The Let It Go part unironically makes me cry. Am I gay?

The Let It Go part unironically makes me cry. Am I gay?

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No, just a faggot

but i dont like the masculine body

seems reasonable since crossdressing is my fetish

You're gay as fuck mate, sorry

Nah you're just a low-test noodle armed beta male. Stop drinking soy and tapwater.

You probably have a dick in your mouth right now.

Im hairy as fuck, I wish I had estrogen in my body

I want to watch Elsa take a shit.

Shit taste and gay.

shoot yourself in the head

You just have shit taste in showtunes, every song in Frozen is half baked Broadway trash

>I wish I had estrogen in my body
see? your a faggot


Its the singing that gets me

tapwater?? source?


my ass

There is literally nothing wrong with being a faggot

yee, kinda gay. sorry guy.

its not gay to have feelings and express them physically user. this scene induces feelings. these faggots ITT are just meming plebs

heh, do you think I redpill people for free kid?

Nah, it's a good song. Overrated? Maybe. It's good though.

No, because it's good.

let it go is a shit song. Life's Too Short (Outtake) is the best song


There's literally nothing wrong with musicals

This shits on everything in Frozen

The only good song from that is You're Welcome

usa only

That's bullshit and you know it

the sink

Alright, Shiny is ok


I hated that movie and its songs

there's nothing wrong with some empathy trought music. its one of the only thing men and women share as equal. it's like tearing a bit when hearing some powerful classical music

>it's like tearing a bit when hearing some powerful classical music

Like that ever happens

Still haven't seen Moana, but I really like how far I'll go and you're welcome.

You should, it's surprisingly good and has some gorgeous visuals

Not sure if gay but you are definitely a faggot

>not the maui song

how it feels to be such a wrong cuck?

He literally said he really likes You're Welcome you stupid fuck

This is pretty good

>All these manchildren posting cartoons
Let me show you the patrician musical

The only song that makes me cry is Lion's Transformers theme song.
