Are gay rights human rights?

Are gay rights human rights?

What are Gay rights?

Marriage, non-discrimination in housing, hiring, and public accommodation (being served in a restaurant).


Sodomy is a voluntary behavior. You don't get any special rights for your perversion.

Typical shitlib value inversion.

Yes but being attracted to males is not voluntary. Show us gay porn hooked up to some machine and it will show involuntary arousal. I'm not trying to make other people gay.

Faggot get out.

Today on my way to work I had to run a gauntlet of 3rd world people only to get to the end and see some jew guy in a big spotted dress holding hands with his black bull, and talking about shoes.

I'm gay and I wear mens clothes though. I have no interest in dating black people. I do like shoes though.


Faggot get out.

I just don't think all gays are about race mixing and crossdressing and I wish the media would stop speaking for us and influencing us. We need healthy stable role models. Gays can be conservative, have a husband, have kids via surrogacy or adoption but the media pushes lifestyles that don't make that easy and gives us few positive role models.

>have kids



>using religious terminology
Post discarded.

I am gay desu but i dont really give a shart about gay marriage desu

I think its important to be able to say when you have a boyfriend and you are long term to others "well this is my husband" because if they can describe people that way and you aren't allowed to use the same words for the people you love, what kind of life is that? I think preventing discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation is important as well but I feel that this Trans bathroom stuff is totally a sabotage.

Being gay should be illegal.

What would that solve?

No. Nobody has rights. Rights are, to put in a words you can understand "A social construct" So kill yourself

>fallen angels are males who only lust after women
>sodomg means going after "other" flesh
Another male? Fuck off
>gay men cannot get fucked in this manner
>you fuck apples
>this is my problem

You can be attracted to other males all you wish, just don't be a sodomite. Also, don't talk to me or my son ever again.

Fucking moron

Are you a faggot leaf?

Please elaborate.

Please elaborate.

possible double post im sory


Aren't they decriminalizing public urination in some large cities on the grounds that such laws unfairly targets black men?

Yes, human rights are the right to do as you wish so long as you don't infringe on your neighbors freedoms. Who the fuck honestly cares who is fucking who? There are more important issues to worry about, you know like fiscal responsibility. Jesus Christ, I will never understand why people get so hung up on this shit.

poopbutt and poopbutt marriage

Sorry, meant to say poopdick

I'm going to play Devils advocate in Sup Forums's eyes.

Gays rights are human rights.

People that are gay have every right to be safe from prosecution.

They also have every right to be in a legally bound relationship with one another.

>but marriage
Gays can't force other religions from letting them marry in their churches. That's a violation of their religious freedom.

Eww, you're a slav, you're a million times worse than any faggot on this earth. Your people should not be allowed to reproduce.

You know the word slave literally drives from slave. Your people are cockroaches whose only existence is to serve.

Slavs are worse than niggers. Horrible people with horrible culture. May you become impotent so you may never breed again.

gays aren't human

See ya in WW3, nigg

Yes. Fuck off.

The state does since it's illegal to fuck an adult member of your family even with consent.

Gay marriage isn't about the church it is about the government. The government never should have gotten into the marriage business in the first place because it recognizes religious practices, which there are a plethora of out there.

People should only be allowed to sign contracts in the eyes of the government. The government should not recognize religious ceremonies.

muh atheism

What are you, six?

If there was a World War 3, and Slovenia was involved, your country would be decimated.

shit this fucking guy thinks gays are lizards get your tin foil people

Exactly. If marriage is a contract I see no reason to limit it to two people.

Security through obscurity

You're 110% correct. This is another mess the government has gotten itself into.

The reason the government got involved was so they could offer incentives for marriage and parents. That is, they wanted people to be married and raise stable, healthy, big families.

But now, you have liberals indoctrinating everyone that marriages are oppressive and divorce should be easy, and that gays should have the same marriage incentives as couples, even though they are physically incapable of having children, which was the whole reason the incentives exist in the first place.

Not to mention, literally no one would give a fuck either.

Yea, tell that to Poland in WW2. Your country would be raped, ravaged, and pillaged if there hypothetically was a world war 3 and your country involved itself,

Reminder for you all

Sodomite meaning don't have anal sex or what is your argument?

Lol I used to pee in public as a teen when I would drink and I'm white. I have no idea but I don't think it should be a crime, just a fine.

Some people really care if I'm fucking another dude behind closed doors because they think I'm trying to pervert children.

I don't think people get my reference I believe it was Obama who said gay rights are human rights (or perhaps Hillary)they honestly are the same corporate sellout culture.

Oh my god. Are you ok? Did your bullshit feelings get hurt? Do you need a safe space?

Yes Fuhrer, yes.

lol, Russians. What is the point of you again? You're son is probably a fucking retarded ruskie anyway. Why the fuck would anyone want to talk to a ruskie?

Are slavs and scallys the same thing?

If by "gay rights" you mean marriage for gays: I don't see why not: Two gays who wan't to raise kids are in more need of benefits than a straight couple with no kids.

Other than that why would people forfeit their rights for having sex with the same sex? Who gives a shit?

>But now, you have liberals indoctrinating everyone that marriages are oppressive and divorce should be easy, and that gays should have the same marriage incentives as couples, even though they are physically incapable of having children, which was the whole reason the incentives exist in the first place.

Actually I'm a proponent of promoting marriage for all peoples, because monogamy promotes public health. If people are sleeping around it spreads disease, gays can and should get married and be pressured to be monogamous like the rest of society, Don't be an idiot.

I'd rather live next door to a scally. There's also a chance of the scally wearing genuine Adidas, this is never the case with a slav.

>I'd rather live next door to a scally. There's also a chance of the scally wearing genuine Adidas, this is never the case with a slav.
I kek'd so hard.

What are you, mentally deranged?

Is there such a thing as scally slavs?

No-one really thinks there isn't negatives to being a homosexual. It's not really a huge problem to have a gay friend or accept someone because they like the opposite sex.

Huge difference between a gay man and a faggot.

Alexander the Great fucked qt traps

Unless you intend to force the gays to marry the opposite sex, it is only reasonable to give gay couples the same legal right as the hetero married couples.

>muh reproduction
>muh stds
>muh studies

I feel bad for people who are stupid enough to buy these arguments. =)

No, being a slav is so degenerate and disgusting that it takes over any trace of being a scally.

It's like being decapitated (slav) after scratching your knee (scally).

Can we make this a

>Is being Slavic degeneracy

Pretty much this.

You're not automatically bad just for liking the opposite sex, you're just more likely to be involved in bad shit.

I can understand if you don't agree with it on the basis of religion.

Private business should be able to deny access, jobs or not sell to to anyone for any reason.

Don't care about the marriage issue.

>homosexuality not sub-tabbed under disability right
>of wait, disability rights exist
>the disabled pretty much more useless than farm animals
>oh wait, animal rights exist
>society not killing thyself

welp, modern society = procreative humans will real problems < gays < disabled < animals. k, it's to say goodbye to society now

His lover Hephaestion was a trap?

I guess faggots are humans, if one accepts the loosest possible definition.

So yeah in that sense, I guess so.

Gays have the right to accelerate at 32 feet per second when Muslims throw them off a building.

Is there such a thing as having a fetish for scally or slavic men or women?


>Marriage, non-discrimination in housing, hiring, and public accommodation (being served in a restaurant).

Plus, gay adoption :^)

For scally, yes.
For slavs, possibly. Beastiality is a fetish I suppose.

Slavs are really smelly though :^)

what a peaceful religion!

who cares, I'm not gonna shit on muds if they're doing something right

These are truly a barbaric people. Who actually stones anyone anymore. God we should take away their voting rights and give them to apes. Apes are more civilized than this.

Islam is the most ultimate and purest form of degeneracy ever conceived.

I am proud to serve that flag

No. They don`t.

They are humans and deserve some respect but they are degenerate and must be treated like degenerates.

Why do you want to impose your morals on others?

What do you personally have against the slavs?

Are bean rights legume rights? All beans are legumes but all legumes are not beans.

I agree, the government should use force to protect your personal feelings and sensitivities. :^)

They are smelly, rude, loud, contribute nothing to society, contribute nothing to the economy, rely on gibsmedats constantly, are barbaric, get drunk all the time and cause high crime rates.

Basically, Slavs are the niggers of Europe :^)

sexuality is a human construct; men are naturally attracted to women and women attracted to men for many biological and scientific reasons, one of the primary reasons why humanity has survived and evolved this long is that sex is pleasurable and that heterosexual intercourse creates babies, but men and women can still choose to seek homosexual intercourse for pleasure; with how much people are having casual sex for pleasure (((or with how much it's pushed that you seek casual sex))), it's not unreasonable to think they'd seek the pleasure of casual sex but with the same sex.

quote from a translated book
>"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

stubborn 'homosexuals' aren't wise; they're going to end up wanting children eventually but they can't have a child with their partner because that's biologically impossible, they'd have to adopt; then you're getting into people having children that they don't want to raise and putting them up for adoption in the first place which is irresponsible and also degenerate.

Are you mocking his fee fees? Don't be mocking his fee fees. His fee fees are important to him :^)

Get the fuck off this board.

At this point in time I'm glad I'm not in America anymore.

The US is comparable to a third world nation right now.

Its degeneracy central. I'm moving to Russia as soon as I get medschool done.

Why dont you go die of starvation you soulless potatonigger?

No one likes your inbred kind.
your country and your people are the main reason why Europe is dying Hans. Go neck yourself, but make sure Abdullah and Motumbo get to fuck your whore sister and your feminist slut mother before you do. Ok?

>moving to Russia
>leaving "3rd world" nation

I don't think I've ever met any Slavic people. Do you have any Slavic friends?

What do you say to men who have never felt an attraction to a woman ever, only men?

>No one likes your inbred kind.
Good one you stupid injun.

>m-muh fee fees! MUH FEE FEES

Third world says what? :^)


I love Irish people, they make great food and drink.

And the main reason for Europe dying has nothing to do with Ireland and everything to do with the EU, immigration, and Angela Merkel.

Angela is single handedly destroying the Western civilization. I have no clue why the German people keep electing her.

Thanks for the (you)s goys.

>i love irish people
Of course you would you're the bastard of an irishman

>i have no idea why they're electing her
because they're faggots and retards who must be purged.

The western world is long past and unless Trumo gets elected, I hope WW3 blows off all over your faces with Russia and China steamrolling both Europe and the US along with the Middle East.

>he's reliant on (You)'s because his third world country provides nothing else


I'll never understand why people get so up in arms over this. We've got a million different problems and we're focusing on 1% of the population? Are you fucking kidding me with this?

This is why humanity is declining, we can't focus on, let alone come up with solutions to the big problems,

They are mentally ill.

In my opinion, if a sexual act is done not intending to make a child it is perverse and degenerate

This nigga Which is pretty funny considering that slavs are the biggest bunch of wankers out there. You are nothing but a waste of spunk that would be better spent on an abortion.

So you're never going to have sex just for the sake of pleasure?

>permavirgin detected

The people most opposed to sex for pleasure aren't having any.

"I read the first few lines, and it hurt my feelings"

Kill yourself monkey