Holocaust Denial Redpill

Hey Sup Forums i need the Redpill on the holocaust.

As a german this is forbidden to talk about in my country, so im pretty blue pilled.

Did it happen? Did it not?

Any good sources some of you can recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:


here come the wave of kikes that always come once you post this copypasta

it happened. But no 6 million jews died. Way less

i actually typed that out myself

tl;dr about 350,000 kikes died very few if any were gassed it wasn't physically possible to cremate that many desert rats. there's no way germany would have wasted the limited coke it had to burn bodies. they would have dumped them by the boatload into the sea if the holocaust did happen.


here's something before the infographs drop

>it happened

The Greatest Story Never Told

you need to watch this Hans. Remember yourself

most of the deaths in workcamps were due to typhus as well.

I believe that after the Jews refused to fight in WWI and then tried to take over the country when it was weak (half a decade of trench warfare) they deserved to all be locked up in camps and deported. I'm surprised that it took so long for Germany to round them all up to be honest their stab in the back was unforgivable and Hitler watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda kill ten million Christians in the eastern plains. There was no choice Jews had to be put in camps. The Jew camps were on par with our Jap camps but that is never said.



>Posting the fake
Fuck off op

David Cole is a good place to start

read what he wrote, watch his docs

Watch this as a begining

the rest is up to you, user. try not to believe everything you hear, take it with a pinch of salt and learn the opisitions side

but yeah, didnt happen. most jews died due poor living conditions and slave labour. there were no (((extermination camps)))

gods speed

why use single slot crematoriums? why not simply use a machine to grind the corpses into a paste that could be used on fields or buried. why not have a large oven like the ones used on commercial farms?

all you need is an open mind at look at the Nuremberg trials and how the only piece of evidence they had of any documentation to killing of Jews has now been confirmed as a forgery and look at the ruling of the trials and how laws were changed so no facts had to be used to convict them of these made up crimes. once again 1. open mind, 2. look at the evidence, 3. look at legal system used.

Camps with the sole purpose of exterminating people did not exist. Neither did gas chambers. The Holocoaster was real though.


I think that part is the biggest redpill. As a jew we were never told there were a jew-led communist revolt in Germany at the end of WW1. I would want to protect my country against communism too! And nobody ever talks about how Allied bombing might have caused people to die in camps both directly and by cutting off supply lines to the camps and fostering disease.


I hate the Brothel part. A lot of those facilities were only for German officers. There was a lot of variation in how harsh the camps were. They had Terezin which was like a show camp for International observers where people were treated nice, and then ones that were pretty shitty. But to assume somehow all jews would be allowed to use nice shit everywhere is equally crazy. You think Hitler would have allowed Jews into brothels with German women????

redpill me on x threads can get you banned. That's the redpill. This is to get you to get a discussion rolling with actual talking points. Instead try,

My government claims 6 millions jews died in the Holocaust, what evidence is there for or against this?

So you're trying to imply that germany took better care of its jewish prisoners than it did its average citizens?

Look up David Cole and his interview with Ryan Dawson.

Also watch "more than taboo" it's on both YouTube and vimeo

Sorry sir.

You can ban me i usually don't post since my knowledge in politics is not build so well.

It was no worse than anything the Soviets did.


I don't know how people make the connection that just because they were there they were available to use to the prisoners.

There is too much evidence to deny that jews were targeted and wiped the fuck out. The Nazis right or wrong systematically and efficiently went after a perceived threat to their culture. Quibbling over numbers is a fools game.


As far as we can tell shortly after forming the Nazi party Hitler was visited by extraterrestrials who told him that the Jewish way of life and business(i.e. enslavement via usury) was keeping the earth from being accepted into the galactic federation.

He was also told though that the galactic federation frowned highly upon genocide.

So Hitler devised a plan to deport all of the Jews to Madagascar and provide them with enough government assistance to rebuild the nation of Irsael there, where they could do things their way, isolated from the rest of society.

Winston Churchill got wind of this, and being a religious nutjob flat earther he decided that the only way to prevent the truth from coming out about the earth actually being round and there being no god was to fake a genocide by Hitler.

Its silly. And its ruining the case. Bolshevik revolts, fear of Germany turning communist, allied bombing creating starvation and disease, Nuremberg show trials with forged evidence and ex post facto laws, all good redpills. But brothels? No.

Honestly thank god they didn't. I would imagine any crop that was fertilized with jew corpses would become an antisemitic symbol we are no longer allowed to speak of. Ontop of that the crops would have tasted terrible.

>muh war
>killing instead of putting them to work

does it make sense? nah



fuck you faggot, wana fight?


Not toward the end of the war when Germany started to lose and resources become more stretched as a result of allied bombing runs, etc.

Obviously jews were rounded up into camps, in much the same way that japs were sent to detainment camps in the Americas after Pearl Harbor, but the majority of the deaths were from typhus and poor living conditions, once Germany was no longer able to look after its own.

And the six gorillion figure is about an order of magnitude overstated.

Thems fightin words!

Years ago, I worked with a man that was there when he was a little boy. He had a number with approximately 1 inch high characters tattooed on his forearm. Said he lost his whole family there. Never saw them again. I didn't get to talk to him much about what happened, but he WAS in a camp. How he got out, I didn't ask.

>11.000.000 dead in the holocaust!

Eh, that number is largely debatable. The Soviets largely inflated those numbers. If you look at a map of the KZs, the "death" camps were all east of the Elbe River.

>The execution of the Jews was methodic and systematic.

Debatable; yes Jews faced discrimination in Germany and were persecuted, but these western nations (the allies) didn't want them either.

>What about the camps/KZs

Well, hard/forced labor is not uncommon throughout history and the USA and USSR had camps, but they won the war.

chillax down brosef is just another S1CK le maymay i snached from reddit

oh shit

no homo

Rest easy Kraut. Ur innocent, and so was Heinrich.

Can you believe a showering water system would have actually been used for showering water ? Thats outrageous. Everyone knows its supposed to be tweaked into a complex and highly inefficient gas-delivery system.

Warning. If you are blue-pilled on the so-called nazi homicidal gas chambers, you might reconsider before watching this. youtube.com/watch?v=tefYdZICYgc


wow dank

hey germanbro, its forbidden to talk about it here too, and I was bluepilled as yourself for a very long time

Jews were sent to work and concentration camps, alot died from hunger, diseases and other things(not 6 million, less, I don't know the number) but systematic extemination DID NOT happen, its all lies

>I hope the mossad won't get me for this post

It happened imgur.com/a/725A7 nizkor.org/

wow ur one gutsy Jew.
thx for being honest bro.


don't bother

Knock-Knock Mr.Goldestein, we have a few questions for you. (Mossad)

The Holocaust did happen BUT the numbers that died were exaggerated

"This blog is dedicated to fight those who slander the holocaust with their anti-semitic drivel about a world Jewish conspiracy, because at the end of the day that's always what holocaust deniers ultimately have to admit, no matter how scholarly and professional they present their arguments: You cannot believe the holocaust did not happen, and at the same time, not believe the Jews are in charge of the Western world and have all banks, media, schools, universities and think tanks firmly under their payroll and control. It's impossible. Therefore, pragmatically speaking, there really is no point in wasting time to read holocaust denier material, because it's either, or: either you are a rational person who agrees that the Jews do not control the world, and therefore the holocaust historiography is legitimate as there is no reason for it not to be, just like historiography about any other historical event (and therefore reading holocaust denier material is at best just a character study into the minds of these folk who peddle it) or you are a paranoid conspiracy nut who concludes it has been faked on purpose because Jews control the world and want the goyim to support the legitimacy and continued existence of Israel as well as eternal reparations. There is no middle ground."

What a good unbiased source you have there
Sets up real nice conditions for debate
>If you accept the holocaust you are a smart rational person
>If you deny the holocaust you a paranoid conspiracy nut

There is no florensic evidence for the holocaust, therefore it is not a conspiracy to deny the holocaust, but rather vice versa.
You are the one who believes unsubstantiated claims.

Jewish women had to make money somehow. Maybe there was a brothel for the prisoners, staffed by prisoners. It would match the theme of forcing people to work.

I'm pretty sure the women in the brothel were German, didn't make money, and they were only for German officers.

Völliger Schwachsinn sowas in diesem rechtsverseuchten Drecksloch zu fragen.
Der Holocaust ist geschichtswissenschaftliches Faktum. Alle "Beweise" in Form von Infografiken, die du hier finden kannst, sind nichts als Bullshit.

Wenn dich das Thema interessiert, greife zu Geschichtsbüchern und arbeite Originalquellen durch. Lass dich nicht "redpillen" in dieser Echokammer voller Versager und Idioten

Have fun getting taken over by Muslims!

wow what are you doing on Sup Forums?




I personally believe it happened in some way but less then 6 million Jews died.
However, what's the point of saying that? If even 100,000 people are killed just for their religion/ethnic background, it is genocide, and that is a bad thing. Why does it matter in the end if it was 6 million or 100,000? I'm not defending all the lies about this, but I'm wondering why the Jews/everyone insists exactly 6 million.



Enjoy the pills:


This can't be real.

Oy vey

damn swedes are stupid...

What's wrong?
We're not saying ''Since only 100 000 jews died, the Holocost shouldn't be taken seriously!''

The point all this is to point the finger at the crooked media/world and ultimately tear down the pale curtain hiding so many hideous lies.




>Did it happen? Did it not?
The more important question is "If it happened was it really such a bad thing to happen?"

Die wichtige Frage ist nicht ob es passiert ist, die wichtigere Frage is wenn es passiert wäre wäre es wirklich so schlimm?

Because of... Diseases?

Just like in the SIMS.

No, "red pill me on x" threads are allowed.
What is not allowed is to ask "red pill me on x considering y, but without z"

Stalin killed 22 million but no one talks about them.

i wish the aliens would just take over already.

Yes, you killed lots of jews
No, there is no evidence on "6 million"
No, the Gas chambers and ovens weren't used 247 like some retards would have you believe

>This File name
Here, get a (you)

The HoloHoax was created for one reason. Albert Pike spoke of all of this in a letter in 1871 about why this would all happen. The Holohoax happened so Isreal would be created and would inflame the Muslim world so that WW3 would be set up.


>Rudolf Hoess openly admits to killing at least 2.5 million jews
>not a single nazi ever denies holocaust
>not a single person at Nuremberg trials shouts out "this is all a lie! a fabrication! I'm being framed!"
>nor any escaped nazi's in hiding trying to expose said plot

>dozens of thousands of American soldiers who personally liberated camps (some who still live) must also be in on said conspiracy

>russian accounts, thousands are literally are HRURRF DURRR JEWISDH FORGERIESS FHRURSDFSDGEG

You Stormblr's have serious mental issues


Du Depp, von wem sollte man denn sonst eine andere Meinung hören können?
Jeder der den Holocaust verneint ist im übrigen in Deutschland sofort ein Nazi.


>Report of Polish Government in Exile about mass extermination of Jews in Poland, 1942



>Report of Auschwitz prisoner, 1943



German invaders targeted Polish intellectual elites, attempting to wipe them out and turn Poles into a nation of slaves.







Kek, is there a nazi mod for sims? Sounds funny.

German terror targeted Polish citizens as well, being responsible for deaths of thousands of hundreds in bombings, massacres and retaliation actions.






>some jews were in Bolshevik party in '20s
>somehow responsible for genocide of cossacks of don and kuba, many of whom were jewish

>literally no jewish power in Stalin's regime responsible for Stalin's purges and famine(????)

>also responsible for Stalin's post ww2 purges somehow

Why do you retards hate history so much

Taking children regarded as "Aryan-looking" from Polish families and moving them to Nazi Germany for the purpose of Germanization, or indoctrination into becoming culturally German was also a common practice.

More than 200,000 victims were taken from Poland. An estimated 400,000 children were abducted throughout Europe.


This, if you are going to investigate the Holocaust narrative at least be realistic, and look at the numbers and claims of gas chamber use.

Don't forget the Acid Pits.


>In July 1941, 25 Polish academics from the city of Lwów (since 1945 Lviv, Ukraine) were killed by Nazi German occupation forces along with their families. By targeting prominent citizens and intellectuals for elimination, the Nazis hoped to prevent anti-Nazi activity and to weaken the resolve of the Polish resistance movement

>There are accounts of four different methods used by the German troops. The victims were either beaten to death, killed with a bayonet, killed with a hammer, or shot to death. The professors themselves were shot to death

>Among the victims was Prof Dr Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, famous Polish writer and gynaecologist


>Sonderaktion Krakau was the codename for a Nazi German operation against professors and academics of the Jagiellonian University and other universities in German occupied Kraków, Poland, at the beginning of World War II

>A little over two months after the German Invasion of Poland, the Gestapo chief in Kraków SS-Obersturmbannführer Bruno Müller, commanded Jagiellonian University rector Professor Tadeusz Lehr-Spławiński to require all professors to attend his lecture about German plans for Polish education

>The academics filled the hall but no Vortrag (lecture) on education was conducted. Instead, they were told by Müller that the university did not have permission to start a new academic year (which it did), and that Poles are hostile toward German science, and act in bad faith. They were arrested on the spot by armed police, frisked and escorted out. Some senior professors were kicked, slapped in the face (Stanisław Estreicher) and hit with rifle butts. Additional 13–15 university employees and students who were onsite were also arrested, as well as the President of Kraków, Dr Stanisław Klimecki who was apprehended at home that afternoon

>They were loaded onto a train to Sachsenhausen concentration camp located on the other side of Berlin, and in March 1940, sent further to Dachau concentration camp near Munich after a new batch of younger academics taken prisoner arrived

>Following loud international protest by prominent Italians including Benito Mussolini and the Vatican,101 professors who were older than 40 were released from Sachsenhausen on February 8, 1940. Additional academics were released later. Many elderly professors did not survive the roll-calls held twice a day in snow and rain, and the grim living conditions in the camp where dysentery was common and warm clothes were rare. Twelve died in the camp within three months, and another five within days of release.


>The Palmiry massacre was a series of mass executions carried out by Nazi German forces, during the Second World War, near the village of Palmiry in the Kampinos Forest, located northwest of Warsaw

>Between December 1939 and July 1941 more than 1700 Poles and Jews – mostly the inmates of Pawiak prison – were executed by the SS and the Ordnungspolizei in the forest glade near Palmiry. The best documented of these massacres took place on 20–21 June 1940, wherein 358 members of the Polish political, cultural and social elite were murdered in a single operation

If absolute retards weren't in charge of spewing holocaust denial it might actually have a chance

So many better ways, I don't think a single Stormcuck know's what the historical method is or why verbally vomiting "KIKE! FCKVBUNG JEWSHEEP!" doesn't make anyone look retarded but them


>The Wola massacre (Polish: Rzeź Woli, "Wola slaughter") was the systematic killing of between 40,000 and 50,000 people in the Wola district of Poland's capital city Warsaw by Nazi German troops and collaborationist forces during the early phase of the Warsaw Uprising

>The German forces consisted of units from the Wehrmacht and the SS Police Battalions, as well as the mostly Russian SS-Sturmbrigade RONA and the SS-Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger, an infamous Waffen SS penal unit led by Oskar Dirlewanger

>Many civilians were shot on the spot but some were killed after torture and sexual assault. Reinefarth himself has estimated that up to 10,000 civilians were killed in the Wola district on 5 August alone, the first day of the operation. Most of the victims were the elderly, women and children

>German units also burned down two local hospitals with some of the patients still inside. Hundreds of other patients and personnel were killed by indiscriminate gunfire and grenade attacks, or selected and led away for executions. The greatest number of killings took place at the railway embankment on Górczewska Street and two large factories on Wolska Street - the Ursus Factory at Wolska 55 and the Franaszka Factory at Wolska 41/45 - as well as the Pfeiffer Factory at 57/59 Okopowa Street. At each of these four locations, thousands of people were systematically executed in mass shootings, having been previously rounded up in other places and taken there in groups

>"secretive genocidal action of Nazi Germany"
>The bodies were kept on display for six hours to terrorize the town's population

Stopped reading here.


>The planned destruction of Warsaw refers to the largely-realized plans by Nazi Germany to raze the city. The plan was put into full motion after the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. The uprising had infuriated German leaders who now wanted to make an example of the city, which they had long before selected for a major reconstruction as part of their plans to Germanise eastern Europe

>By January 1945, between 85% and 90% of the buildings had been completely destroyed; this includes up to 10% as a result of the September 1939 campaign and following combat, up to 15% during the earlier Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, 25% during the Uprising, and 40% due to systematic German demolition of city after the uprising.

>Material losses were estimated at 10,455 buildings, 923 historical buildings (94%), 25 churches, 14 libraries including the National Library, 81 primary schools, 64 high schools, the University of Warsaw, the Warsaw University of Technology, and most of the city's historical monuments. Almost a million inhabitants lost all of their possessions.

>During the German suppression of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 around 70 to 80% of libraries were carefully burned by the Verbrennungskommandos (burning detachments), whose mission was to burn Warsaw. In October 1944 the Załuski Library, the oldest public library in Poland and one of the oldest and most important libraries in Europe (established in 1747), was burned down. Out of about 400,000 printed items, maps and manuscripts, only some 1,800 manuscripts and 30,000 printed materials survived.

>In the last phase of the Warsaw Uprising and after its collapse, in September and October 1944, the three major private libraries in Warsaw (Krasiński Library, Przeździecki Library and Zamoyski Library), including collections of priceless value to Polish culture, ceased to exist.