Where were you when DONALD TRUMP and HITLER took over STEAM?

Where were you when DONALD TRUMP and HITLER took over STEAM?


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More Donald Trump on the front page.

Can someone explain this?


Video from one of the games.


Seriously WTF is going on with STEAM.

Are they alt-right now?

I need an explanation people.

video games are for kids


I guess no one cares about STEAM going FULL NAZI

I think only kids are Trump supporters, but seeing Donald Trump and HITLER on the front page is truly frightening.

Hacked by Sup Forums maybe?

This is on the front page of STEAM people. This is problematic.

I don't know, it looks like people are playing these racist videogames.


Is america raising a new generation of racists?

Why do you think racism has anything to do with this?

Donald Trump is a racist bastard and I guess videogamers are nazis

Well, there are probably fags bumping them just because they think they they're satire (whether they are or not).

IT'S ADOLF HITLER and DONALD TRUMP on the front page of STEAM. This is terrifying to think about.

look at this video one of the bigots made and tell me it's not racist.


Trump's tentacles are seeping throughout the gaming industry as we know it. Our children are not safe.

bump, people need to wake up.

I'm so upset right now... I think I need to lie down.

give these guys some love


nice dubs but I don't support nazi bigotry and neither should you

What exactly is a nazi to you anyway.

anyone who supports Trump

You need to be more specific than that.

>a lot of gamers are edgy shitposters just like us
How could you not know this

You need to be more specific than that.

You are the biggest faggot I've yet to see on Sup Forums

>RPG maker page
>"""front page"""

it's not the gamer's faults, its game developers manipulating their audience with games with racist/sexist tropes.

>Front page

Wtf are you faggots on about? It literally says RPG maker in the top. It ain't on the front page unless you're viewing RPG maker workshop. And RPG maker is for faggots anyways

anybody who won't vote for the first woman president

RPG maker is the same game engine the created UNDERTALE, the best game of 2015. This is a dangerous trend in the gaming community that must not be taken lightly.

>vidya discovers that altright nerds will shell out money even faster and more reliably than SJWs
>suddenly every game is packed to the gills with shitlords

Pretty sure that was done in Game maker.

I'm making my game with this in mind. Hate and love are the two best money makers.

no they just pack every game with alt right and racist memes. Look at this cancer it needs to die.


Okay lets say I voted for the first woman president of Lithuania (we have a woman president) and support trump at the same time. Am I a nazi?

please explain, I want to know why things are falling apart the way they are.

It's not plural, it's the same edgy shitposter redundantly and remedially posting his feels.

is being sarcastic Lithuania

The pendulum is swinging right hard, anyone in business sees it, and they want to stay profitable.

keep talking, meanwhile the videogame industry is being handed over to nazis and bigots.

Look at this racist mess:

He said undertale was the best game. Definitely bait. And underage bait. GTFO my board

I agree but they do not understand the problematic effects it will create in multicultural america

my sides are in orbit

I've been seeing this lately

>undertale is not the best game of 2015
okay that is just your opinion, meanwhile at a legitmate publication/source:


that's pretty funny but I think donald trump is more of a danger due to his immediate threat to society.


the world needs to know this bigotry exists.


Maker of Hitler game.

You're just a cunt Micheal

fucking hilarious logic

> pic of trump on steam
> hitler too


