Be honest Sup Forums, would you?

Be honest Sup Forums, would you?

as someone who has been in his position, no, never. You gotta let them make the first move.

Lose my bottle at the last minute, say nothing and steal a pair of her dirty panties before she leaves?

Probably not. ONLY bc nailing prime Anniston for years would have spoiled me rotten.

Uh yeah, what's the catch.

What was she playing a tranny?

He went for it.

>tfw I made out with my cousin when we were kids
>see her from time to time
>gets very clingy when she sees me
>not sure if she wants to bang or not

Go for it. Be sure to follow up after she births your unholy spawn


I used to lick her butthole when I was going to puberty.

Fucker, I almost tried it in real life too. My cousin is 10 years older than me and was hot as fuck in college. I distinctly remember one time where she put her hands on my thighs while talking to me. Wanked to that memory alone a million times.

You should go back to puberty and stay there

If only user

in this situation you gotta do the dick-in-the-popcorn trick
if she rejects you you can just play it off as an ironic joke

Why didn't Ross as the largest Friend not simply rape his cousin?

Glaring plot hole desu

Matt Leblanc would destroy David Schwimmer in a fight

Joey could beat Ross but not Red Ross

In the Friends universe he would because for some reason Joey is considered tough.

In real life Schwimmer would beat him. He was the biggest of the group and clearly the only one of the three male actors who ever worked out.

>Red Ross

Who would win in a fight: 50 gorillas or 3 Red Rosses?

Did the gorillas throw away the Rosses sandwiches?

5 gorillas threw out his moist-maker, 5 made out with his sister, 10 said they weren't officially on a break and the remaining 30 are just regular gorillas.