At least a couple of things don't make sense in this movie...

At least a couple of things don't make sense in this movie. The government knows Superman didn't kill the warlord and all those people but they still hold him responsible. Lex Luthor's plan is to create a Kryptonian Frankenstein's monster, if it worked would've created an actual monster that he would've had absolutely no control over.

I still enjoyed it but it is NOT a perfect movie.

Lex was counting on Superman and Doomsday to kill each other. His plan worked. Zack "Kubrick" Snyder knows what he's doing.

Lex was working with the military, but still needed the congress support publicly.

Lex thought he could control Doomsday for some dumb reason and was gettting desperate by that point.

The government knew Lex had contractors there. But it was a classified black op. Stuff like that is need to know and the CIA agents who went to save Lois see Superman go in, and then find burnt bodies when they're there

It looks like Superman murders them all

>The red capes are coming
That scene always makes me shiver. Jesse Eisenberg was truly amazing as Luthor.

He played Luthor as an edgy, joker Sheldon from Big Bang Theory.

He was truly awful as Luthor.

Lex probably was being manipulated by Stepenwolf into creating Doomsday, knowing it would tear apart Earth's defense

But there were bullets in the remains of the bodies.

Did Bruce Wayne know that Clark Kent was Superman? I mean when Supes & The Bat first meet after their fender bender.

>jar of piss

Why did Wheelchair Wallace blame Bruce Wayne as well as Superman?

Why did Batman shoot a tracker onto Lex's truck and then launch his batmobile at it, nearly knocking it off?

You think the CIA hung out in a country they were not supposed to be in to do a fucking autopsy on bodies that were burnt to hell after Superman flew in and out? It's already a huge international incident.

Regardless pushing blame on Superman takes the heat off the shady government shit

He didn't. Lex intercepted the checks and wrote those notes.

I don't know why I am answering. Either this is trolling or you didn't watch the movie

"Plain Lo in the morning. Lola in slacks. Lois Lane."

What the fuck?

When did they show that? I am watching it again right now.

Never mind I just saw the scene. My bad I forgot about that.

Compare the writing between those checks and on the polaroids Clark gets. Also "little red notes YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE"

It's a reference to Lolita. He's implying that a God having a sexual relationship with a human is like an adult fucking a child. It's a pretty great dialogue.

Lois was there and could attest that they were shot to death.

No, but Superman figured out that night.

Lois was dragged inside after Olsen gets shot. All she hears are sudden gunshots, an explosion, and then sees Superman come down through the ceiling. You can see in her eyes when she comes out that she doesn't understand what happened.

It's why she pursues the story the way she does

muh 'tha

Lex Luthor's plan wasn't a economic gain for himself. He was jealous of the fact that he cannot control and manipulate Superman. I think it is quite clear he is a sociopath.

He used his own blood in the creation of Doomsday to make him biologically part of Luthor, to make him think he kill Superman

Pretty much this. At worst, he looked at it as a zero sum game, where whichever of the two won, he still got an "alien threat."

Also, even if the CIA knew Superman was innocent, sharing that info would reveal they were somewhere they weren't officially supposed to be. There's also a damned good chance they wanted him to be guilty.

*dream sequence
*dream sequence
something happens
*dream sequence
something happens
*dream sequence
*dream sequence

yea no consideration for story structure and meaningless dream filler is great


Definitely not meaningless. You should look at them on their own. They're some of my favorite parts of the movie