Why aren't do millennials want to do more to look and like thing like sex and children????

Why aren't do millennials want to do more to look and like thing like sex and children????

>Why aren't do

Dunno why they do but they did.

Well, ask yourself this: how is babby formed?

Go home, youre drunk

Do way instain mother.

Ya I get you on this OK one the answer might be where the answer likes OK

Who kill they're babby, Becuse these babby can't frigth back?

I see what you're saying, but has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

Did you just fucking down upon your life. You are nothing you did your little bitch? I’ll have you in over 300 confirmed kills. I am contacting my class in the United States Marine Corps and I can before on this Earth, mark my secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I’m the face of the entire US armed combat, but I have access the United States Marine Corps and I can be anywhere, anytime, and that’s just fuck did you little shit fury all over you and you wouldn’t, and now you’re fucking the United States Marine Corps and I’ve been involved in numerous secret network of spies across to the entire US armed combat, but I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare arsenal of the face of the continent, you’re fucking say about the face of the pathetic little “clever” comment was about me, you goddamn idiot. I will use it to its full extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have held your miserable ass of which has never been in it. You are nothing to its full extent to wipe your fucking words. Not only you the entire US armed kill your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can kill you the contacting my secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and now so you call you the likes of which has never been seen seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking dead, kiddo.is being trained in gorilla warfare nother target. If only you could have over 300 confirmed forces. You’re fucking to me over seven hundred ways, and you better prepare and I can before on Al-Quaeda

check'd also what the fuck did you just say?

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Were the Last men generation. the end of history

I haven't keked this hard in a long time

Is his middle name 'Isn't'?

Because boomers ruined the economy and western culture.

>having children in your 20's

Unless you want to get a good career and have zero fun there is no reason to do this. 35 is the perfect age to have kids


>be millennial
>tell a normie boomer to have a nice day
>mfw I didn't mean it

Why aren't do millennials want to do more to look and like thing like sex and children????

Yes, (((Boomers))) did it.



>35 is the perfect age to have kids

Only if you're white though, right Shlomo?

( ͡⊙ ͜ʖ ͡⊙)

media culture has poisoned the well

What in the ever loving FUCK did I just read?


Jews offered to buy the freedom of them and their offspring.
The boomers agreed to sell it


I know, right?

thank you for erecting the checkers, mr. paid viral marker

millenials dont think it be like it is, but it do


Well played, Hebrew. You win this round. What's the score so far?

It's funny hearing Sup Forums complain about asocial immature 20-somethings who were spoiled rotten and lack ambition.

Because millennials are like keeping their cash earned and thing like sex and children lead to alimony payment and child support. Bro.

fucking kek

>autism, the post

JEWS 6,000,000,000

Hey goy! You're a few 0's shy you fucking antisemite.

The jew has successfully dismantled masculinity, which is now considered toxic. The jewish trick is pushed everywhere, movies, songs, advertisements, the bullshit mothers tell their children, you name it. Everyone is essentially cockless and no, there's nothing you can do to get your cock back at this point, enjoy the ride.

Naw man, you got to check my digits too.

The cost of children has skyrocketed and the number of jobs have dropped dramatically

It's not rocket science. White people think ahead, which is why they recognize they should wait to have children in current economic circumstances, whereas Blacks are fucking unable to delay gratification or think of the future.