Meat eating is degenerate

1) Meat eating is ethically inconsistent (makes arbitrary differentiation between "pets" and "food")

2) Meat eating is a sign of a weak character ("I don't want to contribute to mass murder of defenceless animals but bacon is so yummy!" - strong Tautonic people like Adolf Hitler or Richard Wagner opted for a vegetarian diet)

3) Meat eating contributes to the downfall of humanity via kettle influence of global warming, which will have catastrophic effects in the future (inb4 anti-science retard Drumpflets claim global warming is a hoax: please go to )
Abandon meat

Come home, white man

Other urls found in this thread:,, body odor

1. You'll reduce inflammation in your body (
2. Your blood cholesterol levels will plummet (
3. You will change your gut biome for the better, eliminating disease promoting bacteria and TMAO (
4. You will ingest more antioxidants, helping with DNA repair and even reduce the risk of prostate cancer (
5. Dramatically reduce the chance of getting type-2 diabetes (
6. You get the right amount of protein. Excess protein despite popular belief, doesn't make us stronger. It's stored as fat or turned into waste (
7. Animal protein is a major cause of heart disease (, diabetes (, inflammation ( and cancer (
8. The longest living people on earth's diet consists of 10% protein, in contrast to 20% of the average US male (
9. You WILL make an impact on Earth's environment, reducing your carbon footprint, helping combat deforestation, wildlife destruction and species extinction.
10. Ocean's may be fishless be 2048 due to overfishing (
11. You are contributing to world hunger, as most of the grain produced in the world is used to feed livestock, not people (

The benefits to eating meat?

'It tastes good'

That's literally the only reason meat-eaters can think of, despite all the evidence pointing against their lifestyle.

> via kettle
I meant cattle

Meat eating is only degenerate if you don't hunt your meat yourself.

I really don't give a damn. Fuck off.

>Shooting defenceless animals with a rifle
You're so brave... a real champ
So manly!

>it's a jewish propaganda thread
real clever op

>Filthy Frank
Go to Sup Forums you little kid

I would eat my pets if I got hungry enough.

Defenseless? The fuck are you talking about? You think a deer just lets you walk up to it and shoot it?

Look up deer > eyesight > hearing > smelling compared to humans. Or better yet go do yourself. Faggot.

>Vegans make arbitrary distinctions between vegetables and other plants
When vegans survive soley on grass I will give up and eat all animals equally.

Spoken like a man who has never faced a charging deer.

do it yourself*

i eat dogs too lmao

Only in Winter though.

carnivores are gross meat, that image is retarded

Good for you :^)

This is what carnie cucks actually believe. Top kek. See what eating meat does to your brain kids?

I bet she eats meat


Don't be double faced
Let cockroaches, maggots, ants, mosquitoes and other parasites live!

I really hope that whoever created this pic lives in house full of them.

She's a vegan.

I've only been close friend with 2 vegetarians. One of which takes supplements daily because his diet simply doesn't provide what he needs. The other is no longer a vegetarian because his doctor told him he was killing himself.

Literally the only benefit to vegetarianism is the money you'll save by not buying meat. Veganism on the other hand is objectively stupid and you're just asking to die early at that point. You're actually better off being a smoker than being a vegan.

What is the difference, ethically, between killing an animal for food and killing a plant for food?

Why does an animal have more of a right to live than a plant?

Hey OP, if eating animals is so bad, why is eating their food, thus making them starve and die, so good?

>I've only been close friend with 2 vegetarians.
You mean 2 vegetarians or 2 vegans ?

>Why does an animal have more of a right to live than a plant?
Why does a human have more of a right to live than an animal?

You can tell by her lack of any muscle.

Thanks Skeletor.

I said vegetarians, so I mean vegetarians.

eat shit you fucking barbarian we are not going to allow species to go endangered / extinct because of your nonsense feelings.


fuck off faggot
plants feel pain too why dont you give a shit about them?
why dont you give a shit about bugs?

>Having to be proven wrong by Filthy Frank
>Posting Facebook tier shit in your OP
>"lol little kid"

The fact that you have to go around telling people to not eat meat proves that you are, in fact, a frequenter of Tumblr who's extremely beta.

Go away and eat some Oleander or something.

Because I choose to and the animal is too weak to stop me.

One word

Here you go (why vegan diets suck):

Why meat diets doesnt suck:

See, i can also use google!

A Lack of vitamin B12 (which can only be derived from animal products) eventually leads to nerve damage and effects brain function, increasing you chances of mental illness in later life.

Humans build societies and society can only exist when we agree to not kill each other

"rights" are a social construct

>can't afford meat
>m-muh vegan pride!

Plants don't scream when you murder them.
That's literally the only difference.

Pet is a cute
Meat is a tasty

I don't know what else to tell ya.

>implying anyone would ever actually argue this who isn't literally autistic


If your retarded enough to believe there's no difference between a plant and an animal, it's still more ethical to eat plants. Most plants we grow are grown for animal consumption. If I eat the plants directly, less plants are killed.

>let all animals live

>implying those animals would be alive in the first place if not for the farming industry

we give them life and they say thanks by giving us a tasty meal

Plants don't possess a brain and are incapable of pervieving pain and suffering, same with bacteria and lawyers.

>what is population control
If humanity scaled back to ~600 million, that'd be better for everyone. Right now, we have loads of basically useless people sustaining themselves and wasting resources, making no contribution to science and culture whatsoever.

>1) Meat eating is ethically inconsistent (makes arbitrary differentiation between "pets" and "food")
That's not ethical inconsistency.
It's appropriate to wear a suit and tie at a business, and it's appropriate to wear a t-shirt outside on a jog; they're very "arbitrary" differences according to your logic. Some animals are for eating, some are for petting. Society is the progenitor of morality; you, being a Slovenian, would feel MORE guilty harming a fellow Slovenian than you would someone from China, and that's because your "guilt" is allocated by societal and collective values. That's what morality is.

>2) Meat eating is a sign of a weak character
Meat is tasty, but that's not why I eat it. I eat it because it's comfortable to me. But on the topic of strength, I'm also a fisherman; I eat what I kill; I often cut up live fish on the spot. The stuff we get in bulk is already dead and frozen, but I cut that up with a face still on it.

>3) Meat eating contributes to the downfall of humanity via kettle influence of global warming
We hunted entire species into extinction, and several species we've numbered them to the tens or hundreds. If raising cattle causes global warming, then the Earth would probably warmer without us.

She still drinks nut milk.



it is not ethically consistent. the vast majority of Sup Forums (and indeed human being) are fine with putting down a mad dog. we merely dislike to kill an animal we feel a connection to. that is hardly inconsistent.


i dont care much for contributing or not contributing to mass murder of defenceless animals. if i want something, i am able to get it for an acceptable price, it doesnt tear on my mind, and it does not put my society or those around me at risk, i will do it.


so does turning on your light. or bathing in warm water. and so on, so forth. once you start advocating going against everything that contributes to ''global warming'' youll stop looking like an idiot, and start looking like a madman.

vegetarians are the same idiots that go on the paleodiet.

>when the paleodiet consisted predominantly of Neanderthalls... Yes Cannabalism.

Also, if your country isn't fucking degenerate u-land they will have controlled hunting, controlling the animal population not to grow too big nor too small.

Carnie cucks brains are so riddled with disease from constant animal product consumption, that these thoughts seem perfectly rational to them. Top kek.

to add to your point.

Keeping an animal in captivity for no reason is barbaric


she drunk my nut milk last night

Agriculture being destroyed by an asteroid impact is less important than your feelings?

if hitler was a vegetarian then why was he so fat

I will eat you mother fucker.

1) X religion is ethically inconsistent

2) X religion is a sign of a weak character

3) X religion contributes to the downfall of humanity via religious influence of global warming, which will have catastrophic effects in the future

Abandon X religion

this thread is shit and serves no meaning.

> I believe in evolution
> Let me ignore the fact that our teeth and digestive system evolved to eat and digest meat.

Vegetarians are #1 choice for cannibals.

When you nut be she still suckin

>implying eating animals isn't the will of nature
fuck off you bleeding heart degenerate

Not an argument you nigger

Then why don't vegans "only" eat shit like fruit that doesn't kill the plant?
The entire ideology is riddled with double-standards.

>Plants don't possess a brain and are incapable of pervieving pain and suffering

>Meat eating contributes to the downfall of humanity via kettle influence of global warming
>global warming
>downfall of humanity
alarmist retard detected

animals are delicious we cannot forget that.

If we stop eating meat then the livestock will become overpopulated and methane gas will be the "new" problem to fight against global warming.

Jesus, it's like you libs enjoy going in circles

mfw vegetarian
mfw every day I start with an egg sandwich with cheese
mfw when y'all niggas can't say shit about my diet

>morality is based on cultural values
>implying morality is not an objective and absolute truth

Oh man, my sides. Enjoy that cognitive dissonance leaf.

That's quite interesting. Do you have a source to back it up?

I've been curious about the link between vegetarianism and mental illness for a long time now. I always theorized that mental illness was the cause and vegetarianism was the effect because you have to be literally retarded to go out of your way to not eat meat.

Alright, you've convinced me that this entire thread you made was a bait thread. I give you a solid 7/10 cause you at least got me on the ride.

So tell me, what's the next step in your master bait?

no we will genocide their species because of lack of purpose and destruction to the enviroment before that happens and greenpeace will be leading that charge and the EPA and the veggos.

>egg everyday
enjoy your cholesterol overdose cunt

Bill Clinton seems to be in great shape

it all comes down to the vegans fee fees
so i will use my fee fees to battle your fee fees
my fee fees don't care
eat a burger and fuck off

your eating a baby chicken.

Fuck off hippie, mean is tasty, go back to your shitty plants.

Not an argument.

Oh wow this is fun!

>Then why don't vegans "only" eat shit like fruit that doesn't kill the plant?
The entire ideology is riddled with double-standards.
Because vegans aren't retarded enough to believe there's no difference between a plant and a animal.

Support all Vegan threads on Sup Forums meat eaters are fat and smell bad. body odor

Pet = animal I have a relationship with
Food = everything else that I don't find disgusting

forgot your pic

>would feel MORE guilty harming a fellow Slovenian than you would someone from China
I would feel exactly the same if I had to hurt a Chinese or a Slovenian.
I'm not lying about this.
I can't understand how it can be otherwise for you?
You care less about another human being just because he speaks a different language and looks differently?
That's morally reprehensible and gross, I might add.

The problem is all those meat-eating niggers that will get priced out of the market by disintegrating fish stocks, herd epidemics and depleted land, and start driving OUR prices up too.
We have to build the wall.

Therese plenty of information on it just through searching B12 deficiency.

your "pet" would be much happier with freedom.

food = anything that will provide nutrients.

>as soon as we can move to laser eating I am there.

PLants still respond to stimuli like any other living thing. Many sick or dying plants go through rapid growth spurts trying to get resources, or end up flowering to try and reproduce before they die.

They also tend to "shart". American "shart in Mart" phenomenon, while genuinely humorous, is actually alarming indicator what a mead-based diet will do to your digestive system... Americans consume insane amounts of meat.

Who is she ?

Your neighbor on a Vegan diet

>You care less about another human being just because he speaks a different language and looks differently?
yes this is normal world wide
how is this new to you?

This. Slick Willy has aged 30 years since going vegan.


I see the Slavic Jew is trying to play with the big goys now.

testosterone is 95% by weight cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol is integral to healthy brain and heart function

Oh wait check flag

B12 is in fucking everything lmao. 100%+ dv in my almond milk alone lmao. Lmao. Holy fuck I love it.

Eh, no. That's an unfertilized egg, he's eating chicken period.

And most animals we breed are bred for Human consumption.

You're obviously retarded enough to believe there's no difference between a Human and an animal.

Fuck off

It's only normal with cultures that are still tribalistic (like Serbia). In more cultured societies we try to achieve moral consistency. A human being is a human being.

B12 comes from bacteria in soil. It's one of the most common deficiencies because of modern cleanliness. You can still get it from unfiltered water and unwashed organic vegetables, like our ancestors, if you want to go through the trouble. Most vegans just supplement it and most meat eaters get their B12 from monster energy drinks.

I fucking love steak.

>Calls others cucks
>As he watches me cream from eating all these delicious food fighting off his indignation from eating shit every day of his life



no I'm eating an undeveloped potential that would be left to rot if not consumed