Links updated for June 26
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>East Ghouta

>YPG withdraws from Menbeij amid Turkish pressure
>Darayya agreement officially accepted by all Syrian parties
>Syrian Army launches a massive counteroffensive in south Aleppo
>Kerry pushes for peace between Houthis and Saudi-supported forces
>UN accuses Saudi, Houthis of violating international law in Yemen
>UN human rights chief calls for international investigation of abuses in Yemen’s civil war
>Iraqi defense minister sacked as Mosul battle looms

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>Turkish bombardment kills 40 civilians in Syria, 50 wounded


wtf I hate Turkey now



pkk terrorist became civilians when they are killed. it's usual propaganda.

200 dead moderates if doubles, 300 if tripples.

we probably killed civilians as well but at this point who cares? its eye for an eye.

>Syrian army bombs attacking Kurds in Hasakh

USA gets butthurt and threatens SAA

>Roaches bomb Kurds, murder civilians and boost their terroristit allies

USA stays silent

As if people care how many Kurds die. The entire town was ethnically cleansed already. Also the US air force killed 170 in one go once.

>FSA captured 2 IS members in nearbyn Ayyash vilage (1 Russian)

Russian means Chechen I guess.

The Turds are crying about their terrorists being beat up by other terrorists


>USA goes haywire when shit hits the fan
>USA stays silent when all goes according to the plan

I do wonder what could be the difference. I do wonder indeed.


We will have great times. The war will finally reach the Turkish South-East.

But I'm still not sure if I should go back to Cizire and join the MLKP again.

i join this brother, and the previous one
lets kill civilians, who cares?
we are in these days that ever fucking piece of shit monkey counts as a human
harambe is more human that kurds

chechens works for russia nowadays for money and their lives
russia gives money to let them be a mercenary & blackmail to kill their family if they dont be mercenary

what happens here

join and get headshot by my polis özel harekat ammunation fucking terrorist

Katıl da ananın amı büyüklüğünde bir mermi açsınlar altına, bataklık maymunu.

there is no photo dont believe everthing

>We will have great times. The war will finally reach the Turkish South-East.
It already has, PKK terrorist attacks and K*rd chimpouts are rather regular by now.

>polis özel harekat

communistic scum

my little komunist ponies?

i love when some kurds and terorists getting killed by our boys
>i like war
>no, i love war
>video related

Niggers surrendered

.>ölmez bu harekat ölmez bu dava

I was almost 2 years in Cizire and didn't get a headshot. I wouldn't join the fight in the South-East, Rojava is more important.

I've never learned Mongolian, I only speak Lazuri, English and German. I'm sorry.

Nah you don't get it. If you think the chimpout just started wait for the coming weeks.

MLKP means peace :^)

>Rebels captured Al Maghayr village from SDF


Likely nothing, not strategically significant.

The danger to Damascus was in the Palestinian camp and near Jamariah.

In theory, Ghouta can be a slow op, but I think you'll find with the Daraya victory these areas will fall like dominos.

Unless the Russians call for a ceasefire again in which case I honestly think the Syrians should ask Russia to leave.


öncelikle bir konuda anlaşalım
bu kürtlere soykırım yapmazsak bu terör senelerce sürecek, bu konuda herkes hemfikirdir sanırım


>has ak-47s in the background
>has grenade attached to the jacket
>faces are covered

wew led

soykırıma gerek yok, kuzey ırak ve suriyeye oturup oraları kendimize katarsak zaten bataklığı kurutmuş oluruz. sonra da aktif operasyonlarla dhkp-c seviyesine indiririz.

there were 1 militans for per 10 armed child in southeastern turkey and lots of them were syrian orijin kurds. if you visit turkey call me

looks like turkey is heading straight for manbij

It is happening.

The Turks promised this for four years, and today, in 2016, they make it a reality.

Safe zone from Marea until Jarablus.

Its probably not that kind of peace

>Sham Legion capturing SDF/YPG fighters and killing several others Qara Graf village S of Jarablus

It's time for an independent Kurdistan.

what are your rationales for being so adamantly against the Kurds? I thought you held them at high regard or at least were neutral about them.

are you guys suddenly pro-Turkey (the worst of the worst) now that Assad and Putin are cozying up to his Islamist ass?

>FSA seized Al Maghara vilalge on the bank of Euphrates

another one these madmen are on fire

it's just 15:40 in turkey


bende keşke hayatı günlük güneşlik yaşayalım, her şeye polyana bakışıyla bakalım isterdim ama öyle olmuyor
oraları yarramı alırız, bakma bize böyle operasyona izin verdiklerine, rusya bize savaş açar ama oraları bize vermez
ayrıca bu işi yumuşak yapsak bile bunları topluca göçe zorlamamız lazım
bu iş böyle yumuşak ve insancıl tepkilerle çözülmez, bu şekilde çözmeyi düşünen ya çok saf yada gerizekalıdır
osman babaya vericen askeri, sıktıracan bunlara, bak bakalım noluyor

Why a lot of towns/villages in syria has turkish names

>Syrians should ask Russia to leave.


>m-muh biji!


like the taliban become wedding guests when they get blasted by the drones

are these villages the ones that kurds fought for days to get control of? looks like they're losing them very easiyl



I can't believe there are so many Erdogan lovers in this thread now

they're going for manbij first

>what are your rationales for being so adamantly against the Kurds? I thought you held them at high regard or at least were neutral about them.
The Kurds are backstabber and are a danger to anyone that hosts them.

tam tersine rusya da bağımsız kürt devleti istemiyor. zaten sorsalar türkiye ile müttefik olmak adına kuzey suriyeyi türkiyeye verir misin diye 1 sn bile düşünmez tabii orası zaten tarihi osmanlı toprağı der geçer. kimsede bize savaş açamaz. kocaman ordular birbirine savaş açamaz artık modern dünyada, olay hemen dünya savaşına evrilir o zaman da zaten insanlık tarihi sonlanır.

BIJI BIJI jajajaja

you stupid amerikan dont talk about politics

>FSA captured Bayt Husseyn village South to Jurabulus


And so the "arab locals in SDF, no YPG"-meme is killed.
Also in that tank ATGM video they were all shouting "Biji Apo" etc.

really nigga?

siktir git buradan salak seni

They were backstabbed by BOTH SIDES, they are not the primary backstabbers.

Besides, they're independent of all sides and just want their own secular state any way they can get it.

They aren't. They'll reach al Rai first. Whether they go for Manbij after that is up in the air, but I doubt it.

lol all pkk strongholds in cizre, nusaybin, yuksekova, sirnak, idil, sur were literally destroyed by turkish forces. pkk retreated from frontline war and started suicide bombings. desperate situation for you.

fuck off you Islamist

asıl sen siktir git dangalak 1 tane gazete analiz okumuyor işin uzmanlarına kulak vermiyorsun ondan sonra japon anime forumunda politika tartışıyorsun

kardeş sen pek dünya siyasetinden anlamıyorsun sanırım
rusya bizle müttefik olmak ister ama bize başını verir
adamlar 250 senedir bogazları almak istiyorlar, hala istiyorlar, birazcık tarih öğrenmeni öneririm sana
her yüzüne gülen dostun değildir

You can't support Assad and Erdogan without being a filthy fucking hypocrite

>the worst of the worst
>not israel
JIDF detected
they want them to retreat east of the euphrates, they will eventually

gazetedekiler bir sikimden anlamıyor. senin gibi davarları güderek para kazanıyorlar işte

>FSA seized Al Hujaj village near Jurabulus


kurds are learning the hard way that international politics is not a childs play and their stupid propaganda is useless when major power involves.

Kurds are weak fucks who got so utterly BTFO by IS that the US had to intervene to stop them from literally being enslaved. Then they got cocky and decided that being able to walk behind a non-stop USAF bombing campaign gave them a god-given right to all of Eastern Syria. Now Turkey is teaching them a little lesson about why it's a bad idea to ignore the demands of a regional power when you're a rag-tag commie militia.

Got to be entertaining for ISIS though, watching the Kurds get bombed after the inverse has been happening for years.

who can we support then? pkk/isis?

They can let them keep Manbij if the force they use in Manbij is small. No need for unnecessary bloodshed. If Turkey takes the area south of Marea, Manbij no longer poses a threat. I can see the FSA ultimately surrounding Manbij from north, west, and south.

Lets hope for many Dead roach soldiers and policemen! Most preferably officers! How can I donate money to PKK and YPG?

>Kurdish YPG forces issue statement, saying restraint approach will be pursued, priority remains to be ISIS for them, not Turkish forces.

w-we don't want to fight no more, turkey pls

fuck you Netanyahu is a garbage human war criminal

bak bu arkadaş doğru diyor, gazetede yazanlar gerizekalı, en azından türkiyede
profesyonellik yok şu ülkede, gerizekalı gerizekalı yorum yapmayın
tüm makamlar adam kayırmayla doldurulmuş
bunların ben götünü beynini sikeyim, şaka gibi ülke lan burası, askeri gücümüz ve geçmişimiz olmasa kimse bizi ciddiye almaz
gerçi şuanda ciddiye aldıklarını pek söylemeyem ama

asıl sen anlamıyorsun, türkiye tesadüf eseri altın topraklar üzerine kurulmuş. bütün enerji hatları türkiyeden geçiyor, ortadoğunun kapısı türkiyeden açılıyor vs vs vs. kimse türkiyeye düşman olmak istemez. bakmayın bunların esip gürlediğine "yok boğazıda isteriz"ler yok "türkiye avrupalı değil maymun" diyenler vs.

tesadüf eseri tüm dünyayı taşaklarından yakalaşmışız gerek mülteci krizi, gerek başarısız darbe girişimi gerek doğuda taş üstünde taş bırkamayıp pkkyı sikmemiz. bak putin demediğini bırakmadı uçak olayında ama şak diye çark etti. çünkü eline altın bir türkiyeyi müttefik alma fırsatı geçti bırakır mı adam. bunu gören amerika da panikten paniğe girdi biden gelip bi taşaklarımıza gargara yapmadığı kaldı ve pyd'yi anında sattı.

I have never seen a kurdish poster.

>w-we don't want to fight no more, turkey pls
The stupidity of the Kurds is not knowing that you can start a war but can't dictate who ends it and when it ends.

Their attack on Hasakah released the restraints Damascus/Moscow placed on the Turkish air force, allowing the operation to take place.

ypg/pkk is a self-declared communist organisation by the way.

no fucking shit they'd be destroyed by the second biggest military in NATO and no fucking shit their primary target is IS

what is your point Islamist apologists?

they wont trust the SDF claims of no ypg only arabs

madem en çok ve en doğruyu sen biliyorsun mongol anime forumunda ne yapıyorsun? bugüne kadar ki hayatında ne başardın? adamlar biliyorlar ki konuşuyorlar, kulak asarsan biraz mantığından geçirirsen aslında doğru konuştuklarını da anlarsın.

ne oldu aylarca pkk propogandası yapan amerikada bir anda çark etmedi mi? bir anda satmadı mı ypg'yi? durmadı mı hava harekatları vs.? demedi mi biden milyarlarca kere özür?

gözlerin var görmüyorsun resmen.

Lel looks very secular to me

Ive been going over the map but cant seem to find Jamariah. Also i think khan al sheh was/is important
hello new friend


lan olm ruh hastasımısınız? gazetede yazan konuşan herkes ya politika uzmanı ya da askeri.

mete yarar defalarca televizyona çıktı konuştu adam videolar resimlerle söyledi anlattı bir kere bile dinlemedin mi.

>How can I donate money to PKK and YPG?
Eat at one of their kebab shops tb.h. Try to not choke on the extra unibrow hair they add on the dishes, though.

turkey is a secular state and I'm an atheist you idiot burger. go and share your wife with your black friend.

allahu ackbar and all commies must be killed :^)

IS are bants masters desu, anyone who is a true neutral observer of the war should support IS.

>release HD videos of their battles
>banging nasheeds
>do crazy shit like enslaving people
>believe in an apocalyptic messianic prophecy, rather than boring shit like "human rights" and "democracy".
>attack everything and everyone, supported by no-one

Get out cuckold. Better dead than red.

Of course they won't but the issue is not Arab or Kurd. Manbij has a Kurdish population. The issue is YPG as an organization.

As long as YPG doesn't have an offensive power in Manbij, it is fine if they help their allies in governing and defending it from ISIS. The worry is if YPG builds up in Manbij then uses it to try and reach Afrin.

>Try to not choke on the extra unibrow hair
like in all kebab shops?