Another guy on /r9k/ kill himself today

>Another guy on /r9k/ kill himself today
Jesus christ

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what is the thread?

They got deleted apparently. But the video is fucked up I still wouldn't watch it.

Explain what happened in the video

Life sucks. RIP :(

How'd he go out?

young guy takes a shotgun to his temple, looks ahead for one second and then blows his brains out.

Very interesting

post it



yeah i saw it on /gif/
really fucked up


Thid thread is aboout your thread ?

At this pace /r9k/ will have nobody by 2020

It's delicious

>Mexican joyful when someone loses their head.

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nothing more satisfactory than a problem that solves itself
too bad all the other problems like SJW millenials will survive for quite some time

>when a wh*Toid
fixed it for you. saludos

No, it is not delicious.

I kinda wanna now what race he was.

he looks a bit asian

He looks hispanic.

he was a CHI from california

Yeah, the eyes and the skin color.

I wonder if its that Canadian who attention whores.

Killing yourself is retarded since there is nothing after death and even if you can have only small joys in life it's still better than not existing

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What if you only experience pain?
Death stops the pain.

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>a faggot suicides
>"but what race was he?"
well it's useless to discuss it since he looked like a mutt true and blue, but yeah, let's make this thread Sup Forums related shall we

it doesn't

What's the point of the tarp?
It's not like he has to clean it up

His mom does.

Why write a will?

btw dying while a 2 week old embryo is "not existing". when you lived a whole life you leave a baggage of memories and information behind you
a """ghost""" if you dare call it that way

being considerate i suppose
or maybe muffle the blast?

Are they, though? Anime, vidya, and lost potential feel insubstantial


What's she gonna do, refuse to make him tendies for a week?

I don't know, man.

It's just so sad man, this stuff just shouldn't happen.

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>muffle the blast
even tripling up on ear protection guns are still very loud

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why do you care

there are worse things
for example he could had survived

i see. i confess i'm not an expert

I guess most people would be bothered by something like this.

Well, how prevent it?

>all he had to do was go for a run every morning to fix all his problems

>how prevent it

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Suicide is truly a sin, others are now suffering for what he did. What a selfish piece of shit.

we've seen worse shit, dear newfag

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>would you
>could you

All implied, my guy. Unnecessary words

Dunno if this is just the nihilistic Latin American mindset where life is replaceable and without worth, but Suicide should be unfeasble to all purely because of this impact they know it will have on others. That mother will never be the same again, she will likely have an eternally crippled psyche.

Can't give a definitive answer on that one. Educate them on the affect that it will have on others? Results would be mixed though because if someone is suicidal then they are only concerned about themselves.

Reduce stigma for males seeking out counselling and help? Many believe they are entirely alone when the going gets tough, and therefore bottle their emotions and believe that suicide is the only way out.

>why waste time say lot word when few word do trick

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>she will likely have an eternally crippled psyche
or she could just move on. adopt a dog or a black/southeast asian kid and shit
it's all up to her and everyone else. this is the advantage the living have over the dead: we can change
but yeah i'm glad you're concerned over the truly affected here instead of crying over some loser

They are, though. Counselling is hit and miss. You're paying somebody to pretend they care. That feels worse, especially without (caring) friends and family desu

How so?

Okay, big guy.

>but Suicide should be unfeasble to all purely because of this impact they know it will have on others
People care about themselves more than they do about the others.

Yeah, we get you, you are an emotionally dead motherfucker.

I think of counselling more of a treatment.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, I believe it is called.

>or she could just move on
that's not how traumas work, even more on women that are full emotional, she will be traumatized forever, especially if she is/was the first in seeing what her son left for her

Wish at the very least everyone who started posting after 2014 would do this.

>you are an emotionally dead motherfucker
i'll toast to that
>Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
bunch of bollocks
up a few posts someone said "if only he had run a few miles every morning". Occupational Therapy
but it all depends if one wants to get cured, otherwise it's a waste of time

don't underestimate women
but everything for now is just a guess. only Time will tell

Who uploaded the video?

youtube? or which site?
it was a live cast

you're underestimating emotions and traumas, there are people who gets traumatized for much less than that, imagine seeing your son's brains all over the room, nah, it's not a matter of ''move on or get a dog, lol''


Using lots of words to get one thing across makes it hard for people to read and even harder to understand what you're saying. If you write a lot, people will not read because they're lazy and you're going on and on and using so many words to say so little. It's how people inflate themselves to feel smarter because if you write a lot you must have tons to say and be very intellectual

Concise speech ensures people understand, easily

I think self-betterment is better. Not in the gay redpill way, but once people understand and expand their strengths, happiness, hope, and friends come

This is what the world is coming too now. The rate of suicide for youths is at an all time high, and it's all because of the disconnect from their peers and family, added with the uncertainty of their future and the amount of stress forced onto them to simply get a degree and then a job.
This guy probably looked at the possible futures he could have if he just got through the day, but he found nothing in the bleak future the world is offering the young.

the moving-on WILL happen, or WILL NOT. it all depends on that family and social safety net
worse things happened in this world and the victims moved on, they stopped being victims but yeah regret and scars remain
don't project your own emotions on this. you are not the suicidal dude's mother

He should've posted a livestream on Sup Forums. It's the place for it.

The future is spooky. Fifty years in a mind-numbing job sounds miserable. I don't blame him, but I wish better opportunities existed

what the hell are you on about, of course they will move from that house, but the image of their son with his head exploded will remain forever, jeez, there are people who gets traumas after being bitted by a dog, I don't know what's what you call ''worse things'', but I can't imagine a worse scenario than that

you're a fucking retard seriously


>those posters
Another miserable soul taken to hell by chinese cartoons.

>move from that house
bueno papu se nota que vos todo mal con el inglés así que te la hago lo más corta posible:
la familia va a salir adelante (= move on) como sea dependiendo estrictamente de ellos y su "red de seguridad emocional". así se le llama a la gente que te quiere y te apoya
después del proceso de duelo van a ver qué hacen con sus vidas, si se van a echar la culpa todo el rato o conseguir otra fuente de amor como un perro o lo que se les cante el culo. o se van a suicidar todos
la vida sigue. y vos también tenés que seguir adelante
fuerza y saludos

this blows

si te entendi, vos no me entendiste a mi, para un padre literalmente no hay peor cosa que se le muera un hijo, absolutamente nada, ahora imaginate la escenita que dejo el pibe este y seguramente fue uno de los padres el primero en verlo, estas cosas dejan marcas permanente, incluso aunque (a traves de mucha terapia) aprendas a vivir con eso, la imagen mental y el dolor se quedan, no se olvidan, y mucha gente queda colifa con mucho menos
si todavia no entendes es que la verdad sos terrible pelotudo

vos sos el del otro hilo que casi se comió una bala de una glock 9mm?

ni se de que estas hablando paragua

ah bueno porque te noto muy compenetrado con todo este tema
no es que no te entienda, sino que me chupa un huevo. ya dije y repito que pasaron y pasan peores cosas

no comparto, pero bue todo bien papu

estamos entonces
now back to english before some yank starts complaining

Start demanding for better mental healthcare

Mental healthcare won't make people stop killing themselves. This guy wasn't crying out for help. He blew his head off with a shotgun. Ultimately suicide is the last option for this who have no other options.

>Mental healthcare won't make people stop killing themselves
actually yes, most of the time it does (but not all the time so you're not that wrong)

That's reactive. I'd prefer proactively understanding and solving the problem

Mental healthcare isn't going to solve our worries about the future. Many American youths are scared of their future because of how stressful they see college and the job economy has become. They don't want to be neck deep in debt; they don't want to work like zombies and lose their souls, but sadly, many will end up doing so. They see no hope in the future, so they decide to take their own.

>Mental healthcare isn't going to solve our worries about the future
one of mental healthcare pillars is to eliminate neurosis and anxiety over the future. focus on one problem at the time, solve it and focus on the next, like The Martian dude said
.... wait a minute, you're talking about the mental healthcare INSTITUTION aren't you? that one is shit worldwide alright

Bro I thought this was a fake meme

his mother's surname sounds turkish

like nigga why do you even care when your child dies like just move on and get a dog

Do they reconstruct the skull/face after they get their shit blown out or do they just leave it the way it is and have a close casket funeral?

Your entire quip is how it negatively impacts others. What a selfish cunt you are.
The only meaningful question a person can ask himself is whether or not he should kill himself. Some people decide that it isn't and ultimately it isn't the business of anyone else to tell them they are wrong, since it effectively undermines what little power a person can have over their lives.

To say otherwise is to try to own them. They are not yours to own.

No wonder I felt a miniscule, almost undetectable change for the better in the world

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Normalfag scum like you don't deserve internet access. Piss off back to your seedy corner of the world and keep your opinions to yourself.

I'm sure there's plenty of literature on the causes of suicide if you just look for it. Here's a starting point:

what in the name of Jesus
why couldn't he go innawoods to hang himself instead of blowing his fucking brain out for his mum to find
poor, poor woman

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No, no it is not delicious you goddamn barbarian, its a tragic loss to a family.

Hanging yourself hurts.
It's difficult to get it right and instantly break your neck, so most rope suiciders die from asphyxiation

>this thread has been deleted
f u

Does breaking your neck even kills you outright? I feel it's an equally shit way to go.

el goblino mum

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Right here boys

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