn't count.

I watch everything at 1.5x speed. Ever since Youtube introduced the different speeds I have gone about watching stuff that way and I can never go back

Increasing playback speed doesn't make you blink more often, so you automatically blink fewer times during the movie.

Virgin "cinema critic":
>watches movies at the best possible quality
>has to sit still through whole movie
>can't go to the toilet out of respect to director
>actually reads credits to the end

Chad movie fan:
>watches movies online at 240p
>stars watching from the middle, skips boring parts
>doesn't pause when he goes to take a shit
>has never seen a credit sequence in his life

Sheltered from what? Nolan's atrocious sound editing? Interstellar was borderline unlistenable too.