Could you do it?

Could you do it?

Is that even physically possible?


it'd be really hard but i think i could manage hahahaha..

3 days no fap

Ive done it for 25 years. Why do normies think going without sex for for days is some sort of magical feat?

>I've gone nearly 48 hours without having sex

When will it end

Includes no masturbation, right?


I can barely do 40 minutes.

I love how this shitty movie triggers wizards so much.

I-i dont know , OP haha

He doesn't even do it. He gets raped by his ex-gf in the movie, and then his current gf gets all butthurt at him and he ends up apologizing to her for having let himself get raped.

It's a fucked up movie when you think about it.

At the end of this movie he gets raped and then everyone is angry at him for losing the bet

Talking about virgins. When I was 18 the hot cousin of a friend invited me over to watch a movie and we watched this, towards the end we made out a little bit, but I forgot the condoms. Been a virgin till 25 from there.

Fucking normie

>not just fucking without the condom

Condom sex is pleb sex desu

This movie with the sexes reversed would be fuckin looool

it's not sex at all. If all you've had is sex with a condom on you're still a virgin

This is honestly how I view it. You might as well fuck a wet garbage bag.

>being so triggered you can't even fuck a woman with a condom so you condemn all other men who had their dicks in vaginas as virgins
Sorry, the only virgin here is you.

Nobody knows what you're trying to say

Sex with a condom is honestly pointless

Yeah but women are so loose nowadays you have no choice. Theres this one girl that whenever we fuck, she always says "Take the condom, I want you cum in this pussy, I want it raw, etc." Each time I get closer to doing it. I know this bitch just wants to get pregnant. I gotta cut her away, but she is easily one of the best lays I've ever had.


This movie single-handedly killed Josh Hartnett's career

>on Sup Forums
>no fap roll thread
>the last 2 digits of your post is how many days you go without fapping
>rolled a 99

Don't let Jewish anti-white, anti-breeding propaganda stop you from impregnating every bitch you fuck.

haven't had sex with my gf in 5 weeks.

I did it when I was locked up

It ain't that hard once you remove the internet for 40 days

you know...

before I had sex, I was in these threads talking shit like everyone else about "come on, people don't have sex way longer, what a stupid premise"

but now that I've actually entered the dating scene, it really does seem hard. Masturbation really is just a glib facsimile, it's not even close to as good as the real thing. It really is hard to go without sex for more than a month now that I know how good sex is.

>tfw no qt bf

Did they sell your boypussy for zoom zooms and wham whams

This. I haven't had sex in almost 4 days and I'm already kinda annoyed by it. I could certainly go 40 days involuntarily, but it'd be annoying and I'd still jump at the first opportunity.

Denial is the first step.

Also it's probably worth mentioning that in the movie he's not allowed to masturbate either, he's not just giving up sex.

Yeah we all know fags are deranged sex freaks

oh. fag lust is insatiable because you're deranged. makes sense.

>CRAZY side chick does this too me
>fall for it but show up the next day with morning after pill INSISTING she take it
>She says she will take it but only if I fuck her again
>She takes it and I raw dog her again

It's very easy for me now because I am older

>American prison

Top kek

That doesn't happen over here, you homos invented that

Here jail for us is what we call it "quiet vacation time"

Why are Americans such gays?

>Hollywood will never make a sequel based on my life called 9,125 Days and 9,125 Nights

>the third world is so poor they consider jail a vacation

I don't think you have a gf anymore, dude.

i have her cellphone backdoored. she's not cheating. we're just miserable in general so we're not horny.

>when I was 11 my 13 yo cousin (female, not ugly) invited me to her house to play yugioh. It was only us in the house and after eating something I got my deck and my playmat out of my bag, she got close and grabbed my weewee and asked me: 'wanna do it?'
>I want to play yugi
now I'm 22 and still a virgin

>Americans are so cuck they fuck eachother in jail

If you're miserable, you guys should be fucking like rabbits. It's all you have.

>yuropeen reddit spacing

that's not how depression works though. i've gone 2 months without even getting an erection when i was 16 years old.


Once you feel the real deal, it's completely all the woman's responsibility to use protection

What the fuck is that gif supposed to portray? Soccer is fucking gay. Anyone who says they like soccer is a europoor or a third world mudblood chimp.

Ever since I started just being myself I don't think I can pull it off. I already put in too much effort bro

I'm beating women off with a stick nowadays, it's ridiculous

My dude, I get laid every night by different girls. It's so easy to just go out and get your nut off with a girl if you're sexy and charming and rich. Man, going one day without sex? My dude that's so impossible.

>tfw you starting showering and self improving and went from a 5'3 indian man to a 6'4 white ultra chad

It makes sense. You're probably broke, can't go out, etc. Sex is free. Maybe you need to see a doctor, no joke.

>rofl asking that question like it's a conscious choice here

Doubtful, but I stopped wanking yesterday because I want two full non wank weeks before I see my gf again.

I went from tan and black hair to milky white and platinum blond

All they have to do is believe in themselves man, they'll get nowhere if they don't put in the effort

I mean imagine girls would be like dudes, you could just go up to them and say lets smash

I know you're meming but confidence is at least 80% of what it takes to actually pick up girls. If you're and extreme lad whale or just plain ugly as fuck, then you're shit out of luck. The biggest problem that betas have, and they don't even realize how transparent it is, is that they project desperation and neediness too much. They white knight themselves into the friend zone. Just relax, be fun to be around, don't feel of desperation and you have nothing to worry about.

>it makes sense
If you're not mentally broken sure. When you are, rarely do you have a desire to have sex or masturbate.

I've done it for 26 years. It can be done

They just gotta have confidence man, 99% of women surveyed said they love confident men.
They love it went you show your inner alpha male, penis size doesn't even matter. The vagina is only 3 inches deep

A few years ago I discovered I am actually a Chad and I honestly couldn't do it now.

But user, did you fap during this 25 years?

See I was the opposite. I was severely depressed, had to take care of my sick grandmother, couldn't work. No money, all my friends were in another town, wasn't being active at all. Spent most of my free time jacking off because it was like a free drug.

Depression hits everyone differently. You sound like you need to take stock in things thatvarr good in your life and go from there. You have a gf, which makes you luckier that 99.9999 percent of the wizards on this board. I'm assuming you have a roof over your head, internet access, I hope you're not starving, etc.

One thing that helped me was I'd keep a list of things I did throughout the day that were productive. Washed dishes, cleaned the house, paid a bill, visited my parents... stuff like that. Gave me a boost of confidence that I wasn't being a worthless waste of life.

Try too be more active. Take your gf for walks, join a gym, dude bikes, go share an appetizer and a drink together out of the house. If you hate yiur job, get a new one. If you dont have a job, get one that you think you'd enjoy. Also, tghis sounds stupid, but put all your loose change in your savings account and don't touch it or even check the balance. It's odd how saving even a few bucks here and there can help you feel better.

It gets better user.


Eh. I've already done most of that. Ever since realizing that I'm never going to even have a chance at doing what I've wanted to do since I was a child I'm just lost. There's nothing else I can do in life that would fill that void. I also hate being slaved to pills, but I don't have a choice in that either.

Thanks for reading my blog.

What is it you want to do? Also, i too refused to take antidepressants.

It requires medical school, and even though I've dramatically improved my academic performance (2.8 to 3.9), muh depresshun (and IH) ensured I had to withdraw from 3 semesters. I don't have the volunteer and shadowing experience my competition will have, and my explanation for the 3 withdrawn semesters would fuck me out of it even if I did have everything else.

I don't refuse to take them; I just hate that I have to if I want to stay awake or get up out of bed.

hey, still getting more sex than you, senpai.

Just find a cure little trap, tell yourself it isn't gay, and have the best sex and most fulfilling relationship you will ever have in your life.

2d traps>irl traps>2d men>irl men>2d women>2d trannies>irl trannies>shit>irl women

Objectively correct order.

Every time I get out of a relationship I try not to have sex because every time I have sex the girl becomes obsessed, jealous, and has a near mental break down if I don't get into a relationship with them. After a couple of those, you eventually get worn down and into playing house I go. I've easily gone 3 months without sex. I have a cut off that I only sleep with 8.5s though. I imagine if I slept with pigs it'd be easier to sleep with more women without consequences, but then what's the point?

Normies go back to facebook

literally how can i get laid? i wasn't born with autism, maybe some anxiety and i guess i'm an overall neurotic. i've had girls like me and show genuine interest but i'm missing that extra internal push that allows me to make the move.

for Chads and women, this is a lifetime

women will make it very easy for you if they want to smash. otherwise you're either invisible or friendzoned.

I am Brad and haven't had sex in like 4 months. So it's a thing. Sometimes more important things take hold of your life. Being completely obsessed with sex all the time is for betas and Virgins. Never chase women, let them come to you and if you have a dry spell for a while oh well there's always something nice round the corner when you least expect it ;)

It's like any skill. The development of it means you're going to fail a lot. Go to the gym, make some money, make friends with guys that know what they're doing, talk to girls like you're actually interested in them, fail again and again but get a little better each time. Eventually, like when you can be non-creepy about it, get yourself an absurdly hot girl as a friend and mutually use each other. Her: the in shape, decently well off, nice guy who doesn't want to sleep with her that she can go out for drinks with and not get harassed. You: a hot girl that makes other girls jealous and can make you look good just by existing that you can observe and learn nuances about women that you would never learn otherwise. Kill your feelings somewhere along the way. No more "" or anything Anakin Skywalker from the prequelesque. Eventually you can end up sleeping with that hot friend after she gets jealous of seeing you sleep with other hot girls all the time, assuming those logistics don't make you want to dive out a window when she almost certainly catches feelings HARD.

The whole process eventually becomes banal. Just keep improving yourself, practicing, and being a receptive student to people who are willing to help you...again like any skill. Sleeping with women though is like running with more weight stacking up on you. Eventually, unless you're a total sociopath, they wear you down and you end up getting into relationships where sometimes a year or more of your life blinks out of existence and you go back to thinking "maybe it wasn't so bad being single and playing WOW." Seeing that all women are almost exactly the same in their goals. It takes a mental toll on you having to regulate these chicks and never being able to have true companionship because you have to manage them rather than bond with them. If you don't manage them, they go into their self-destructive consumption loop: move in, ring, babies, boredom, divorce, repeat.

Someone actually sat down and wrote this LMAO

>tfw never used a condom

I never want to now either, as I went head first into condom-free sex and now I don't think I can downgrade to it

what's it feel like with a condom on?

what's wrong with irl trannies?

>no fapping
Yeah, no. You'll go mad.

Barring wet dreams, it's easy as fuck. Maybe you're wrecked without constant porn all the time?

You are like a little baby

watch this


why would they copypaste that one cunt doing the power stance and change the colors?

>she got close and grabbed my weewee and asked me: 'wanna do it?'
>I want to play yugi


I'll be a wizard next year

>tfw 20 year old virgin