Do they go into why the bugs are attacking in the books & does it have political intrigue treating humans like robots...

do they go into why the bugs are attacking in the books & does it have political intrigue treating humans like robots tools to use ?

the bugs didn't attack it was a false flag

no just philosophy of war


I want to stick my dick in that brain bug.

That is the moment NPH realized he was gay.

would you stick your dick in that or would all the eyes bother you?

never asked for that shit im going to read it just want to know if there is political intrigue and if they gave a origin of the bugs


No the book does not go into that detail. The bugs in the book are merely a background setting that Heinlein uses to promote his ideas. In the book there is very little actual focus on the bugs, or even fighting against the buds. Maybe a chapter or two

Border dispute and the bugs are aggressive.

Non federation humans kept settling in off limits bug space.

do bugs even have tech? lel

I would want it to stare deep into my eyes as I cum inside it.

bugs use guns

That is *actually* correct.

The movie doesn't spell it out loud but only leaves clues. It's heavily implied that Buenos Aires was a false flag to justify the invasion of the AQZ The bugs did not attack first and are indeed acting in self defence.

dont need traditional tech the queens can created the units they need remember the plasma bugs that shit was the equivalent of a space cannon

the hives spawn the the specifics units they need


how is this implied? It's been a while since I watched it.


Heinlein is brilliant, a Libertarian writting sci-fi taking the piss out of fascism, it helps that the movie is so fucking aesthetic.

The book and film are quite different in theme and the movie is basically a parody of the book.

When Heinlein published Starship troopers lots of people accused him of being a fascist for suggesting that pacifism and general laziness and degeneracy were not always a good thing.

Then decades later Paul Verhoeven comes along and makes a movie based on the idea that Heinlein was a fascist and mocks fascism.

Though the movie and novel are actually both pretty good, they hit on different ideals.

Heinlein was pretty based.