Tim Heidecker's I Am A Cuck


I am Gay
And I voted for Obama
I am a shill
For the Clinton campaign and the left wing mainstream press
I’m a pussy who gets fucked right up the ass
I am a cuck!
I am a libtard

I’m a fag
Who wants blacks to live amongst us
And arabs to have equal rights
I have no love of country, white folks are all bad
But When the alt right folks attack it makes me sad

I am a cuck!
I am an libtard

Don't talk of trump
Cause nothing scares me more
I really should call him Daddy
He could be the saviour and go down and history
and save us all from douchebags just like me

I am a cuck!
I am a lizard

And a cuck has no fun
And a libtard always cries

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What angle do you think he's taking?

A commentary on the whole situation? A defense of Trump? A critique?


he makes tweets every day talking about how "beyond" he is from the word cuck and how it doesn't even bother him at all( he swears!) and right wingers need to find a better insult

this just appears to be a large stride on the path of him completely losing his mind

It's such a suprisingly good and catchy song.


>mfw I am caught singing "I am a cuck... I am a liiiiibtard"
I like to pretend it's ironic so that it's not so bad that I like this song.

Sure, but the lyrics in "I am cuck" is kinda clever as well.

I know it's weak to let political opinion completely deflate my joy from Decker but holy shit I just can't shake how much of a faggot Tim is.

lol, great damage control

It has a nice tune

Tim, enough. Stop spamming your song here.

Why do people think the song is ironic?
Maybe he is just being his old truthful self and just expressing his feelings?
He did say the alt right makes him sad.

Be isn't a faggot though. Nigga took a stabbing. He just getting old, the guy is fucking 40.

So was he trying to be funny here? Sounds like he's just being blatantly honest about how much he sucks without offering up any kind of rebuttal in defense of himself.

>song's called I am a cuck

Oh, checks out I guess.

He's being """"ironically"""" ironic. Which ultimately means he's just being 100% genuine. He is legit a libtard and a cuck.

could Sup Forums be getting some of it's own medicine?

whoa reverse-meta-irony

He's making fun of alt-rightists who call him a cuck just because he's an egalitarian who votes Democrat

I'm friends with a dude who knows tim, pretty sure this guy is a devoted branch Davidian and has exposed his mind to a lot of thought crime. He don't give a shit guys this isn't political, he's above that shit senpai

>I'm not mad! I'm not mad! Look!

Whole thing's tough to watch desu

Is he writing an entire song about how not mad he is?

Not exactly the song, I meant his views politically. There's various tweets where he slams trump, conservatives and infowars. Hillary Clinton even endorsed Awesome show great job.

It's like a song Morrakiu wrote for him.
We can make the Libs do our work for us.