
Is it me or does it look like a ballsack?

I'v always seen it as a person bending down to be fucked in the ass by Denmark.

thats just you wanting cock

Or Denmark represents fingers that are trying to touch the ballsack

To me it looks like Sweden is the penis, Finland is the ballsack, and Norway is a tumor

We've done it anons, we've figured out why Scandinavia is the land of cucks. The geography of a ballsack-shaped land makes them homosexual and sympathetic to social degeneracy


and don't forget that Denmark is trying to touch the ballsack

I've always seen it like this.

Ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Coz sweden is a cuck



Looks like a 2 headed cock. I've always seen it that way

That's strange, I've always seen Sweden as the dick and Finland as the sack.


I will NEVER be able to unsee this now.

You see a ballsack in everything op

Every time I think of Scandinavia I'll now think of this.

pretty much user

I'm going to assume that the bay of Latvia is a tumor located below the penis

I kinda imagined it being the balls

those are some goat balls I tell ya. Those things are the size of melons

This is how I see it

Scandi here, most are probabl drunk and busy atm.
but yeah if you are gonna have the borders of norwayay and sweden its gonna look like a ballsack and dick, maybe it's a constant metaphor of how we raped 'england'


thanks for making laugh hue hue nigger


for once, the Aussie makes a post that benefits the board