Things you won't hear Muslims say

Things you won't hear Muslims say

Kek (pbuh) is the one true god.

I love swimming!

I saw this thread yesterday. Stop.

I wont hear them say anything, because i am deaf.

i appreciate western values and culture.

Equal pay for equal work!!!

i don't hate jews

OP is not a fag.

Its a universal thing.

My religion has problems.

Let's hang out at the dog park

yum yum i love this bacon!

I denounce ISIS and Sharia Law. I won't demand that my employer gives me special treatment for prayers. I don't mind if you drink alcohol.

Its a bhodd idea to keep out Muslims

How bout we try not beheading people

>the truth about their religion

Deception is permissible under Islam.

God bless America.

Allahu ashgar

I want to fuck a woman with her consent

I won't rape.

I'm not into fucking goats. Sorry.


Four pieces of bacon, crispy, with my eggs, please.

Women and gays deserve equal rights.

I'm voting for Donald Trump.

Yes they do, they both deserve to be stoned


They can say whatever the want to advance the faith and spread sharia.

"I hate the west. I hate pork. I hate dogs"

I love my gay son

that was deep

This isn't how this is supposed to work. The prompt is supposed to be something like:
"Things you can say about your girlfriend that you can't say about moslems."

And then the answers would be like:
"She blew up at me last night but we're okay now."

Or you know something cleverer. But you get the idea.

I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

I adhere to the Quran

liberals are faggots. should have just shot dissenters

nice clit.

The entire nation of Egypt smells bad. All of it.

at least we can control our bowel movements

that blt was so good im now going to wash it down with a beer and listen to some good music while smoking some weed and jacking off

a coherent singular definition of what it means to be a muslim

"- I'll respect and adhere to your culture and customs because I'm a guess in your country"

No thank you, I should stay in my own country.

Ya know, they did invite the Big Mac, maybe America's not so bad.


I love you


I take showers daily

Huh, considering the way this supposedly """god""" so-called Allah written his filthy Koran, I'm thinking about leaving Islam to believe in another actual cult or at least try to think by myself instead of being submitted to a pedophile prophet who raped a fucking child, touched children's penises and killed hundreds of innocent people. Also, I fucking love pork food.