Thoughts on Megacities? cities of 10 million people or more

thoughts on Megacities? cities of 10 million people or more

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Hate them, they're full of shit ugly buildings and too many people. Cities should be relatively small and beautiful, no bigger than a typical European capital.

Couldn't imagine living in a concrete jungle desu

>small and beautiful
Not unlike a woman’s breasts.

but small cities get boring, no?

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i'd like to live in one of them
like tokyo it sounds pretty cool
i'm tired of villages

Centers of degeneracy that need to be cleansed of life

Depending on the country they range from top tier to absolute humanitarian crisis.

Too much people.
I want to live in forest.

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That's... That's Pyongyang...

We don't have, or want, any of those in Canada.

no shit detective
and what do you want in canada?
how? would you decentralize megacities?

Mexico City proper is London sized in population and pretty comfy desu, it even includes some large natural areas, the problem is the ring of ultra dense hideous urbanism that surrounds it near everywhere but the south, most Mega-Cities experience similar problem issues.

In realistic terms humans have to figure out the problem of making ultra dense population centers workable, in Mexico the problem is near anyone is programmed into living in a house in their own plot of land (commie blocks are concentrated on the city proper) which leads to results like pictured. We need to come up with something like futuristic buildings that integrate large green spaces and make that a profitable model, other wise we are fast headed into dystopias the world over.

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Perfect size for a city is 0,5-1,0 million people. More means overpopulated shithole

Shit sucks, mate.
Here in Moscow at least.
You are living like a bee in a fucking hive, prices of everything are outrageous, the infrastructure is overloaded as fuck, foreigners everywhere and none of these problems are being solved, in fact the density of residential buildings is only increasing with more and more real estate companies building their shit all over you.
Here is a pic out of my window, back then there was a little park, and now it is a complex of fucking fifteen new apartment buildings, that will get filled with thousands of people. And all of them will have to park their cars somewhere, and all of them will have to send their kids to school.
God i wish i lived somewhere in a nice and quiet suburb, in a house five times bigger (and at the same time cheaper) than my shitty flat.

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Pyongyang is under 4 million inhabitants... It is no Mega city by any metrics.

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It depends I guess but I like nature so I love living in a small town with forests right next to it.
I do wish we had a movie theater tho

I don't like them. Too big, too much people, too expensive. I prefer smaller, quieter cities.

It's why I would rather visit Osaka or Kyoto instead of Tokyo.

Chujuburb. Car fetishist.
Cabin in the woods is the only answer.

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This is fine too.

great. I could blend in and go incognito. Also you basically live normally by any professions including the lowest. Begging.

howas masku in the 90s?

Top tier living
The bigger a city is, the more people you can possibly meet, the better will be the chances that you find someone with similar interests and economic goods that match that match your interests

For example, it's impossible to fuck another girl every night in a small town, but it's perfectly possible to do in big cities

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Tall megacities are good. Wide megacities are bad.

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twas fine

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Mine is less than ten million. Just nine I think as of now.

it attracts too many foreigners

Built by people who want to treat other people like cattle, or cogs in a machine - keeping them in one place.

dont think theyre a result of evil planning, but evil unplanning otherwise known as ineptitude
explain why
prices and transport are a problem

I love living in the city, megacities are like that but without any charm and a fuckload of inconvenience that comes out of living in such a crowded area.